epcLIVE: Open Field

IRC log started Mon Dec  4 18:36
 *** Topic for #EPCLIVE: Farms of collared bargaining stones
 *** #EPCLIVE Jordanian 818120050
 *** Users on #EPCLIVE: sherwood Jordanian Cscheil Aleck @X 
*** #EPCLIVE 815638406
  [Jordanian] Dying for le samedie ensuivant, .ixe. jour d'octobre
  [Cscheil] discussing whether weather cured leather (one rhyme at a tomb)
*Jordanian* hey there
  [Aleck] Let sound the conch, cracked as any five stones, but louder
  [Jordanian] Bargaining with sighs for a residence hostel
] radical tires all whether or not snowed
  [Jordanian] The quarantine was a mountain that moulted and high as a monster
] without
]              clear
]                            imperatives
 *** Jordanian is now known as Jordan
  [Cscheil] in her stroke-like flight to the spa for more
#EPCLIVE   sherwood  H   sherwood@lictor.acsu.buffalo.edu (Kenneth W Sherwood)
#EPCLIVE   Jordan    H   ~jdavis@bmorrow.dialup.access.net (Jordan Davis)
#EPCLIVE   Cscheil   H   cschei1@freenet.grfn.org (Chris Scheil)
#EPCLIVE   Aleck     H   ~anonymous@pm007-13.dialip.mich.net (dialip.mich.net)
#EPCLIVE   X         H@d cservice@undernet.org (For help type: /msg X help)
  [Jordan] And the dude was called Mesmer, with an icicle grant
] formerly known as quarantine
] for more nouns all argentine
  [Cscheil] or Caspar David eating peas in Schattendorf
  [Jordan] Katherine's ass near Gaza was sinister
  [Cscheil] but I liked the ironic bassons all the same
  [Jordan] If it isn't the Cantos Bar and Grill
  [Jordan] Sinning for luxury the envoy was an angel
] can't we all rant the cantos chant
] just get along
*Jordan* liked that jump
  [Cscheil] like PVC--that beautiful, dutiful bastard of plastic
  [Jordan] We can stamp our hands on the way out of the cavern
  [Jordan] His encoded appearance was trouble in the bank
] slower than normal cave painting
  [Jordan] But I guarded the apple for a city of trespass
  [Cscheil] mind that grotto of flares or you'll drain too
] more cautious than trouble with the book machine
  [Jordan] the gnome had a gist, we parted it for an asparagus
] downing one after another, without an eye for greens
 *** joris (~joris@loki.hum.albany.edu) has joined channel #EPCLIVE
] blissed out barfly behavior
*Jordan* don't mind me if I comment... a NY school tic I guess
 *** Signoff: joris (Leaving)
  [Jordan] Item: our devotion was a party in a strong house
  [Aleck] trisected olives smell better, don't they?
 *** M_Harker (~Gunther@ppp020-sf2.sirius.com) has joined channel #epclive
] our party was comings and going quite quick like
] then there was
  [Cscheil] & that wackable squat of Ankotu Buto'esque walk-ons
-] *jordan* #epclive sorry to be not replying....
  [Jordan] Bird
  [Aleck] blue shadows, diffracted unhappiness under ten brooms
  [M_Harker] Hello guys
  [Jordan] Tom tom                           a hollow device
-] *M_Harker* #epclive in case yr curous we're doing improv more than talking tonight
  [Aleck] bounce
] but then, he always was know for his worthless advice
  [Jordan]                         closer
] but ready
*M_Harker* that's what I thought
  [Cscheil] apres my le delude (your soaking in it)
  [Jordan] to a standing
  [Jordan]                     foot-soldier
]        with little       to mind
  [Aleck] while hands lay
]                                            lay me down
 *** M_Harker has left channel #epclive
  [Cscheil] occlusion of surfs, that beryllium pod on lease from old Jock
  [Aleck] * see beneath
  [Jordan] Have to see you a neighborly month
]          sign B4
]                your thinking on't
  [Jordan]       Our alarms were on quarantine
]                                   you twist
  [Jordan] They had brocades of grey chapels
  [Cscheil] though more of the same seemed too just then probable
 *** joris (~joris@loki.hum.albany.edu) has joined channel #EPCLIVE
]                        variably the same
  [Jordan]             bounce
]                             answer
  [Aleck] pong
]                more occlusion
 *** Jordan has changed the topic on channel #EPCLIVE to weeping openly at a glass factory
]                                 your mama
  [joris] ran out of mana
  [Cscheil] for five years, then we'll skate
  [Jordan] Red Burns
]            more brocades than broccoli
  [Jordan]                  anonymously a parrot
  [Jordan] to drink at the fountains with the chamois
]               red beard to raw earth            regularly
  [Aleck] hidden in petra, almost silent
  [Cscheil] or Shakti, or certain impractical Druids
  [Jordan] Amanda was the Pope and I was a Pharaoh
]             losing the signal
  [Jordan] gaining the noise
]                           loosing the figure  on
  [Jordan]                            our granted affliction
  [Aleck] widowing the band
  [Cscheil] though we both were too lost to have portents
]      I contain multi
  [Jordan] isles of grand misery
] ple tasking capabilities
  [Aleck] she was macro, sing again
  [Cscheil] phased holograms of relics at Meyerling plaza
]                 goat I'll 
  [Jordan] she carried Popeye over the side of the hut
]            whatever edge, whichever side yr
  [Aleck] give me instrumentality on rye
  [Cscheil]                    to shampoo the pit-bull again.
]     take away my trumpet
  [Cscheil] or expect to combust
  [Jordan] guarding the modes again
  [Aleck] another shameless b side, bitten this morning
  [Jordan]           the temptations assembled in the little place
  [Jordan] I love to read
  [Jordan]                           they took our aviary to the gringo
  [Cscheil] under my fountain  of sighs
  [Aleck] dorian to the coda, never accidental
]                        which was a variable index
  [Jordan] Icicle stone was the marvelous Bob Grenier
]     chart without a head
]               changes less
 *** cf2785 (~cf2785@lilith.albany.edu) has joined channel #epclive
] than heart without a
]              high to low in    3 octaves
  [Aleck] then lilith laughed
  [joris] the locodaedalists in situ 
 *** cf2785 is now known as funk
  [Jordan] The beasts of the field were David Shapiro
  [Jordan] A royal discoverer was Merrill Gilfillan
  [funk] what an ordeal!
  [Jordan] The ordinance monkey took pains to watch Fanny Howe
]             fries with that funk, george
  [joris] pli selon pli she folded her hands
  [joris] the heart was not in 
  [Cscheil] his talent with waxen Hungarian ham-fisted maestros was (what?) a
  [joris] it it
  [joris] was as usual in
  [Jordan] the paysan came back through with a neat blazer
  [funk]                             do something
  [Jordan]                    peace on the water in the form of a wedding
]    one-two      one-two     testing something
  [joris] the mouth, partying with that Hungover
  [joris] Hungariian maestro above
  [funk]                        & say something
  [Aleck] let lose the dos of wart
  [Jordan] and stumbling into the tables
  [funk]                                or just
  [Jordan]                 participate
  [funk]        say something
  [Jordan] anticipate
  [Jordan]                  redact
  [funk]                            if you can
  [Cscheil] say, whats your moniker, pardner?
]                           quiet    I'm thinking
  [Jordan]                  melodramatize
  [funk] at least speak
  [Jordan] the costume of your fair false money
  [funk]              if you do
  [Aleck] yell i'm yelling
] Lit like a fire-ball from Hades
  [funk]                      if you can
  [Jordan] to be a fume of high murals
  [joris] the value of insert was set to off
  [Jordan] the pyramids of Giza come prepared to class
  [Jordan] But your Mr. Mason is an abbatoir
  [Aleck] black plumes somewhere rural
  [funk] the sea is a constant weight
] logging each and every available world quite conscientiously
  [Cscheil] of certain divisible fractions of pie
  [funk] in its bed
  [Jordan] and now I bring all my brain
  [Jordan] to the door
] the constant c, at its height, had a value
  [Jordan] and heave it lengthwise
  [Aleck] up a plane
] which varied continuously with a plane
  [funk]                 it burns in both camps
  [joris] in Spain
  [Aleck] too young to know reign
] but was discontinuous with la madrugada
  [funk]                                skeleton of severe discipline
  [Jordan] hbut a nun named Power came dschlepping it back
  [joris]                                     the boyscouts cheer
  [Aleck] another hollow device
  [funk]         language and the things of our world
]          requiring a bit of polish
  [funk]      substantial collection?
  [Jordan] a freeway armada
]                   speaking now in tarnished tones, so as not to be over
  [Cscheil] to the samovar
]                                                                       heard
  [funk]                     knowability of "the thing in itself"
  [Jordan]                         to inquire after its feelings
  [joris] gimme a break
  [Jordan]               down the middle
  [joris] a leg a log a lack alas
  [Aleck] think blue, count true
  [Jordan] talking to the rules
]                                on the count of four
  [Cscheil] we'll all fall down for a smoke
  [joris] bind all subtopics with yellow
  [Jordan]                           two
]           tarnished tzara vs. garish Gadji, tonight
  [joris] ah! tristan where are you, a spit metal coughdrops!
  [Jordan]       redo our sun gloss
  [Cscheil] in the morgue, its two or cicadas
  [Aleck] there are words, bots or not
] the morwen com, and neighen gan the tyme
 *** Signoff: joris (Leaving)
] and bid a do
]                fa mi so
]                  fame is so
]                     sneaky
  [Aleck] unvirgin, and below in a tree world
  [Cscheil] LA, in the sun where those moguls were felled
]      looking around for something I lost
]                  or left in a word
]             mis token
  [Aleck] so urging and jes inverl todah
  [Cscheil] in the statistical relay of 
]                                                                             .
] interferent undertones
] stalking cross talk
] but largely talking to themselves
  [Aleck] sharp silicate, lead and butter had mixed me
  [Aleck] but largely
  [Cscheil] into a caisson of smacks
-] *funk* #epclive hallooo cf
 *** joris (~newbie@loki.hum.albany.edu) has joined channel #epclive
  [Jordan] I forgot to vary my sources of protein
] fresh from the sea
 *** Jordan is now known as Bossie
  [funk]                                    yo
 *** Signoff: Cscheil (Leaving)
  [funk] got the soundtrack goin' here
  [Aleck] open the rain and sea
  [funk]                        but prolly not doe, huh?
] smelting of anchovie
  [Bossie] someone turned off the 
  [funk]                                             uh-hu
  [Bossie] my sequence is gonged
  [funk] man, they knew the war was ending
 *** lolpoet (lolpoet@conciliator.acsu.buffalo.edu) has joined channel #EPCLIVE
 *** Signoff: joris (Read error to joris[loki.hum.albany.edu]: EOF from client)
  [Bossie]                                        because
]     but concillation was forthcoming
  [lolpoet] under conciliator's net
  [Bossie] to speak properly, we are very gross tombs
]            late fisherman look twice
 *** lolpoet is now known as Loss
  [Loss] at the loss of their harvest
-] *loss* #epclive going good
  [funk] ken what's the command for backchannel line sending
 *** pj (~newbie@loki.hum.albany.edu) has joined channel #EPCLIVE
  [Aleck] the banana capacitor drains away
  [Bossie] retiring  on a stamp
*Loss* great!
 *** cschei1 (cschei1@freenet.grfn.org) has joined channel #epclive
-] *funk* #epclive '/msg funk #epclive text here
*Loss* you got the transcript on?
 *** cschei1 is now known as cscheil
-] *loss* #epclive yes all set, though i was 5 minuetes late
  [Aleck] life is fibrous, cook it apart
  [Bossie] retro obscure  flaring the governor
  [Loss] reclining with the adhesion of its portrait
  [Bossie]         an arrivasm
-] *loss* #epclive   Joris is on and off here
  [Bossie] whoops!
*funk* #epclive thanks!
  [cscheil] which rabbit-skin glue would you use?
  [Loss] Bossie's blunder flusters founder
  [Bossie] In Venice we had venison
  [Aleck] whoopee
]          multi chat under the radar net
]       what fishin
 *** Bossie is now known as Jorgar
  [Loss] oh dear fish we eat you
  [Jorgar]      tope the mardy
  [Jorgar] escargot hardy
  [funk]                   but wish i had a cheeseburger
  [Loss] with jeez that's fin de sickle
]                     trope stophy
  [Aleck] mind the gristle and the mind
  [cscheil] but flan in Milan is called "slack"
  [funk] fastasy heckle
  [Loss] especially on de can
]         flack from one's as dull us an druthers
  [Loss] tasty morsel of cod's scrod
  [Jorgar] In Constantinople we were constantly divisive
  [Jorgar] But in Flanders the royal Chicken gave us his hand
  [Loss] blue when the sophia flake splintered
 *** Signoff: pj (Read error to pj[loki.hum.albany.edu]: EOF from client)
]                what, you talking to me?
  [Loss] no, to Jim Naybors
  [Jorgar] The Syrian armies were dry as nerf
*funk* #epclive looks like pierre's having trouble w/his connection
  [Loss] sprung from corpuscular snake
  [Loss] rake
  [Aleck] furnished in gestation, wallowed in jiz oh
  [Jorgar] Apologies remailed to the dimestore anonymously
]          ecdytic labor
  [Loss] break 
  [Loss] plasma
  [Loss] loo
  [Loss] scordfled
  [cscheil] though in Kyoto, oregano seemed luxuriant
  [Loss] break 
*funk* #epclive have you thought of setting up a moo? 
  [Loss] plasma
  [Loss] loo
  [Loss] scordfled
  [Loss] break 
  [Loss] plasma
  [Loss] loo
  [Loss] scordfled
  [Aleck] wonk to the barbers with playboy
-] *funk* * yes only the programming labor seemed beyond our means
  [funk]           what's public flooding?
  [Loss]           flooding under foot
]        I'll show you mine if
  [Loss] your parrot's mime
 *** Jorgar is now known as mormon
  [Loss] as in 'book of'
]          the following anecdotes are
  [cscheil] newts in the nets, or those snoods
 *** pj (~newbie@loki.hum.albany.edu) has joined channel #epclive
]             not produced for newbies
  [Aleck] golden and worthless, every infected rail
  [Loss]                    but for wannabes
]           if you are now or have ever been a newbee
  [Loss]         or vegetarians
  [pj] my homer sat on the rabbit glue
  [pj] had to take a leak & a half
  [Loss] who         canbe       when freebe        isbe
] a lit a lack alass atleast a loss
  [Loss] or play akin to can
  [Aleck] or bloodlipped dingoes, digging for squirm
  [funk]                                       AH
  [mormon] or stay next door and plan
  [Loss] sez                       ketch spasm
  [mormon] or drive a cake and car
  [funk]                 smell me
  [pj] laminate lamias in the lower field
  [Loss]                                                      arrgh
]                  by "AH" are you calling us assholes?
  [Loss] of frequent urination
] keep it clean boyz
  [Loss] or placebo                  nutrients                  so's
  [funk]                    nope!
  [Loss]                to rhyme                      barbs
] kveteching about sea kelp           alfalfa
  [mormon] me neither
  [funk]              evening
  [Loss]                                                noodles
  [pj] who am I to be critical?
  [scoobydoo] jumping through the window
  [funk]                             bubbles
  [Aleck] flair on H and show nothing but kelp and mustard
]                 inert mode set to minimum
  [Loss]                                                 bill pasta
  [Loss]                                                 overtyped lugs
  [cscheil] & was patently false, though fetid, divisive & liable to
  [pj] the far kvetsch of eels
  [Loss]                                                 fez
  [scoobydoo]               Toast is yours
  [scoobydoo]                          and we are happy to be here
]                                           what rhythm        
  [Loss]                                                 dooscoo
  [pj] a schudden schilence
 *** cscheil is now known as lipodecto
]                                                   ahead of the beat
  [Loss]                                liposuction
  [lipodecto] or pylon of nikons
  [Aleck] codex in crypt
  [Loss]                                  nukin nykibs
  [funk]                                click click click
 *** Signoff: pj (Read error to pj[loki.hum.albany.edu]: EOF from client)
  [Loss] nylons run                                  so do i
  [Loss] read error as absence
  [Aleck] sniff
  [scoobydoo] let me administrate you
  [lipodecto] say corpuscular molluscs for seven or eight
  [Loss] who's da client                  what's da price
]                                             silence =
  [funk] sounds like a luoma poem
 *** pj (~newbie@loki.hum.albany.edu) has joined channel #epclive
  [scoobydoo] I want to compile your shame
  [Loss]                                                 poofta
]                  we're serving if yr staying
  [Loss]              or climb yer mane
  [scoobydoo]                                  raga carmen
  [funk]                 outta tea
  [Aleck] one three five seven eleven
  [Loss] raga corning
  [lipodecto] hold on, yr entrails are showing!
  [scoobydoo]              vote with me
  [Loss]                                        fleck
  [Loss] no scope for rop pope
  [scoobydoo]                                     parody my bloom
]                       my bounty lies 
  [Loss]                                        absent bart
  [Aleck] i want to buy you another
  [Loss] scordfled
  [Loss] break                       server
  [Loss]         loo                    fled
  [Loss]                    plasma                'scord
  [funk]                     as it lays
  [scoobydoo]         shying for your 
  [scoobydoo]       loop
 *** Signoff: pj (Read error to pj[loki.hum.albany.edu]: EOF from client)
  [scoobydoo]                     what holds you
  [lipodecto] a quick snackable treat like Halcion Lite
  [scoobydoo] the clicking
]                         oh bring back 
  [scoobydoo]                               parson
  [Loss] Trying for two hours to log on
  [scoobydoo]                 we don't acknowledge
  [Loss]                                           I am told
 *** pj (~newbie@loki.hum.albany.edu) has joined channel #epclive
  [Loss] You are banned from this server
]                                    retraction
  [scoobydoo]                                  the error rate
  [Aleck] shaggy mike, hyperventilate
  [Loss] Your are served from this banter
  [scoobydoo]                        who is a donor
  [Loss]                                 pork prod
]                you and yr domain
  [Loss]                leg ironz
  [scoobydoo]        and will they laugh
  [lipodecto] or Mr. MRI in his pentacular hut
 *** Jaguar20 (jaguar@shr04-7.prysm.com) has joined channel #EPCLIVE
  [Loss]                                                    sniffin' must
 *** Jaguar20 has left channel #EPCLIVE
  [Loss] or mist of jaguar
  [Loss]                              leaves    lost     long     adj
*funk* #epclive gotta go back to the other computer, got exams in 10 days. had fun. more another time thanks -c
  [Loss]                         press         fez     more     lez
-] *funk* * chris good luck
 *** Signoff: pj (Read error to pj[loki.hum.albany.edu]: EOF from client)
  [Loss]                      sort       lank        tor        for
 *** Signoff: funk (Leaving)
  [Aleck] vexed to alsace, given to complication
  [Loss] or following bread of working roses
  [Loss] to follow loraine sweet lorraine
  [lipodecto]           to: Damn! My qipi's entangled
] but can they sustain that color
  [Loss] simply blacken
] a darker sample tainted
  [Loss] mi lipodecto in mmi coronoo
  [scoobydoo] long pauses
  [scoobydoo]               reorgan
  [scoobydoo]                                        trog
] long tones of tubular equipment
  [lipodecto]     that perlite conundrum of metallic salt
  [scoobydoo]         darpn
  [scoobydoo]                file
  [Aleck] dadtown, come fix me - or now
  [scoobydoo]                 repair
  [scoobydoo]                 song
] would you color this a pondering
  [scoobydoo]           all the bosses
*** Loss is now known as se4r
  [se4r] spurn me
*** se4r is now known as loss
  [loss] say four
  [scoobydoo]                        the press
  [loss]                            long
]                                               the eject
  [loss]                         price
  [lipodecto] c/nick chreosote
  [loss]               plant
*** lipodecto is now known as creosote
  [scoobydoo] annihilate
  [loss]                                           plaid
  [scoobydoo]                          dollar
  [loss] organelles
  [scoobydoo]                 femur
  [loss]                                                             pine
  [Aleck] how does it ever propogate, little fire?
*** scoobydoo is now known as Roscoe
  [loss] or worm its wayword fire
]          steady as cat's tales
  [Roscoe]            beach bum
]                        poet
  [loss]                     rpm b;um
  [Aleck] digit
  [loss]                  say now
]                              qwerty nerd
  [loss]                   stray
  [loss]                    for adjunct
  [creosote]  that crepuscular loamed-in bloat
  [Roscoe]                                       praise of Raisin man
  [loss]                   funk
  [Roscoe]    card catalog I thank you
]                               funkadelic
  [Roscoe]                                        and labor organizer too
  [loss]                                                or fre toast
]                       blue
]              funk        green
  [loss] in placid placebo
  [Aleck] spacerace, junior wordman
  [loss]                                             fallen
]                     funk         here
  [loss]                                                       scream
]             funk a new         funk a dew
  [loss]                        funk                          who
  [creosote]                    conoidal
  [loss]                                      rou
  [Roscoe] a delirium of girls
  [loss]                                        stew
  [Roscoe] The eagle who is king of the birds
  [loss]                                             plangeant curves
  [Roscoe] Wears on his shoulder the emblem of a fox
  [loss] or anus of grief
]                         funk      tonal equipment
  [Aleck] under a blanket of garnets
  [loss] funk fallen
#EPCLIVE   creosote  H   cschei1@freenet.grfn.org (Chris Scheil)
#EPCLIVE   loss      H   lolpoet@conciliator.acsu.buffalo.edu (Loss Glazier)
#EPCLIVE   sherwood  H   sherwood@lictor.acsu.buffalo.edu (Kenneth W Sherwood)
#EPCLIVE   Roscoe    H   ~jdavis@bmorrow.dialup.access.net (Jordan Davis)
#EPCLIVE   Aleck     H   ~anonymous@pm007-13.dialip.mich.net (dialip.mich.net)
#EPCLIVE   X         H@d cservice@undernet.org (For help type: /msg X help)
  [loss]                               flunk                 planal
  [loss] placentonal
]                         a five piece funkificiation
  [loss] prig
  [loss]               with strings
  [creosote]                      those housemartins sunk
]         one tries
  [Roscoe] The fox who is Mickey Dolenz of the east
  [Roscoe] Prays and requests
  [Roscoe] That his own little fox be rendered
  [loss]                                              immunte
]                    tying another one on
  [Aleck] lime trespasses sting
*** joris (~joris@loki.hum.albany.edu) has joined channel #epclive
  [loss]                                  to junta row
  [Roscoe]                  a domain 
*** joris is now known as pj
  [Roscoe] of shrubs
  [loss] and off and running
  [Roscoe]              they hear us flaking out
  [loss]                                            jammies majong
*** Roscoe is now known as Dastardly
  [loss]               or pj's silence at dastardly sound
  [Dastardly]                           piecemeal
  [creosote] a petite operatta (lyrics by Strunk)
]                              flanking promises
]                                  of present eyes
  [loss]                                       in flunking prags
  [pj] immune
]                               not glued but tuned
  [loss]                              to commune
  [Dastardly]           the dog of the adjust
]                                   to the screen
  [loss]                                          tho skewed
  [loss] to screwed
  [loss]                                                 luke
  [Dastardly] is an always orange hypocrite
  [Dastardly]                      and its heart is nourishing
  [creosote] though the coach-house abutts on the cult's preserve,
  [Aleck] a shreek into leftyear
  [Dastardly] like grant's pony
]                       what to do with an immense string 
  [Dastardly]                             a mouse is eating my food
*** Dastardly is now known as Lilrickie
*** Lilrickie is now known as limerick
]                              slow but not ground
  [limerick] the horseman morality
  [pj] the sound is gone, homer fell
  [creosote] of ambient liquidity?
  [Aleck] lick the loaded wafer
  [pj] pleasure, pleasure, sez jr
  [limerick]             each speaker
  [limerick] gives a good deviant
  [limerick]                         an ermine city
]                animation with its eyes plucked out
*** limerick is now known as jdavisetc
*** creosote is now known as tlingkit
  [Aleck] poison calms
  [tlingkit] yr glandular snout
]   the train suddently and suspiciously slowed
*** jdavisetc has changed the topic on channel #EPCLIVE to Cause and Effect
  [Aleck] milk teases
  [jdavisetc] the bright green man next to me inhaled
  [loss] xx
*** sherwood has changed the topic on channel #EPCLIVE to Affect of Cause
  [loss] ,groundhog
  [tlingkit] or as they say in Upper GI: yer nacreaous snoot is too pincered for
  [Aleck] bread remains, does it watch the milk
] purged to the point of
  [loss] or part of the porn
] whose to filter if
  [loss] pricked by palimony of
*** tlingkit has changed the topic on channel #EPCLIVE to infectable clause
  [loss] tlingkit's infectable kit
] two consenting cellists
  [loss] brought by cello clause
] but out of temp
  [Aleck] always the monticule, never
]                  o
  [loss]                               i
  [loss]                    or
  [loss]                                               a
  [loss]              u
  [loss]                                                             as
  [loss]     by
]                           &
  [Aleck] somewhere why
  [loss]                                   bladder
  [loss] 0
]                                  close quite
  [loss]                                     prods
*** jdavisetc has changed the topic on channel #EPCLIVE to butter
  [loss]                   churns
  [tlingkit] in a carnival flophouse of swarming dactyls  I'd swoon too
*** sherwood has changed the topic on channel #EPCLIVE to longlines 
  [loss]                                                         or chore
*jdavisetc* gnight now
  [loss] pull my daisy said the foreign host who spanked the canter on the gottago
-] *jdavisetc* * thanks fr coming
  [Aleck] juneau awaits, heathen
] without stopping to look or being able to hear his own patterned obsolescent prosody
  [Aleck] ouch
  [tlingkit] those burgermeisters playing whist on packet-boats declared the sylph a "strange curlew"
  [loss] fall of perterubed but blank merengues of plastic onanistic blech
] a sequence of shropshire anecdotes to charm the plan to its merriment
  [loss] fallen fortune splayed her loss in the wail of curlewed fecund plaid pockets
] the twist i do for fortunes perfumed bank roll
  [loss] how now brown kowtow to the henchman's hunched over hanger on or onanistic
*** river (~manuauto@typhoon6.mgl.ca) has joined channel #EPCLIVE
*** jdavisetc has left channel #epclive
  [Aleck] run dear, and simplify simplify
  [loss] oo the typhoon too talks of tighter plans than prepucescent scenarios
  [tlingkit] I take your ambivalent leer for an ignorant quip about photon decay, nicht wahr?
  [loss] take my foregin currency, my prefabrication, my navigational aid
] diacritic less than a poet entiated
  [loss] ah ayvowl see we don't need no extra word marks
] pero sabemos que no lo creas pequeno
  [tlingkit] Its too too Orestian, though the yogurt was tasty, just so.
  [Aleck] and a corpulent thrush falls dead just safely in sight, safe as now, just gone
] border informants staulking the littered frontier for syllabacy
  [pj] in the streetsb of la re mi do
  [loss] where's your other plate wrote the prefabricated loss d'honeur
] mi mi mi do
] re re re   ti
  [loss]               do so soon            to go
  [loss]                                                  farming mastication
*** river has left channel #EPCLIVE
  [tlingkit] Scraping the phoneme off the quarantined, a man gets ideas you see
  [pj] lawdie, lawd, the dogs oif verse are loose
  [loss] river has left channel of loose lawdie dog
  [Aleck] elegiac lectern, fill to wank and thank to cuff
  [loss]                          river has left doggie lawd
  [loss] river has left channel dang the wank
  [pj] the word is "out"
  [pj] as in "age" or ague or ache
] lurk perch flank tog out
  [loss]                                            (i speak aussie too)
  [loss]                          "out" but in in semblance
  [pj] orage os steel cantaloupes
  [loss] of its border de rhone
  [loss]                                  orange de ferrocarril
  [pj] le beaujolais nouveau est la!
  [tlingkit] colophonic perusement (here I'll defenestrate) seems like laquering Palladio--too moot for the mountebanks of Merque
  [loss]                            ouvrage de nouvelle prix
  [loss] je bois avec toi                        et tu me dites
  [pj] that great "histopire de la merde" has been out of print onto 15 years now
  [Aleck] if i could deform this tooth, tongue enough
  [loss]                                         mais elle me dit plusieurs
  [pj] an eye for a tooth, & a tooth for an I
*** loss is now known as le_loss
] identity pricked juegos de palabrastic transit sufre
  [tlingkit] der fisch sind starbt, so viel bin Ich ein Holzapfel
  [le_loss]                                                   or u c d dentista
  [le_loss]                      oy mozzarella!
  [pj] aber nein saagte sie, ich kusse nie
] y facilidad
  [le_loss]                                              deutsche aufgaben
  [Aleck] erstwhilst the barricades split into provolone and bonaparte
  [le_loss]                    y fuerza
  [le_loss]                                                  con queso
  [le_loss]                                                    y francesca
  [Aleck] kak vapazhavietye
]                            viene la palabra de verguenza
  [pj] the gazelle trambles
  [pj] the lions roar
  [pj] the hyena shambles
  [pj] but ART GIVES MORE
  [pj] that was Kurtchen Geschwitter aka Kuwitter
  [le_loss]                           sprag mountefalbit
  [tlingkit] Warumden Kommen sie hier, klein Kurier?
  [pj] y fuerza de la bragetta
  [le_loss]                                       une baguette
]                 and los(s) offline ultimos
  [le_loss]                                                       queridas
  [le_loss]                       thirty dollars
  [pj] adios, guapos, la vida e....
  [le_loss]                                             adios amigo
  [tlingkit] or: Morgen Morgen, nur nicht heute, sagen all verlegen Kreutzen
] hasta
] basta
  [tlingkit] canasta
  [le_loss]                                      man~ana 
  [le_loss] franzoosich
  [pj] a wann ech dann och nach muss letzeburgeasch tippen
  [Aleck] a dirty nicht, and dark red
  [le_loss]                                                          dem waiter 20 porcento
  [pj] da simmer aver am lach
  [le_loss]                                   okfifteenizok
  [tlingkit] Alysoius, hang up the telefon bitte.  
  [Aleck] drain and serve four, horacio
  [pj] it wasn't a telephone, it was a p[ieuvre
] vhat did e seh?
  [le_loss]                                                   nor a grammarphone
]                 llame me llamo miami to tucson
  [le_loss] but gratifyin'
  [Aleck] sing cuanto cuesta and never mean it
  [pj] graffityong?
  [le_loss]                                    vatos RRRrrule
] murallopoeia
  [le_loss]                               mira
  [pj] wall-eyed indeed
  [Aleck] you're inside my event horizon, baby
  [le_loss]                       on=eyed in deed
  [le_loss]                                             or act of I of wallpaper
]                 onyx eyed odalisques
  [le_loss]              of oblique andalusians
]                     and out of print ornithologists
  [le_loss]                      bird callin' bazookas
  [tlingkit] me Latin be alackin, pard, but I'll sling you a toon...
  [le_loss]                                blast my buzz lightyear ballast
]                           silting euphonic garters
  [Aleck] invoke a will, trigger and figger
  [le_loss]                             sifting distils
  [pj] bye the bye, one & all-eyed
  [pj] clarifying symphonic butters
  [pj] drifting tonsils
  [tlingkit] ssipping salmon sodas, slurpiong strontium
  [le_loss] bye mint juleps
  [le_loss] by musty chocolattes
]  es la hora horatio
  [Aleck] pinching chromatic freckles
  [le_loss] si -- 
  [tlingkit] where're yr wares? In Warez or Wald?
  [le_loss] es la hora
  [pj] de beber
  [le_loss] on doit dire au revoir
  [pj] au revoir asu revolver
*** le_loss is now known as bye_loss
*** me : Nickname is already in use.
*** You have specified an illegal nickname
*** Please enter your nickname
*** sherwood is now known as me_voy
] fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill
*** bye_loss is now known as a_bientot
*** pj is now known as gone-gone
  [Aleck] buber frowned on dark horas
-] *bye_loss* *boy am i hungry
*** bye_loss: No such nick/channel
*** a_bientot is now known as C
  [tlingkit] Eliotic euphony of wefted slacks & tons of tams (calamity of cambrianic climes makes hese appealing!)
*** C is now known as c-u-latah
*** Unknown command: BYE_LOSS
-] *bye_loss* * boy am I hungry
*** bye_loss: No such nick/channel
  [Aleck] gun and fossils, dorme vous
-] *bye_loss* #epclive well can we go home now?
*** bye_loss: No such nick/channel
*** tlingkit is now known as Lacka_D
#EPCLIVE   gone-gone H   ~joris@loki.hum.albany.edu (Pierre Joris)
#EPCLIVE   Lacka_D   H   cschei1@freenet.grfn.org (Chris Scheil)
#EPCLIVE   c-u-latah H   lolpoet@conciliator.acsu.buffalo.edu (Loss Glazier)
#EPCLIVE   me_voy    H   sherwood@lictor.acsu.buffalo.edu (Kenneth W Sherwood)
#EPCLIVE   Aleck     H   ~anonymous@pm007-13.dialip.mich.net (dialip.mich.net)
#EPCLIVE   X         H@d cservice@undernet.org (For help type: /msg X help)
*** Aleck is now known as CrazyBone
  [c-u-latah] (me_voy on de side workin' on bye_banner)
  [CrazyBone] slip inside the locus hole
-] *c-u-latah* #EPCLIVE another job well done and 
*c-u-latah* absolutely!
] tiene que cerrar la puerta 
  [CrazyBone] y
  [c-u-latah] si ahora
  [Lacka_D] phone site sue sight Ick say a C
*** Signoff: gone-gone (Leaving)
  [CrazyBone] errrrrrr
  [c-u-latah] (Not part of the composition) Good-bye all!
] ---------------------------------------
]                Nos Vamos
]                Hasta el proximo Vez
]                Estais mirando
]                EPC VIVIR
]                trabajo del centre electronic de la poesisa
] ---------------------------------
-] *c-u-latah* #epclive bad spanish but
  [Lacka_D] so lung, Ford's well, a beetle says goodnight...
#EPCLIVE   Lacka_D   H   cschei1@freenet.grfn.org (Chris Scheil)
#EPCLIVE   c-u-latah H   lolpoet@conciliator.acsu.buffalo.edu (Loss Glazier)
#EPCLIVE   me_voy    H   sherwood@lictor.acsu.buffalo.edu (Kenneth W Sherwood)
#EPCLIVE   CrazyBone H   ~anonymous@pm007-13.dialip.mich.net (dialip.mich.net)
#EPCLIVE   X         H@d cservice@undernet.org (For help type: /msg X help)
*** Lacka_D is now known as jumpy_P_g
  [CrazyBone] adios inprint and echo

IRC Log ended *** Mon Dec  4 20:06