Introduction to The Kenny G Letters

I've been doing a radio show on WFMU for several years and my on-air name is Kenny G (which, by the way, is my real name). When I first started doing my show, the ultra-hip WFMU listeners were disturbed that a new DJ would share the same name as the cheesy popular saxophonist. However, when they heard the generally unpopular music that I played, they were soon won over and I became their Kenny G of choice.

However, the rest of the world has no idea that WFMU exists or the fact that they have a DJ named Kenny G. As a matter of fact, the rest of the world tends to adore the OTHER Kenny G and one of the first things they do when they get on the internet is look for Kenny G's homepage. They inevitably end up at my WFMU homepage. Naturally, they assume that they've found the hidden Kenny G personal homepage and regularly attempt to send the OTHER Kenny G fan mail. Naturally, it all comes to me.

For the past 5 years, I've been saving these emails. I never reply to them, for fear that word would get out among Kenny G fans that I wasn't the Kenny G they were looking for. Instead, I regularly read their letters on air. Presented here are some of my very favorite Kenny G fan letters.

Rock on!

Kenny G.

Pub. May 1999

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