2005 London �������������� ��������Conference Information
Date:�������������� 28 September � 1 October 2005
Place:������������ Birkbeck, University of London, Malet
Street, WC1E 7HX London, UK
Conference Organisers:
Loss Peque�o Glazier, SUNY, Buffalo glazier@buffalo.edu
Professor William
Rowe, Birkbeck, University of London w.rowe@bbk.ac.uk
Professor Robert Hampson, Royal Holloway University of London r.hampson@rhul.ac.uk
With assistance from Piers Hugill piershugill@hotmail.com, John Cayley cayley@shadoof.net,
Mooney estaphin@hotmail.com, John
Sparrow john.d.sparrow@gmail.com
and Aodh�n McCardle aodhanmcc@tiscali.co.uk.
About the Conference
It is our pleasure to announce E-Poetry 2005 London, an International Digital Poetry Conference and Festival, dedicated to showcasing the best talent in digital poetry and poetics from around the world. E-Poetry combines both a high-level academic conference and workshops, examining growing trends in this young and emergent art form with a festival of the latest and most exciting work from both established and new practitioners.� There will be performances by international leading digital poets and optional late evening dinners and Sunday brunch, taking advantage of London�s cosmopolitan and culturally diverse character.� Evening performances are open to the general public.
E-Poetry 2005 London is hosted by Birkbeck�s Contemporary Poetics Research Centre (CPRC).� CPRC is committed to fostering the understanding and practice of contemporary poetries. CPRC hosts readings, performances, workshops, and seminars, and is associated with the British Electronic Poetry Centre (bepc) and with publishing the web journals PORES (www.pores.bbk.ac.uk) and �Readings� (www.bbk.ac.uk/readings) CPRC Director is Professor William Rowe.
With its central London location, as well as links with cultural organisations across the city, Birkbeck, founded in 1823, is a unique university for London., As well as a vibrant mix of students, Birkbeck has the highest proportion of research active staff of any multi-faculty university or college in London. Birkbeck is one of the colleges of the University of London. Further information and maps can be found on www.bbk.ac.uk.
Conference Schedule
Activity |
Dates/times |
Venue |
Arrival & Registration |
Wed 28 Sept, 19.00 � 20.00pm |
Birkbeck, University of London, Malet Street, London, Room B30. |
Papers and Readings |
Thurs 29 Sept & Fri 30 Sept, 10.15 � 18.15 Sat 1 Oct, 10.15 � 15.30 |
Various college rooms, please refer to programme |
Evening Performances |
Wed 28 Sept, Thurs, 29 Sept, Fri 30 Sept 20.00 � 22.00 |
Various college rooms, please refer to programme |
Additional events |
Optional late evening dinners and Sunday brunch |
Various London venues |
A full programme will be distributed at Arrival & Registration.
Travel & Lodging
Getting here:� London is an international city and you may be spoiled for choice on how you arrive.� London is accessible by five international airports and numerous smaller regional airports, train, Eurostar, bus/coach and car.
There is a wide variety of accommodation of differing price ranges from
the basic Bed and Breakfast to luxury 5* hotels.� We are recommending the Tavistock Hotel, close by and reasonably
priced.� They also include the
traditional English breakfast in their price.�
You can book on line at http://www.hotel-assist.com/tavistock.html
All delegates and performers/readers are asked to complete a Conference Registration Form available from m.hoek@bbk.ac.uk.
Fees and Payments
Conference fees are listed on your registration form.� Payment may be made beforehand or on the day and a Conference Payment Form is available for credit card bookings. Conference fees are waived for presenters of papers/readings and performances.
Specific Information for those giving� Performances/Readings/Papers
You must complete an �AV & Room Check list for Papers/Readings/Performances�.� We will endeavour to meet your specific requirements but you may not have the resources you need if you do not let us know the details of your presentation.
Please submit your biography by email to be included in Delegate Information Packs to m.hoek@bbk.ac.uk no later that the 26th of September. If you wish to include a copy of your paper/reading/performance also email the file.
Individual Requirements
Birkbeck caters for people with individual requirements.� Please put details on your Conference Registration Form.
Supporters and Collaborators
If you have received sponsorship or support
from another organisation, e.g. arts funding organisations, if you send the
details, m.hoek@bbk.ac.uk, we will
include the information in the Delegates Pack: Name & contact details, a
description of the organisation, the support they have provided.� Please do so by the 26th of
Leisure Activities
You will have the opportunity to meet for optional dinners (paid locally) with conference participants.� We have booked several venues including an Italian restaurant for Friday evening, and a trip to Brick Lane on Saturday evening for the best in Indian cuisine, some say, in the world!� On Sunday, we have booked a dim sum brunch at a Soho �China Town� restaurant.� There is also time during the daily lunch breaks to savour the local pubs that have provided, over the centuries, home-from-home for London�s literary set. The net has tons of information about visiting London, but here is a site for a starting point: http://www.visitlondon.com/.�
We want your visit to London to be a pleasurable one. If you have any questions or special requirements please do not hesitate to contact me:
Marjorie Hoek
Business Relations Unit
Birkbeck, University of London
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HX
Direct line: 44 (0) 20 7079 0736� Fax: 44 (0) 20 7631 6889� ��������� m.hoek@bbk.ac.uk