E-Poetry 2003:
An International Digital Poetry Festival

West Virginia University, Morgantown April 23-26, 2003


Note: This program is subject to change!

Weds, April 23
7-10p. 123 Pleasant Street. Readings: Baldwin, Harward, Nelson, Funkhouser, Sondheim
Thursday, April 24
Daytime events: Mountaineer Room in the Mountainlair
9:45a. Coffee/Welcome

10a-12p. Presentations/Papers: Baldwin ("The Matter of E-Poetry"), Azevedo ("The Interpoetic Intermediarity"), Beiguelman ("Nomadic Poetry")

Noon: Lunch at Food Court
1-3p. Presentations/Papers: Long ("Constellation Wandering"), Emerson ("Computer Kiss: Mechanical Love and the Digital Poem"), Jones ("Trace")
3:30-5:30p. Readings: Upton, Memmott, McGovern, Burgaud
6-7:30p. Dinner: Caf� of India*
8-10p. Morgantown Theater Company. Reading: Talley/Morrissey & Real-Time Electronic Performance: Borkowski/Long/Miller
Friday, April 25
Daytime events: Mountaineer Room in the Mountainlair
9:45a. Coffee/Welcome
10a-12p. PROGRAMMING I. Block ("From Code to Screening and Vice Versa"), Rosenberg ("The E-Poetry Authoring Environment"), Cramer ("When Writing Executes Itself")
Noon: Lunch at Food Court
1-3p. Papers. PROGRAMMING II. Glazier ("The Poetics of Programming"), Bootz ("Adaptive Generators and Temporal Semiotic"), Balpe ("E-Poetry: Time and Language Changes")
3:30-5:30p. Tours/Workshops: VEL Tour (VEL Staff)/WIKI Computer Lab Event (Miekal And)
6-7:30p. Dinner: Picnic Cooper's Rock (catered by The Mediterrean Deli)*
8-10p. Monongalia Arts Center. Readings: Glazier, Cayley, Piringer
Saturday, April 26
Daytime events: Mountaineer Room in the Mountainlair
9:45a Coffee/Welcome
10a-12p. Papers: Upton "(Any Language Cannot Be Foreign"), Simanowski ("Concrete Poetry in Transition"), Piringer ("Audiovisualinteractivepoetry")
Noon. Lunch at Food Court
1-2p. RADICAL E-POETICS ROUNDTABLE. Memmott, Miekal And, Cayley (Respondent), Glazier (Moderator)
2-3p. PRESENTATION: DISPOSITIF GROUP (FRANCE). "Transitoire Observable: a group of multimedia artists who are exploring the procedural properties of the device": Balpe, Bootz, Burgaud
3:30-5:30p. Readings: Morrissey, Karpinska, Rosenberg, Miekal And
6-7:30p. Dinner: Black Bear Burrito*
8-10p. Monongalia Arts Center. Readings: Balpe, Beiguelman, Mencia

*Pre-register at conference.
E-Poetry2003 Web site: Buffalo and West Virginia