Lew Welch


You Can't Burlesque It Anymore, – 1956

The headline said:

        Nixon Stoned in Peru

Eisenhower said:

        This is a time for greatness

And the Daughters of the Eastern Star had a slogan:

        Walk with your face toward the sun
        Let the shadows fall behind

A St. Louis car dealer said:

        Nothin' about this recession couldn't be cured
        By the sale of 2 million automobiles

A sign in Chicago buses said:

        Every day 11,000 babies are born in America.
        This means
        New business
        New jobs
        New opportunities

A poster on the mail trucks said:

        Be fully informed, read a magazine.

They cancelled our postage stamps with:

        Pray for Peace

And Birdy Tebbitts, manager of the Cincinnati Redlegs, said:

        Fear of a bat
        Fear of getting spiked
        Fear of the crowd
        I don't care who they are
        All ballplayers
        Are afraid.