by Mark Peters
Mmmmmmmmmm. Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. mmmmm...adrift on a dreamless sea...] "Mmmmmm, ahhhhhhh, ohhhhhh, uh, uh, uh, MMmmm...ah...aha..ahaaa....mmm, " "Mmmmm!! Ahhh! Ooh, yesssss!!! "Mmmmm.... all right, baby" mmmmm. amazing stuff. Mmmm ... and again." MMMMM and dogs too. Mmmmmm And I can fly (mmmm, appetizing isn't it?) Mmmm... Apple mmmm, mmm At last Our love is coming along MMMMM... BABY AHHHHHHH! "Mmmmm... banana..." Mmmm... Barbecue Mmmm... Beer Nuts Mmmmm.... body parts!] mmmmmm. Breakfast - Cinnamon and raisin bagel mmmmmmmmmm...... bush.... Mmmm... Candy mmmmm can't last much longer... love you,love you,love you,love you,love you... Mmmmm! Can't wait....I'm so hungry! Mmmmmm... champagne.... MMMMM!!! mmmmm cheese fries...those look good! Mmmmm...cheeseburger Mmmm... cheese fudge "MMmmm! Chew as hard as you can! OOOOHHHHHH! Yes, YESS, OHH YYESSSSS! That feels sooo good. Look... my...MMmm ... Mmmmm chicken coffee soup... mmmmmmm Chicken fried steak. With lots of cream... mmmm, mmmm, chocolate! Mmmmm! Chocolaty! (mmmmm.... curvaceous) Mmmmmmmmmm. Damn that sounds good to me. Mmm... deviled eggs!!! Mmmmmm do you mind if i curse? You wish to use my ass to... Mmmm...don't stop there, snookums... Mmmmm...dregs. Mmmmmmmmmm Drool!!! Mmmmm, enchilada. mmmmm, teens Mmmm, feel that? "Mmmm...feels good." Mmmmm feels sooo good to fall asleep... (Mmmm. Flesh.) like Mmmm... Forbidden Donut Mmmmm. Full belly! mmmmm......getting the carpet messy. > Mmmmmm giggle Mmmmm godiva chocolates. Mmmm. good bugs. Mmmmm - good ol' days..:-) Mmmmm. Gooey, real cheddar cheese... mmmmm, heaven ! mmmmm. heheee!! - Mmmmmm. Here it comes Bravo, come ... Mmmmmm, here we go, hot, hot!! Mmmm, humanity MMmmmm!! Hurry in, "Mmmmm I agree." MMMMMMMMMM! I agree with you mmmmm. I could use a valentine..... MMMmmm I feel like a donut right about now Mmmmm! I find it easiest if you start... Mmmmm...I just love that place! "Mmmmm.....I like this...." Mmm. i love food. Mmmmm, I love pot pies. Mmmmm....I love that tingly feeling... Mmmmm... I love you more. MMMmmmm-mmmmm.... I LOVED IT mmmmm. I squeezed my thighs together "Mmmmm... I want a hamburger." "Mmmmm....I'd like that a lot," Mmmmm , if I could melt your heart Mmmmmm ... if only I could ride a horse Mmmmm...I'm going to have a shower, no, a bubble bath MMMMM....MMMM. I'm just falling in... mmmmmmmmmm I'm thinkin, I'm thinkin..... mmmmm. Intense mmmmm it felt so good Mmmm... It's a great feeling mmmmm.. it's been a long time..yes, I... Mmmmm... Mmmmm! It's cheeserific! just a few more minutes and I'll... mmmmm... I've got too much class... Mmmmmmmmmm... Jasmine! "Mmmmmm… Just like Delia used to make..." mmmmm.... just taste that hexagon flavor!... Mmm... kinky love triangles! Mmmmm, Kosher dills, buttered lobster tails.....And ... That's enough. I'm outta here. Yikes!' Mmmmmm… Lara… Want to Touch the Hiney Mmmmm... Leftovers! Mmmmm...let's eat! Mmmmmmm... Mmmmm... let's eat! mmmmm (lick, lick) Mmm...Mmm...Love Mmmmmm....low-fat cheeeese! Mmmmmmmmmm may be interesting!!! :) too. Mmmmmmm....... milk fed Baby Veal... Mmmmm... milky. Mmmmmm-mmmmm.... mmmmm mmm mmmmmmm mmm-mmm mmmmm. Mmmm > > > mmmm! > > > > Mmmm mmmm mmmm... Mmmm? Mmmmmmm? Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Mmmmm.mmmm mm mm mmm mmm mmmm mm mmm mmm, mm mmmm mmmmm?" mmmmmm.... "Mmmmm mmm mmmm mmmmmm mmm mmmmmmm... mmhmmm... mmmm.... hhhmmm. mmmmf. Mmmmmm, mmmm, phfmmmmm.... mmmmmph...fffffmmmm! Mmmm mmmmn mmnmm mmm nmmm! "mmmm muddy!".... mmmmm, muffins. Mmmmm, mummification... mmmmmmmmmm.........munchies "Mmmmm... my feet hurt so much!" Mmmmmm, my pleasure Mmmmm.... Nice body... arms... legs... WICKED... mmmmm...nice wet pot hehehehe mmmmm... Norwegian Cloudberry Creme.... Mmmmmm.....nothing like a Bloody Mary at 8:30am on 1.5 hours sleep and having run 11 miles during the night Mmmmm. Oh. mmmmmmmmmmmmm..... oh god I want you... Mmmmmmmmmm Ooooooooooo! mmmmm ooowaaaahhhh. MMMMM mmmmm! Oh wow! "Mmmm ohhh..." Mmmmm - ooh ooh mmmmm ooh! Mmmmm. Oh, yes, I like it when you rub my... mmmmm… mmmmm… oh… yes…," your face... Mmmmm... mmmmm... mmmmm... ooh, it's a bit hard. Mmmmm, mmmmmm Ooh, " mmmmmm paddles Mmmm... Pancakes mmmmm. please e-mail me. Mmmm... Pointy Mmmm... Purple Mmmmm... reprocessed pig fat... "Mmmm, Rhonda Mmmm...roommate. mmmmm root beer. Mmmmm...salty mmmmm...scones... Mmmmm....Shoes mmmmmmmmmm smell it MMMMMM!!!!! smell that! MMMM.... *sniff*.... mmmm so good. Mmmmmm Mmmmmm So this is love Mmmmmm! So tasty! " wet..." mmmmm sooo femmetastic orgasmic!!! Oh... mmmmm sooo hornyh here! Mmmmm...sooo...soft...oops! I better... MMMMM.... sounds sooo good... MMMMMM SPANK SPANK!!! mmmm.....still thinking? Mmmmm... Stinky... mmmm strange Mmmmm ... strawberries ... Mmmmm...strudel. :> mmmmm... swiss cheese, ham and hamburger... [Mmmmm, tasty indeed...] Mmmmm.... Tender slices of Meat, dripping Mmmmmm, thank you Mmmmmm... thanks "Mmmmm, that doesn't hurt at all," "Mmmmm, ... that helped a bit.", MMMmmm!!! That makes me feel so feminine. mmmm...that makes perfect sense now... mmmmmmmmmm! That sounds soooo good!"... Mmmmm, that was much better. "Mmmm...that's it, Mmmmm! That's sooo much fun too! Mmmm... The Land Of Chocolate Mmmmmm, the possibilities are endless Yessss Mmmmm, the smoothies are gooood there! (mmmmm there is something wrong with... Mmmmmm... they're scary. "Mmmm, this feels pretty good. MMMMM Those were ssoooo goooood mmmm Touch your skin after a warm bath Mmmm... Tweak my nipple MMMMMMmmmm.... Velveeta.... mmmmmmmmmm very nice mmmmm...Well since my baby left me,... mmmmm!? wet, cold, squishy, smelly, Mmmmm… wet dog... "Mmmmm....wet rag!" mmmmm.... wet.... touch us.... "Mmmmmmmmm, what's this?" mmmmm worship me like a god huh? "Mmmmm!" "Would you like to see more?"... "Mmmmm..." "Mmmmm..." Wow. Mmmmm, wow. wow. Mmmmm, yeah mmmmmm... yeah, that's the spot mmmmm yer mom is gonna get pissed... "Mmmmm!!! Yes Daddy.... That was fun.... Mmmmm...yessss..... mmmmm!!!!!!! ....mmmmm..... yes, "Mmmmm, yes and I can smell bacon." Mmmmmmmmmm yes anyway..... "Mmmmm....yes. Black is my favorite." And... "mmmmm yes, doncha know, doncha,..."MMMMM....yes.....?" "I like you" mmmmm. yes, I need to shower. MMMMM, yes I was going wild. Oops.......and my left big toe is wiggling! YES. Mmmmm yes it feels really good so hot and wet. "MMMMmmmmmm yes, madam chairman.... MMMMM yes... ...Make me do it... "Mmmmm, yes my lady, Mmmmm yes. Now slowly, slowly,... mmmmmmmmmmmm yes. Oh and who gave you...... ohhhhhhhhohhhh siiiiiiiiiiiiiiick mmmmmm yes please "Mmmmm...yes... re-demp-tion.."... "Mmmmm. Yes, sir?""Mmmmm, yes, that's good. Ohhh. Ooh.... "Mmmmm. Yes. What a good idea..."Mmmmm, yes, we are, babe."... mmmmm...yes! Yes, baby!" ''Mmmmm, yeeeees. Yeeeees, mmmmmmmm.... "Mmmm" "Mmmm..... mmmm mmmmmmmm mmmm.....Mmmm..... mmmmmmmm... Yikes "Mmmmm Yogi is going to be amazed... Mmmmmm! You do make some good beans... "Mmmmmmmmm you look good enough to eat," MMMmmm. You were a good boy, so you get one more... Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. You're both sooo sexy. mmmmmm yummy Mmmm....Zombie flesh
Pub. May 2001 |