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MLA 1996 Poetry Panels |
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 21:01:54
From: Loss Glazier (lolpoet@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Subject: wotz.good@mla
I and other gfolks will be involved in a couple of interesting panels at MLA ("Digital Poetics" and "Hypertext and Poetry" - both under the rubric of POETRY AND COMPUTERS) and I invite you to check out details on an interesting page John Lavagnino has set up. Congratulations to John for bringing some alternatives to MLA! Set your Netscape browser to
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 20:22:27
From: maria damon (damon001@MAROON.TC.UMN.EDU)
Subject: Re: wotz.good@mla
yeah let's start making mla plans like we did last year. i'm gonna be talking about hannah weiner, that paper you all helped me with, on a panel on history, ecstasy and lyric. i notice that some of my favorite white boys have cornered the market on poetry of the african diaspora organized by the poetry division. for those of you who don't know michael eldridge (the only person on that panel not known to the poetix list), he was a student here at u mn and now works at humboldt state. a smart guy and pretty hip, a postcolonialist into caribbean stuff. also, walter lew and kimiko hahn are reading. juliana chang is talking aobut jessica hagedorn and there's a whole panel on slams. speakig of which, at the upcoming rethinking marxism conf at amherst i'll be on a panel called revolution of the word, with amitava kumar and some others i don't know talking about slams, populist poetics etc. ben friedlander is talking about levinas on the jewish cultural studies panel. i notice lisa s, charles b and barrett w are confabulating on laura (ingalls) riding at the little hotel in the big national capital. where shd we plan to gather this time? since i may be on a search committee, i may be spending all my non-talk time in a small room fulminating at the small handful of colleagues whom i adore and making life hell for some brilliant dissertation-finisher, but i can dash out for a coffee with a poetixer or 2.
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 21:53:54
From: Matt Kirschenbaum (mgk3k@FARADAY.CLAS.VIRGINIA.EDU)
Subject: Re: wotz.good@mla
Loss and others,
I notice that the Digital Poetics panel, of which we're both a part, is scheduled at the same time as Lisa's L(R)J session. So much for the amount of MLA bandwith allotted to "alternatives."
(Actually, I know that the timing wasn't deliberate, but it's still frustrating since I suspect the two panels will have audiences in common.)
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 11:23:34
From: David Kellogg (kellogg@ACPUB.DUKE.EDU)
Subject: Re: wotz.good@mla
Thanks for the updates, Maria and Loss. I will check out yr web page.
Speaking of MLA, I will be chairing/moderating a panel I put together on the later work of the Irish poet Thomas Kinsella. I think the papers will be pretty good, and Kinsella doesn't get much attention, tho he's the older Irish poet who has learned the most from modernism. Inexplicably, the panel is in a huge room. So come on down; there's room for everybody.
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 15:06:17
From: Julie Marie Schmid (jschmid@BLUE.WEEG.UIOWA.EDU)
Subject: Re: wotz.good@mla
There will be a panel on public poetries--slams, cafe poetry, inaugaral poetry--on Sunday at noon. It's chaired by Susan Gilmore from Ithaca College and should be a lot of fun.
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 19:49:31 EST
From: Beth Simon(simon@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU)
Subject: Re: wotz.good@mla
I'll be chairing the American Dialect Society session, if anyone intends to hit the mla on the first day.
beth simon
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 07:31:07
From: Kathleen Crown (kcrown@RCI.RUTGERS.EDU)
Subject: Re: wotz.good@mla
I'm glad to hear about all the MLA panels on electronic & public
poetry. There will be another panel, Monday at noon, on History, Ecstasy, and
Lyric Subjectivity---how ecstasy interferes w/ lyric ego, to rephrase Olson--
with papers on Hannah Weiner (Maria Damon's), Charles Olson, H.D., Bishop.
--Kathy Crown
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 15:28:14
From: Gabrielle Welford (welford@HAWAII.EDU)
Subject: Re: wotz.good@mla
Hi all. I'll be giving a paper on Athabaskan poet Mary TallMountain, not sure what day what hour but almost surely this year... gab.
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 96
Subject: MLA
Alan Golding
Prof. of English, Univ. of Louisville
502-852-6801; acgold01@ulkyvm.louisville.edu
Loss--A couple of additions to the poetry panels listed at the EPC:
1. #241, Sat. 12/28 at 3:30--"Poetry in the Curriculum," with papers by Bob Perelman, Alan Golding, Harriet Davidson, Kevin Dettmar.
2. #666, Mon 12/30, 10:15--Autumn of the Patriarchs panel, otherwise known as "The Legacy of Charles Olson," with Alan Golding on Olson and Language writing, Don Wellman on Olson and Mackey, Ty Miller on Olson and Howe.
3. #163, Sat. 12/28, 12 noon--"Laura Riding's Critical Prose," with Charles Bernstein, Barrett Watten, Lisa Samuels.