Reading List June 1995


I'm happy to post the "Poetics Reading List June 1995." I'm pleased that so
many people seem to think this to be a good idea. I'd like for it to be a
monthly/bimonthly feature on this list and I'm willing to do the gathering
& organization of it. All I need is your cooperation. Feel free to post
what you are currently reading or if it seems more appropriate, email me
backchannel at: or I'll continue as long
as there is interest. I hope you won't mind if every once in a while I post
a reminder message to the group.

This month there seemed to be a couple of threads converging on recommended
reading. I've thrown 'em all in together as they all look like good reading
to me.

Kenny G

P.S.--March's reading list is available through me. If you want a copy
email me or if there is enough interest, I'll re-post it.


Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 13:41:28 -0400
From: "Jordan Davis."  Subject: Bedside reading

Books on the windowsill by my bed:
First Love and other stories, Ivan Turgenev The Witch, Anton Chekhov
Wayfarers, Knut Hamsun
The Art of Telling, Frank Kermode
Tulsa Kid, Ron Padgett
The Silver Dove, Andrey Biely
Defoe, Leslie Scalapino
Torque #1, #2, #3
The Impercipient #9 (I think)
My Trip to New York, Bill Luoma
Vexillum, Bob Hale
Lapsis Linguae, Marcella Durand

And in heavy rotation:
The Exact Change Yearbook 1995 cd (esp. Berrigan/Mayer)


Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 09:27:00 -0700
From: Don Cheney  Subject: workside reading

I find the books I'm reading broken into 3 distinct PLACES. The first is
literally what is on my bedside table. The second is books located on my
desk at home. The third is books located at work (as opposed to
work-related). The latter books are either in transition to home or are
books I read during lunch breaks.

I'm at work now and these are the books on my shelf:

POESIES (Catullus translated into French) DUSK ROAD GAMES (Grenier)
POETAS NORTEAMERICANOS (Blackburn/Corman/Eshleman/Enslin translated into
baseball novel for my son Max) THE BEAST 2 (Juvenile horror for my son Max)
HAND SHADOWS (TO BE THROWN UPON THE WALL) a republication of an 1859 book
of hand shadows (for my brother John in prison--I photocopied the various
drawings of hand shadows and sent them to him)
HOW TO PITCH (Bob Feller)
MODISMOS (Familiar English-Spanish expressions) (by Mrs. Anness. & Mr.
Boughton. (a random selection gives us: "That codfish smells to Heaven. Ese
bacalao huele a rayos." THE GATELESS BARRIER (Aitken)
SOCCER FOR JUNIORS (I'm an assistant coach for my son's team this year)
UCSD bookstore yesterday
AREAS LIGHTS HEIGHTS (Eigner) just got this also NOW ZEN (Charlotte Joko Beck)


Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 14:38:04 -0500
From: maria damon  Subject: current summer reading

1. johanna drucker, dark decade
2. the new yorker
3. bruce robbins, ed. The Phantom Public Sphere 4. weekly rob breszny horoscope
5. a student paper on paul bowles
5. the floating bear compilation
6. daily mpls star tribune horoscope
7. roadmaps to colorado
8. a dictionary of word origins ("slam" "open" etc) 9. various insurance
policies so i can be covered during my upcoming sabbatical 10. other
randomly fluffy stuff


Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 16:00:32 -0400
From: Chris Scheil 
Subject: Re: Reading lists

Well, I've got a few books of interest I've been looking at lately--hope
nobody minds if I chime in here...

1. Raising Holy Hell (Bruce Olds) A fictionalized life ofJohn Brown, due
out in September. Amazing book--very powerful, though it bogs down in the
last fifty or so pages, after Lee and JEB Stuart crash Brown's party at
Harpers Ferry. This is by far the best review copy to cross my desk this

2. Manuscript Found in Saragossa (Jan Potocki) This was mentioned in
Perec's bk (A Void) & just came out in an English translation.
Hallucinatory & dense--imagine a new Decameron co-written by Goya &
Hoffman, wardrobe by Edith Head, sets by Lautremont...

3. Exact Change Yearbook, At Passages, From the Other Side of the Century:
all part of my vacation Michael Palmer festival. Very interesting to hear
Palmer read his new Poems. I'd not imagined his voice sounding like it
does; the surprise I felt was akin to the first time I heard Creeley or
Williams read--how hearing the poets voicing radically changes the way one
reads the written work--the way theauthors diction & intonation get somehow
ingrained in yourhead & you find yourself internalizing their vocalization.
A bit disturbing, that--almost as if the very act of listening to a
recording imposes some kind of individualized canonic reading, underming
whatever tactical method of poetic speech you've brought to the written

4. Passing Duration, Four Lectures: I've always gotten the sensethat
Rodefer's work is somehow out there pacing the Langpo boundaries (maybe
event horizon is a better term...). Ghosts of events in those sentences,
gesturing toward some alien narrative in hopes of arriving at
atmosphere--The same thing I feel reading Coolidge sometimes. Is there
anything available since Passing Duration that I might have missed?


Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 18:38:34 +0100
From: Kevin Killian 
Subject: Bedside reading

This is Kevin Killian. I'm glad to see this feature return, as I too read
Vanity Fair regularly tho' the book list is not my favorite. The true crime
articles are.

Here is what I've just picked up from around my bed:

"Vel" by Peter Inman-fantastic. Four stars to you, P. Inman. We printed one
of these poems in"Mirage #4/Period[ical]" but now I see, it was not the
best one after all, there are many, many just as good or better!

"Castle King Four," by Jim Reagan, who sent me this book, haven't read it
yet, don't know why he sent it. He said it was a peace offering. I don't
know who he is! Seems to be a novel that pits Nazis against the OSS.

"Sliver," by Ira Levin. I read it about every six months. Dodie wrote a
paper about it once, for Todd Baron and Carolyn Kemp's zine "REMAP," on
"narration." "A zillion times better than the movie," she says. When is the
Ira Levin Conference happening?

Claude Royet-Journoud, "A Descriptive Method," tr. Keith Waldrop-it's
small, I should have finished this last week. Didn't. Just found it.

"Berlin Diptychon" by John Yau & Bill Barrette. I'm copying one of the
poems here, "The Night Beast is Best," for my new poem, which will have a
better title. This book is very luxe, glossy, heavy ink smell, has Berlin
written all over me.

"Tender Agencies," by Dennis Denisoff. Why this book isn't a best seller
I'll never know. Dennis D. is so smart & so accessible. He is a former
member of the Kootenay School and from what I understand will be working at
Princeton this fall. Yay Dennis.

"Abusing the Telephone," by Dennis Barone. We had Dennis B. read at Small
Press Traffic where he read some of this. We were screaming, kind of. I
mean it was sedate in a way. This is a very fiction collective kind of
book, tho published by Drogue. Dennis, any one of these tales could have
been a novel, I say, expand, don't contract, be expansive like Whitman.

2 new books by Alice Notley. Haven't opened it yet.

Thom Gunn, "The Man with Night Sweats." Thom Gunn is a local hero & a swell
guy. This book is his best one yet.

"Arshile #4" ed. Mark Salerno. Arshile #4 features an interview with
Gilbert Sorrentino. I always wondered why I had never met GS since he works
at Stanford and I'm in San Francisco. Now I find that "the Bay Area is so
utterly antithetical to me that I find myself, at all times, struggling
against its cuteness, its apathy, its general air of paralysis, its
relentless small-townishness, so that it's hard to imagine being 'mellowed
out' in the throes of battle. I don't quite know what it is about the
place, but the entire Bay Area, with the source of infection being, of
course, that citadel of provincialism, San Francisco, has the air of an
amateur stage production set in sinister natural surroundings." What a
jerk. How about that "source of infection" metaphor Mr. Sorrentino? Are we
afraid of the AIDS virus at Stanford University? Anyhow Arshile #4 has this
wonderful piece in it by Yoko Ono and as usual a marvelous cover, this time
by Jasper Johns.

Bruce Andrews, "Ex Why Zee," collected, I don't know, work for the
"theater"? Black and white drawing on the front, "pathetic masculinity" as
the art forum says. "Abject art" my favorite. All these little men running
around doing disgusting things, . . . four stars for the cover alone,
belongs in the Whitney.

"Apex of the M" #3. Read it from cover to cover searching for the
explanation from the editors, why on earth they went ahead last time and
printed that work by King Homophobe Ed Dorn! No explanation, still. One
editor told me that if they explained every editorial policy they made it
would be too long a magazine. Fine. Just wanted to put in my 2 cents on
this subject. Again.

"Everything as Expected," by James Herndon. This book, from the 70's, is
the essential insider's guide to the collaboration between Jack Spicer &
Fran Herndon. Color plates. Seven of these collages were shown at recent
Blaser conference. Five stars.

"Tony & Susan," by Austin Wright. I think I got this mixed up with "Austin
and Mabel" but instead of being about the relatives of Emily Dickinson it
is some kind of literary horror novel. Check it out. I'm up to Chapter

"Esther: Her Murder Haunts a Small Town in Oklahoma." True crime book.
Esther is a schoolteacher, in her seventies I think, I think she was
murdered in her sleep by some former students, but she's just gone to bed
just now at the place I've put it down.

"Written in Blood," by Caroline Graham. She is my new favorite detective
writer. Okay, so the ends of her books are always stupid.

"Empire of Words: the Reign of the OED," by John Willensky. This guy
teaches at UBC and this book studies the use of citation in the different
editions of the OED to come to some conclusions about cultural studies.
Work it, girl.

Finally I've come to the floor. Okay and one last book I've just finished
from the library, "The Juror," by George Dawes Green. had to get this one
since it's the basis of the upcoming Demi Moore picture. The back jacket
says that Dawes Green is a poet and the author of "the acclaimed novel "The
Caveman's Valentine" and he looks about 12. Excellent! George Dawes Green
are you on this poetics list? Come on down!


Date: Sat, 24 Jun 1995 00:54:01 -0400
From: Juliana Spahr  Subject: Re: Bedside reading

I love these lists also. Although Kevin's has made mine feel inadequate. My
excuse is moving. I've been trying to refile but I've also pulled out all
these old books that I found while trying to alphabetize:

Mary Butts Imaginary Letters; Crystal Cabinet; Traverner Novels; (by the
way, any Butts fans out there, would love some info back channel about any
good criticism, I haven't found much at all good or bad, and info about the
Crowley-Butts connection and her opium addiction (?).

Don DeLillo, Libra

Keri Hulme, Bone People (which has been abandoned as unreadable)

Ben Friedlander (there is an image of a knot for the title) (this is
available from Meow Press); recommended

Rachel Tzvia Back, Litany (also Meow Press and recommended)

Prosodia / 5 (nice mix of writers, mainly west coast; put out by the
students of the New College of California Poetics Prog)

Bloo (good pieces by Dodie Bellamy and Kevin Killian and Pat Reed)

Lesli Scalapino, Defoe (I love this book and have become obsessed with it
in the same way that I became obsessed with Fanny Howe's Saving History
last year)

a large stack of fashion magazines where I have actually been spending most
of my reading time

I would like it if people on this list would just post a brief message
about something good they have read whenever they read it and how to get
it. I mean both stuff that is available at any Barnes and Noble and stuff
that comes in the mailbox. In more cases than not that usually motivates me
to obtain said item and in more cases than not I am glad that I did.


Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 21:55:22 -0700
From: Steve Carll 
Subject: bedside reading list

Hi all--here's what's threatening to fall on me and crush me in my sleep:

_How Things Work: Science For Young Americans_, a 1941 textbook with some
truly freaky illustrations.

_Earth and Sky Every Child Should Know_, similar, except w/a 1910 copyright.

Mark Twain, _The Innocents Abroad_.

Thich Nhat Hahn, _The Blooming of a Lotus_, a wonderful book of simple

Levi-Strauss, _The Savage Mind_. Learned a new word ("moiety") from this
one. Means "half." Not a hapax--he uses it twice.

A stack of submissions to Antenym, the magazine I edit (#7 due out in
August, featuring [at least] George Albon, John Olson, Colleen Lookingbill,
Darlene Tate, J.R. Willems, John Taggart, Charles Borkhuis, Michael
Basinski, Brian Boury, Andrew Joron, Michael Price, Kristin Burkart, Sheila
E. Murphy, Carol Ciavonne, Larry Eigner, Mike Kettner, I.E. Skin, Jean Day,
and Bob Heman). Now if I can only figure out in what order to present them!

_Six By Seuss_. Of course.

And soon--
Buckminster Fuller, _I Seem To Be A Verb_. Soon as I can get my hands on a copy.


Date: Sat, 24 Jun 1995 03:16:55 -0400
From: Chris Stroffolino  Subject: Re: bedside
reading list

Okay--I'll chime in---
I'm reading these unpublished manuscripts---
I am extremely knocked out by Ben Friedlander's reading of Frank O'Hara AND
This is the kind of "literary criticism" one does not see often-- Then I'm
reading THE FATE OF THE SELF (By Corngold--first time in paperback of a
1985 book---I'm reading this for possible "academic use" so i'm reluctant
to mention it here, as is my reading in Shakespeare criticism--Susan
Snyder, H.T. McCrary, etc. etc--- ) Also got the EXACT CHANGE BOOK---The
Stein piece (and Spahr's intro.) is great. Peter Gizzi's new manuscript has
a great poem to Mark McMorris in it...and I got the new Garret lansing
I'm sure I'm leaving things out...I read "Marriage" by Marianne Moore the
other day---I often spend a whole night on one page! I read O'Hara's "To An
Actor Who Died" because it's original title was "To Laura Riding" and
"everybody" is telling me I should read Agamban very soon---
It would be interesting if we could talk more about why we're reading (or
what is happening why reading) than merely about WHAT--but perhaps that is
not a function of the list....chris


Date: Sat, 24 Jun 1995 19:12:19 -0400
From: Chris Stroffolino  Subject: Re: bedside
reading list

I "forget to mention" (or "censored") that I'm also reading a lot of
student papers in this summer class i'm teaching. A "reading literature"
course that is weighted towards poetry and the reading of "non-poetic"
texts "poetically"--I organized the course loosely around the theme of
"NOTHING" and have not used official anthologies so i could include Stevens
("Adagia"), Mayer (Sonnets and "the obfuscated poem") O'Hara, Cage, Stein,
Riding, Kafka, Beckett, Ellison, Baraka, Ferlinghetti, Dickinson,
Shakespeare, Dudley Randall, Blake in one class (also Brecht and
Rilke)---I've selfishly swept up my students in my summer reading--but I
"commit" to the list and so it's no more "free" in a way than had i gone
with a "conventional" commercial anthology---thank "god" for copy shops
that 'pirate" things--- Chris S.


Date: Sat, 24 Jun 1995 17:37:10 -0700
From: Ryan Knighton 
Subject: Re: Bedside reading

Not much at the moment:
Two by George Stanley: "You" and "Opening Day". He said to me last night
that "Tacoma" was one of the worst hangovers.

bill bissett's "Animal Uproar", iwth a wonderful Kerouac tribute in it.

Al Purdy's "The Woman on the Shore". You have to be in the mood.

Joyce, "Ulysses". It has to be done.


Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 21:39:37 -1000
From: Susan Schultz  Subject: Re: POETICS
Digest - 25 Jun 1995 to 26 Jun 1995

I, too, really like the "bedside reading" feature of the list. Here are
some that are, actually, closer to the couch:

1) VOLCANO, by Garrett Hongo, in which he recounts his search for the Big
Island childhood he never had. An honest attempt, woefully written (he puts
Keats and Shelley in a cuisinart and pours the remains over fields of

2) THE WINGED SEED, Li-Young Lee. A memoir/prose poem about growing up in
Indonesia and rural Pennsylvania, as the son of a Chinese fundamentalist
Christian father. Interesting experiment, which most often works, except
when he addresses his beloved.

3) TURNING JAPANESE, David Mura. Yes, there's a theme here. Memoir of an
Asian-American poet from Minnesota who lived for a year in Japan;
interesting "identity" study. I like his prose better than his poetry,
which sounds more like, well, prose.

4) DICTEE, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. Memoir in experimental pieces, which I
haven't yet finished. But there's a strong article on her by Shelley Wong
in _Feminist Measures_, edited by Lynn Keller and Cristane Miller
(Michigan)--good on the "problem" with Asian-American experimental writing
and identity politics.

5) Lots and lots of Gertrude Stein.

6) XENIA, by Arkadii Dragomoschenko. Wonderful meditative passages.

7) CANNIBAL, by Terese Svoboda. OK, so she's a friend of mine. I heard her
read sections of this book about her travels in the Sudan at our new Barnes
and Noble; they put her in the cookbook section.

8) Poems by Sudesh Mishra, a poet from Fiji who lives in Australia. Rather
Walcottesque in its metaphorical density; his claim is, however, that this
work IS experimental in his context.

I also confess to an over-fondness toward Nirvana's Unplugged cd, though
I'm perhaps too late for the rock lyric discussion of a while back. Great
rendering of a Leadbelly song.


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 10:54:35 -0400
From: Jorge Guitart  Subject: bedside reading

recommended for bedside reading and also for when you are considerably more

"The Great Limbaugh Con and Other Right-Wing Assaults on Common Sense" by
Charles M. Kelly
Santa Barbara: Fithian Press, 1994
(14.95 at Barnes & Noble)


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 11:06:38 -0500
From: Edward Foster  Subject: Re: Bedside Reading

bedside reading this week includes autobiography of annie besant, james
wilhelm' s new anthology of gay poetry from antiquity, various motorcycle
mags, alice not ley's new book, travel guide to italy (for dreams), book on
egyptian art, huysma n. -ed


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 10:18:35 CST6CDT
From: Hank Lazer 
Subject: Re: Reading lists

Bedside, officeside, studyside readings:

1. Nathaniel Mackey - _Discrepant Engagement_ and _School of Udhra_ 2. Golf
3. Video: John Coltrane: The Coltrane Legacy (includes cuts with Eric Dolphy)
4. bpNichol - The Martyrology - long-term reading, have made my way through
books 7&8 and am dipping into the 9th & last 5. Zukofsky _A_ - another
long-term reading; oddly enough found the first 100 or so pages not so hot
(as in what's the big deal here?) though now into A-12 ok I see the big
deal.... 6. Creeley - _Windows_
7. _Larry Rivers_ - big retrospective book of paintings 8. Barbara Guest
_Selected Poems_
9. Emily Dickinson
10. Gil Ott - _Wheel_ - a beautiful Chax Press book (beautiful work both by
Gil & by Charles Alexander!)
11. Northwestern University Press's _Stein Reader_


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 10:31:28 -0700
From: Herb Levy 
Subject: Doom Patrols (Reading list)

As long as I'm giving out URLs, one of my summer reading books is not yet
in print and only available on-line, Steve Shaviro's "Doom Patrols." It can
be found at .

Based on the chapters I've read so far, I highly recommend it to anyone on
poetics list.

It's not, and not about, poetry, but it's the first prose book I've read in
a while that's given me the same buzz as the all-over, personal inner-mind
sprawl of many recent longpoems.

"Doom Patrols" is an autobiographical work of literary theory; a rich blend
of gender theory, electronic culture, comic books & films, true
confessions, (very) revisionist post-structuralist thought, rock & roll,
self-exposition, new (&old) abjectionists) and more. Chapter titles
include: David Cronenberg, Kathy Acker, Dean Martin, Daniel Paul Schreber,
Walt Disney, Cindy Sherman, et al.


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 13:43:48 EST
From: "Burt Kimmelman -@NJIT"  Subject: Re:
bedside reading

I'm in the middle of revising a book length manuscript on medieval lit. so
i won't include the "stuffy" reading surrounding my bed. but other things


The latest New York Review of Books (article by Kempton on THE SECRET WORLD
OF AMERICAN COMMUNISM; and I hope to get to Menand's review of Gass's THE

The latest issue of Nutrition Action Newsletter (great summer fruit soup

Rochelle Owens, RUBBED STONES


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 13:56:55 -0400
From: Mark Scroggins  Subject: Re: bedside reading

I'm a sucker for bedside reading lists (and desert island lists, and really
all sorts of lists).

Leon Howard's biography of Herman Melville; way out of date, but
beautifully printed.

Richard Ellmann's Joyce biography.

Erwin Panofsky's Studies in Iconology.

Christopher Hill's Milton and the English Revolution.

Louis Untermeyer's unintentionally hilarious anthology of Robert Frost poems.

Gil Sorrentino's Aberation of Starlight.

Hugh Kenner's The Counterfeiters (again).

Various offprints from various friends and acquaintances.

The latest Talisman, and (of course) Ed Foster's book of poems.


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 17:00:00 -0400
From: Alan Sondheim  Subject: Re: bedside reading

I'm on the road (talking in LA) so my reading's what I have here: Heiner
Muller, Material (just got it in German to correlated with the English
texts of his I've read - his writing continues to amaze), the three new
translations of Michel Serres' work (which has always affected my own), the
new James Ellroy, Kroker's Spasm, and Inside the Information Super-
highway, one of my course books, by Nicholas Baran, simple, up-to-date,


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 18:33:08 -0700
From: Carl Lynden Peters  Subject: Re: Reading lists

inspired by all that's out there, here's my list fr the month:

_the presocratics_, by philip wheelwright. a general text chosen fr its
contextualizing approach. interested in pursuing pythagoreanism and cont.
art. might have some value

_on christian doctrine_, st. augustine

-revelations of divine love_, julian of norwich

-the temple-, george herbert: interesting -- i found a copy of _the temple_
in the UBC bkstore a few days before the blaser conference. colin browne
presented a paper on herbert there which was incredible! timing is

everything and anything by bpNichol. re reading bk 1 for the 3rd or 4th
time. the first few pages always astound me! everything he does in the
other bks is set down there: "premonition of a future time or line we will
be writing" ... "a future music moves now to be written" ...

_the surrealist parade_, by wayne andrews (i'm certain he's the author:
just picked it up at a used bkstore. it looks like it's written part
documentary/part journal, which is why i bought it. it also contains some
hugo ball quotes which i've never come across previously


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 03:02:32 EDT
From: beard@MET.CO.NZ
Subject: Re: bedside reading

My bedside/coffeetable/briefcase reading lists:

Bedside:        _Selected Poems 1950-65_ Robert Creeley
_Lacan_ by Malcom Bowie (a good cure for insomnia) _Back in the USA_ by
Wystan Curnow

Coffeetable: _Holding Company_ by David Howard
1995 Film Festival Programme
1995 Spring/Summer catalogue, V2 by Versace Latest issues of _Sport_ and

Briefcase:      _DIA_ by Michele Leggott
Latest issue of _Printout_
_Laura's Poems_ by Laura Ranger (material for found poetry) _Smells like
Avant-Pop_ by Mark Amerika and Lance Olson
(downloaded from Alternative-X)
_Mid-latitude Cyclone Models_ (work, not play)


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 01:16:43 -0500
From: Brian W Horihan  Subject: bedreading

WHAT IS CINEMA? V.1, Andre Bazin
SONNETS and MEMORIES, Bernadette Mayer (thanx for these md, enjoying
and trying to get through them)
MIRACLE OF THE ROSE (again), J Genet
APPARATUS, ed. Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
Various things on ancient Greece for summer class

i think i'll have to look at that MS FOUND AT SARAGOSSA people have been
mentioning. and a film w/ music by penderecki, wow


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 02:52:36 -0700
From: Ron Silliman  Subject: Re: bedside reading

My two cents:

Snow Crash by Neil Stephanson (very good, but not as good as the blurbs on
the jacket make out)
Heat, by Stuart Woods (his worst--I may never read another...) Pronto, by
Elmore Leonard (he's become very gentle and humorous since he stopped
Sessions, by Eli Goldblatt (Chax Press! Some wonderful pieces here that
reminds me a lot of my own impulses in the poem "Hidden"--I haven't met Eli
yet, but since we now live in the same area, I'm looking forward to it)
Culture on the Brink: Ideologies of Technology, edited by Gretchen Bender &
Timothy Drucker (lots of "celebrity" critics--Aronowitz, Laurie Anderson,
Andrew Ross, Paula Treichler, Kathleen Woodward, Langdon Winner--mostly
showing how little knowledge of technology they really have)
CIO magazine
Service News
Information Week--the best technology mag around PC Week
Been waiting for my sub to The Nation to catch up w/ me on this coast....


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 03:08:24 -0700
From: Ron Silliman  Subject: Re: tech and
aesthetics / how to teach?

Society of the Spectacle by Guy DeBord, Writing Degree Zero by Roland
Barthes, What is Literature? by Sartre, recent writing (about PCs and
poetry) by Charles Bernstein, Mayakovsky's How are Verses Made, Williams
Spring & All, Perelman's The Trouble with Genius, Fred Jameson on Late

As for Blade Runner (a great movie I've seen 5 or 6 times), I'd use it only
if/as I used Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick. (Also
Dr. Bloodmoney, The Man in the High Castle). Good point for talking about
essentialism in forms...

Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon, Dhalgren by SR Delaney, Geek Love, work by
Cage and Duchamp


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 09:20:12 -0400
From: "Jordan Davis."  Subject: Re: tech and aesthetics /
how to teach?

You might for argument's sake teach some letterpress books from Toothpaste
or Burning Deck or Tuumba, or even something mimeoed, as a way to talk
about slippage, or restricted access, or receding possibilities. "A Funny
Place" by I think Richard Snow about the history of Coney Island from
Adventures in Poetry might be suitably perverse about this (and the
"period" quality all technological advances keep latent until they're
renovated--viz letterpress, mimeo, super-8, pixelvision).


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 11:33:26 -0400
From: Issa Clubb 
Subject: Re: bedside reading

Hi all. Well, seeing that another young lurker has come out of the shadows
emboldens me to also appear. Besides, what better way to join a poetics
list than to list what you read? Anyway, here goes:

Defoe, Leslie Scalapino
At Passages, Michael Palmer
Leviathan, Paul Auster
Resisting the Virtual Life (anth)
about to begin the Decameron


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 16:41:25 -0400
From: "Jordan Davis." 

_The Ern Malley Affair_ by Michael Heyward, Faber & Faber, (London, Boston)
284 pp., $12.95 US, $19.99 Canada

in paper and available through Barnes & Noble (they have several copies at
the Astor Place branch,) is notable for the clarity with which it deals
with the complexities of taste, literary identity, and experimental
writing. The book seems (from here) a subtle treatment of the literary
scene in Australia in the 40s, particularly of the self-regard of Max
Harris and the stance of his magazine, _Angry Penguins_, that so irritated
James McAuley and Harold Stewart, two poets in an OSS-sounding organization
called the Directorate of Research and Civil Affairs, that they
manufactured, with the aid of a collected Shakespeare, the Concise Oxford
Dictionary, a Dictionary of Quotations, and a US Army report on mosquito
control, Ern Malley and his poems. In an afternoon. Ahem. Anti-hegemony and
Edgar Allen (sic!) Poe take note:

Malley was born in an idle moment that afternoon in the spring of 1943.
After lunch McAuley and Stewart had the place to them- selves: there were
no urgent telegrams to deal with, no research jobs to finish on the double.
Here was their chance to do something they'd fantasized about, take _Angry
Penguins_ down a peg or two. Another issue was just out--they thought it
reached new heights of pretension. They set to work improvising Ern Malley,
their Primitive Penguin, writing his poems out on an army- issue, ruled
quarto pad, tearing each page off as they filled it.

Heyward is not _totally_ convinced of the merit of the poems, which are
collected in the book (as are Malley's Ernst-ish collages), but he does
cite defenders of the work including Judith Wright, John Tranter, John
Ashbery and Kenneth Koch. Some effects of the hoax were: to unbalance the
equation of value between a work of poetry and the name on it; to suggest,
very early on, the possibility that work generated by chance and mischief
(and with deliberate disregard for taste) can be taken for beautiful and
meaningful; and to turn public attention to poetry (albeit disastrously).


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 17:48:19 -0400
From: Rod Smith 
Subject: fuzzy bookside bedding

Hello poetics,
Suppose it may have been noted, but Joe Ross has poems in _Avec_ &
_Impercipient_ from something called "The Fuzzy Logic Series"-- he's
referred to them as "Ashberyan" and they do seem so. Particularly compared
to other of his work.
Re my own bed:
I'm taken at the moment by _Touch Monkeys: Nonsense Strategies for Reading
Twentieth-Century Poetry_ by Marnie Parsons. U.Toronto Press overpriced
hardcover. Interesting reading of Stein/Zukofsky/Language through Lewis
Carroll, Edward Lear, etc. using Kristeva to very good end. Though she gets
Cage wrong I think. But I would.
Also the new Hobsbawm _Age of Extremes_ very excellent.
Really wanted to like Deirdre Bair's _Anais Nin_ --more interested in Bair
than Nin, i.e. why did she choose to write about her following Beckett &
Beauvoir-- but it's fallen to the wayside.
Also I have many copies of _Aerial 8: Barrett Watten_ beside my bed which I
certainly recommend. $12.95 to Aerial/Edge, POBox 25642, WDC 20007. I'll be
posting soon a longer description of that as well as backlist info.
Lightning w/ logic: dogs bark at strangers. Not enough & too much? or Maybe
you had too much too fast. Can the Fuzzy be more than metaphorical? as
Chaos Theory was a hot metaphor in the arts a few years ago. Not to dismiss
description but I want to see it happen. I mean, The sun _is_ one foot
wide. How?


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 15:02:01 -0700
From: Ryan Knighton 
Subject: Re: tech/aesth/photography

"The Marriage Btwn Art and Culture". Both essays can be found in a book
called _All Consuming Images_, Basic Books, 1988.


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 20:33:42 EST
From: "Burt Kimmelman -@NJIT"  Subject: READINGS

From: TESLA::KIMMELMAN 29-JUN-1995 20:31:36.96 To:      ADMIN::KIMMELMAN
Subj: aesthetics and technology

To All Tech-Aesthetes:

Here as promised is a list, one which I myself have added to though this is
not reflected here, which I threw together a couple of years ago when I was
first proposing my 20th century Tech and Aesthetics course for college
juniors and seniors:

Auster, Paul, City of Glass.

Barrett, Edward. The Society of Text: Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Social
Construction of Information.

Benjamin, Walter. "Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction."

Bolter, J. David. Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History
of Writing.

Bullock, Alan. "The Double Image."

Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring.

Derrida, Jacques, Paraesthetics.

____, The Truth in Painting.

Ferguson, Eugene S. Engineering and the Mind's Eye.

Goldberger, Paul. The Skyscraper.

Hacker, Andrew. Two Nations: Black and White.

Hans, James, The Forms of Attention.

____, The Play of the World.

Hardison, O. B. Disappearing through the Skylight. New York: Viking.

Hindle, Brooke. Emulation and Invention.

Heidegger, Martin., Poetry, Language, Thought.

____. The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays.

Huizinga, Johann. Homo Ludens.

Johnson, Philip and Mark Wigley. Deconstructivist Architecture.

Keller, Evelyn Fox. Secrets of Life, Secrets of Death: Essays on Gender,
Language and Science.

Kraus, Rosalind E., The Optical Unconscious.

Landow, George P. Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical
Theory and Technology.

Malloy, Judy. Its Name Was Penelope.

Marx, Leo. The Machine in the Garden: Technology and Pastoral Ideal in America.

Miller, Carolyn. "Technology as a Form of Consciousness."

Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy.

Orwell, George. 1984.

Perloff, Marjorie. The Futurist Moment.

Rothenberg, David. Hand's End.

Snyder, Gary. Good, Wild, Sacred.

Steinman, Lisa M., Made in America: Science, Technology, and American
Modernist Poets.

Segal, Howard P. Technological Utopianism in American Culture.

Slatin, John. "Reading Hypertext: Order and Coherence in a New Medium."

Winner, Langdon. The Whale and the Reactor.


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 20:42:33 EST
From: "Burt Kimmelman -@NJIT"  Subject: Re:
bedside reading

Have you seen Ark by Ronald Johnson?


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 20:56:17 EST
From: "Burt Kimmelman -@NJIT" 

"The Double Image" by Alan Bullock. In a book called Modernism. Ed. by
Malcolm Bradbury and James McFarlane. Penguin 1976 (but still worth the


Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 10:01:21 -0700
From: "M. Magoolaghan"  Subject: Re: fuzzy
bedside reading logic

1) Richard Shusterman, _Pragmatist Aesthetics_, Blackwell 1992. Chap. 2
gives a concise history of the study of aesthetics that might be relevant
to those involved with the thread on art & aesthetics a while back.

2) Hilary Putnam, _Realism with a Human Face_. Pragmatism in a
non-Rortian/poststructuralist key.

3) Theodor Adorno, _Kierkegaard: Construction of the Aesthetic_, trans. &
intro. by Robert Hullot-Kenter. Hullot-Kenter read a mind-blowing paper at
BlaserFest '95 on the link between ethics & aesthetics. In view of the
dominance of the market in shaping aethetic values and reception and the
cancellation of the possibility of meaningful ethical reflection by
pervasive multinational corporate capitalism, he asked, what's the point of
beating this non-issue to death? Touche'.

4) Rod Smith's _The Boy_ & Jeff Derkson's _Dwell_ (poems).

5) Aerial 8 (fantastic issue) and Raddle Moon 13, special section on
"Woman/Writing/Theory." And just in: Situation 9 (thanks Mark!).

6) Edgar O'Hara, _Cedazo Tan Chucaro_. Anyone else interested in this
dynamite Peruvian poet?

7) Leslie Anne Boldt-Irons, _On Bataille: Critical Essays._

8) Don Byrd, _The Poetics of the Common Knowledge_. Indispensable wisdom.

9) Paul Fry, _A Defense of Poetry_. Possibly dispensable wisdom.

10) Robert Musil's _The Man without Qualities_. Where has this guy been all
my life? A serious revelation. _Five Women_ (just finished) also amazing.

11) _The Guitar Handbook_. Oh, and if Hank Lazar can mention Coltrane as
bedside reading, let me mention Mingus' _Ah hum_ and _Mingus Dynasty_,
serious jazz for serious hepcats.


Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 13:54:31 -0400
From: John F Roche  Subject: Tech and aesthetics/how
to teach

I'd add Henry Adams' chapter "The Virgin and the Dynamo," from _The Education_.

Also, Dos Passos, _Manhattan Transfer_, and Tillie Olsen, _Yonnondio_.

Anything by Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, Lewis Mumford, or Paolo Soleri.

Critical studies include Miles Orvell, _The Real Thing_; John Kasson,
_Amusing the Million: Coney Island at the Turn of the Century_; Jeffrey
Meikle, _Twentieth Century Limited_; Richard G. Wilson, et. al., _The
Machine Age in America_; and John Kouwenhoven's chapter on "Steel, Stone,
and Jazz" in _Made in America_, Eileen Boris, _Art and Labor_; Jeanne M.
Weimann, _The Fair Women_; and Alan Trachtenberg, _Brooklyn Bridge, Fact
and Symbol_..

Also Chaplin's "Modern Times" and documentaries like "The City," "The
River," "The Plough That Broke the Plains," and "The World of Tomorrow."


Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 14:50:01 -0700
From: Shaunanne Tangney  Subject: Re: women & tech

Elizabeth Gaskell's _North And South_


Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 18:00:37 -0700
From: Steve Carll 

Italo Calvino's _Cosmicomics_


Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 21:05:57 EST
From: "Burt Kimmelman -@NJIT"  Subject: Re: tech
and aesthetics / how to teach?

I enthusiastically recommend for a solid intro. Walter Ong's book Orality
and Literacy (re. alphabet as tech, etc.). I guess the alphabet is
inevitably to be seen as a technology since it comes with writing. You
might want to look at Hand's End by David Rothenberg who builds on
Heidegger; R argues that language is a technology (I'm only half convinced
and doubt I'll go the other half but who knows?).

Also I recommend Evelyn Fox Keller's books especially the earlier stuff
though the later is more elaborated but more hastily written and thus for
me not as satisfying a read. Also Marion Namenwirth's stuff. Both address
women and science / women and technology mostly having to do with the way
the cultures of science and tech work and showing how scientific knowledge
is "skewed" by male perceptions. Very interesting and at times even
exciting stuff.


Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 18:31:03 -0700
From: Ron Silliman  Subject: Re: tech and
aesthetics / how to teach?

Have there been any suggestions of books by
wwomen other than Johanna Drucker? Wouldn't it be an exciting task to
imagine and teach a course on twentieth century technology and
>using only texts by women?

Somebody mentioned Avital Ronnell and I think Stein was also cited.

I would add Donna Haraway's _Simians, Cyborgs and Women_ (her "Manifesto
for Cyborgs," included here, was first published in Socialist Review).
Still the best single source on "pomo" topics there is.

Anything by Sandra Harding on feminism & science would also be of value,
tho she is, by nature, a more "normative" academic author. Meaghan Morris
(sp?) has done work on malls that would be good to juxtapose with
Baudelaire & w/ Benjamin on Baudelaire. (and, generally, I don't agree that
people have gone beyond Benjamin in writing on technology, with the
possible exception of Haraway. Benjamin's work has brought forth an
enormous amount of deritive drivel, attempts at a politicized MacLuhanism.
But it's precisely how he is NOT a MacLuhan that is of interest.

I'd add Kathy Acker and several poets whose work shows up in discussion on
this list.


Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 06:00:11 CST
From: Charles Alexander  Subject: Re: tech and
aesthetics / how to teach?

Meow Press (Joel Kuszai's inventive imprint) has recently published, as a
Meow Press Textbook, TECHNOLOGY/art: 20 Brief Proposals for Seminars on Art
& Technology. These brief proposals were made in 1984 by a group of poets
(Bruce Andrews, Charles Bernstein, and James Sherry), at the request of
Jesse Ausubel, who was then Director of Programs at the National Academy of
Engineering, to increase the dialogue between artists and scientists and
engineers. It was this book which provoked my recent consideration of the
alphabet as a technology.


Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 16:35:57 -0700
From: George Bowering 
Subject: Re: bedside reading

Find still by my bed a recent _Review of Contemporary Fiction_ and, of
course, George Stanley's _Opening Day_, which I have been reading in bed
since it came out a few years ago. A book of poems anyone could benefit
from rereading.


Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 18:29:53 -0400
From: Tom Mandel 
Subject: Re: bedside reading

piles near the bed:

so many wonderful books of poetry by friends... this has been a 3 month
knockout flowering whammo year for the art

Moscow Conceptualism, 1970-1990 (book upstairs, don't remember the author, alas)

Golf Digest - yes, Hank!

Levinas: In the Time of the Nations
ditto: Outside the Subject

Wm. Burroughs: Letters 1945-59

Caldera Network Desktop: Getting Started

King: Sea of Words
This is a rather sloppily confected companion to the inestimable
Aubrey/Maturin novels of Patrick O'Brian. Don't waste your money, I think.

And, for my sins, I'm on a second tour of teh above-mentioned
Aubrey/Maturin novels by O'Brian. Just now in the middle of _The Mauritius
Command._ Anyone not having read these (now 17) books is invited to cease
all other activities and really begin to enjoy life for the first time.


Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 10:11:42 +0200
From: "WILLIAM M. NORTHCUTT"  Subject:
Bedside Reading

Here's my list:

Ron Silliman, Jones
Charles Reznikoff, Collected Poems (again and again and again) John Irving,
Son of the Circus
Sulfur (latest issue)
H.D., Asphodel
Pound/Lewis letters
Mark Lewisohn, The Abbey Road Recording Sessions


Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 10:24:41 -0800
From: Blair Seagram  Subject: checking Eudora/bside reading

Re: Bside reading, there has been a lapse too long to carry on more over I
am slowing, getting through Ulysses, and saw a great documentary and
performance on Beckett. I have a copy of 7 Types of Ambiguity and The
Structure of Complex Words by William Empson. I look at them and they look
back at me. I also have near me Blake's Poetry and Designs, a Norton
Critical Anthology, which I was inspired to buy because of discussions on
this list. As well Pomes All Sizes, by Kerouac, The Pocket Poets Series
#48. A beautiful book
I was given is The Inferno of Dante, a new verse translation by Robert
Pinsky. The list continues. Many contemporary names known by the list. All
this around me but I barely get to it.


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 21:57:48 -0700
From: Reginald Johanson  Subject: bedside reading

Next to my bed-cum-magic carpet are nothing but travel books--the good
stuff, mind you:
Bruce Chatwin, "The Songlines", "What Am I Doing Here" Paul Theroux,
"Paddling the Pacific"
Paul William Roberts, "A River in the Desert", "Empire of the Soul".


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 08:10:26 -0400
From: Michael Boughn  Subject: Re: bedside reading

>I'm on the road (talking in LA) so my reading's what I have here: Heiner
>Muller, Material (just got it in German to correlated with the English
>texts of his I've read - his writing continues to amaze), the three new
>translations of Michel Serres' work (which has always affected my own),
>the new James Ellroy, Kroker's Spasm, and Inside the Information Super-
>highway, one of my course books, by Nicholas Baran, simple, up-to-date,


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 11:36:23 -0400
From: Alan Sondheim  Subject: Re: bedside reading

The Natural Contract, Genesis, and Between Science and History w/Bruno
Latour - there are also the older volumes, Detachment, Hermes, and The


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 12:51:22 -0400
From: Lee Chapman 
Subject: Bedside reading

The latest pile of not-read-yets (purchased at my local Waldenbooks couple
of weeks ago) includes:
TRINITY FIELDS (Bradford Morrow)
THE PUSHCART PRIZE '94/'95 (I actually ordered this; glad to see a story
from Lucia Berlin's Black Sparrow book, SO LONG, in there; more people
should know her work.)
CHAIN/2 (Juliana Spahr was nice enough to send a copy; haven't had time to
read much yet, but was entirely knocked out by Janet Zweig's HER RECURSIVE
APOLOGY, an exercise in extremist excellence.) The list of have-reads
ALL ACTS ARE SIMPLY ACTS by Ed Foster (Lovely, thanks, Ed. By the way, is
the new TALISMAN out? Any chance I could get a copy??) THE GEOGRAPHICS by
Albert Mobilio
STROMATA by David Miller
BERLIN DIPTYCHON, poems by John Yau, photographs by Bill Barrette I'm in
the middle of Bradford Morrow's THE ALMANAC BRANCH (whew! weird! just my
Like another on this list (I'm afraid I've forgotten who), I recently
received a 1990 novel by one Jim Reagan (Castle King-Four) with that same
cryptic note; mine reads: ....this is a peace offering made to you in the
memory of (not knowing who the mentioned people are, I'll leave that
out)... Never heard of any of them before either. You have to admit,
though, he got our attention!


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 12:10:43 -0700
From: Lindz Williamson  Subject: Re: bedside reading

NExt to my lumpy futon is

Mikhial Bulgakov's The White Guard
Daphne MArletts's Ghost Works
Hyemeyohsts Storm's Lightningbolt


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 15:46:42 -0400
From: Rae Armantrout  Subject: Re: Bedside reading

My list isn't as long as some, but...


Agamben's STANZAS



I don't have the books right here so apologies if I got any titles wrong.


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 16:35:29 -0400
From: Jake Berry 
Subject: Re: Reading lists

Reading several at once as usual. And other things. 1. French Poetry 1820-1950
2. Hank Lazer - THREE OF TEN
3. Selected Poems of Stephan Mallarme
4. Complete Poems of Hart Crane
5. Fellini's 8 1/2
6. The Ellington Suites (CD)
7. Tao Magic (Calligraphy and Talismans)


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 15:08:01 -0700
From: Ryan Knighton 
Subject: Re: Bedside reading

New list (I love this list idea)

Bowering        A Place to Die (a great spicer circle story opens this)
Delilo  Mao II
Brautigan       Willard and his Bowling Trophies (I was reading
my brother's copy of The Alligator Report and wanted something in that ilk)
M. Duras        2 by Duras (a wonderful wee treasure pblsht by the
Coach House gooody basket)
Philip K. Dick Puttering about in a Small Land (now, I'm not much of a sci
fi fan, but George Stanley insisted I read this. In reture he would read
Ethel Wilson's Swamp Angel. Apparently Puttering isn't as good as Scanner
Darkly. Anyone read him before?)


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 16:24:12 -0700
From: Shaunanne Tangney  Subject: Re: tech and aesthetics /
how to teach?

Kern's _The Culture of Time and Space_
Clarke's _Rendevouz with Rama_
John Bradley, ed. _The Atomic Ghost_ (GREAT poetry anth) Rand's _The
Fountainhead_ (yeah, I know. . . but. . . ) DeLillo's _Ratner's Star_
Foster's _New York by Gaslight and Other Urban Sketches_


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 21:58:58 -0400
From: Jim Pangborn  Subject: Re: tech and
aesthetics / how to teach?

What a territory to cover! I'm muy jealous.

Some things you might want to look at (a very incomplete list):

Marshall Berman, _All That Is Solid Melts Into Air_ Hugh Kenner, _The
Mechanic Muse_
Daniel Czitrom, _Media and the American Mind_ McLuhan, _Understanding
Media_ or one of the Fiore collaborations Cecilia Tichey, _Changing Gears_
Heidegger, "The Q. Concerning T." (already suggested, here seconded
despite its big-time abstruseness)
Benjamin, "On Some Motifs in Baudelaire" Sigfried Giedion, _Mechanization
Takes Command_ Peter Jukes, _A Shout in the Street_
Jackson Lears, _No Place of Grace_
Marjorie Perloff, _The Futurist Moment_
Friedrich Kittler, _Discourse Networks_


Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 23:35:18 -0400
From: John Fowler  Subject: summer reading

For summer reading you might check GRIST On-Line WWW--

You'll find poetry from more than 100 authors, reviews, essays, calendars
of events, and some pretty interesting links as well.


Date: Thu, 6 Jul 1995 01:52:54 -0400
From: Rod Smith 
Subject: Olson's mouthwash

I'm teaching an advanced poetry workshop in the fall & wld welcome any
comments on collections I might use. At this point I'm thinking the Hoover
_Norton Postmodern_, _In the American Tree_, _o blek 12_, & maybe _Chain 2_
or _Disembodied Poetics_.


Date: Thu, 6 Jul 1995 16:43:37 +0100
From: R I Caddel  Subject: bedside books etc

I've enjoyed these lists, which in many cases sent me back to my own
shelves - a process which throws up Feynmann (fine drummer, yes?),
Chatwin's Songlines and Julian of Norwich has to be worth continuing. In my
case the bedside/chairside/deskside/briefcase distinction doesn't work,
because the bedside books tend to move to the breakfast table, the
breakfast books come to work and so on - i.e. they all move. Which is what
a good book should do... Here goes: 1. Active in Airtime 4 : latest ed, of
Essex University based magazine edited by John Muckle & Ralph Hawkins.
2. Robin Blaser: The Holy Forest.
3. Ulla Dydo's Stein Reader. I needed this book years ago. 4. Ian Hamilton
Finlay: Brount (Peninsula, 1995). I think this is the only bilingual
English/Dutch publication I have.
"       : Ein Projekt fur das Bankhaus Schroder Munchmeyer
Hengst & Co (Wild Hawthorn, 1995).
5. F.C.Happold: Mysticism (this penguin anthology came off the shelf when
Julian was mentioned and I began a revisiting tour of the English Mystics).
6. Eric Mottram: Selected Poems (North & South).
"       : Blood on the Nash Ambassador (Hutchinson).
7. Michael Palmer: At Passages (Haven't got beyond the lovely Ben Watkins
cover yet).
8. Terry Pratchett: Reaper Man (Arrgh! go back three spaces! this isn't the
kind of book serious people are supposed to like!)(But I do - apart from
anything else I like the Orang-utan Librarian, who gets paid peanuts...).
9. Micheal Tippett: Those 20th Century Blues. 10. Gilbert White's Journals
v.III, ed. Mabey, found on a remainder stall.



Kenneth Goldsmith