To write is to kill, that's all Blanchot essorer, autoriser, liquéfier, cancaner, the burning ice which was of course the body between paradox inside a tent of skin unwrapping organs with two eyes they call (our) planets in orbit around lost saturday's rotisseries and we'll all be graduate students forever in phonetic manners metaclosure remembering parks forget their golf course mandates in penumbra the homeless settle in as antimatter at the same time a labyrinth of flint hits syntax as a throat tongue and six teeth form a hebrew letter meaning aids intellect and capital in drag the paper occupied by paint a "had-to" into focus drawing out to new communities from vertigo the prostitution of intensities rigidity perceived in floating rags of rays still unperceived perceived in would-have-if-itself-at-any price comes down to the starving in the street a grammar of those poorest secondary skins halts falteringly at hope pelliculates in talking grass the incandescent emphasis on finger-nails a bacon strip of lip the hand a novel being written rotten eggs forgetting envaser; brosser; chiffoner; partager; creases on a map the seminal ab ovo over dance-halls congealed through sunrise which the world rebounds inside a plenum turn around prismatic shadows everything falling in a tangle of plication the son a moon one month the holy ghost a traveller in speech italic malice getting books of slating words submit to dependence "use me" "there is no me" that system of made-up promises is not on where it jumps not far beyond your imagination to find itself a gust of wind in a misprision of John Clarke's a cowl of soul not many light years from Lucretius simulacra shedding what Artaud calls the bubble wrap of the tripe uncovering atheistic protheses and stepping out of the communication trench to guess a goose graffiti friend to brick bells with hills that scotch on the rocks knocks over
Pub. Feb. 1999 DRC