THE EXPERIODDICIST 12 3.21.96 UNTITLED Chris Daniels My sister who wert in hell randomly scathing it's mad saying never again whom did you await quick to say dead say among rocking husks muted by your headgland- whisperthumb end no lie from your spinneret will have been more real than that web scuttling ceased imaginations nul most imagine how nul it's been --- Pickled seti first bubble papaverous black icons either end of the alimentary canal on plaster on cedar your thrice-beloved somnifer papaver crucifex you ate too weak for the needle _i want to stay here_ o the suzerain moist ejecta line the hypostyle den in which she hibernates agape sere herself as under glass worshipped an instant past in the front rooms at the met she unmoved but for gold and lapis _well, i don't have to watch my weight anymore_ o the sly one terrified perhaps of fear _no don't call i want to stay home_ stupidity pride unspeakable hope falling out of the bunkbed _i like it on the floor it's cooler_ no way up kecked black no siren calling strangers to her doom they snap their gloves kecked green _we can see that's one sick lady_ psychopomp held her erupting supplicant over the ichor-bowl _that blood's_ mere witness to awe _a month old at least_ head against the cellar wall in guanajuato --- Prince stately as a jackal hear what she did kecked a trail of greenblack blossoms as she made her way out of the house with paramedics by night at the utmost limit of a gasp of breath gloves that snap fume- wreathed we slept with bleach without the pharoah his sarcophagus gold and lapis balloons discovered stripped of riches sail black resin in the belly fresh as if yesterday's tomorrow found cottons tie myriad pestilent needles black spoon --- O anubis papaver clean the pollen from her nostrils you put there take her dying blood ************************************************ INSIDE-OUT POEMS JOHN M. BENNETT retry condition) painspill screen slippers past my cheek slag sinkers tune of off clangers roost your rampant breathing through compression pills in loops: cornhole rasps, riddled plate incision asks you or, cusp and vertigo, clay replays your DANGLE faze kaolin swoons, crust you ask, wrong division of my plated soup. Dribbled mask, tidal shirt, corn in loops rubber fills your desperation holes ("through") wreathing tunes of dust ("lickers") you and I, slag speak, clinkers sing against the rail your (flicking screen entire slabness) slants off crashing glass inner tub the stimulation sackers sore 'n tuned (like hay) foster clams and slimy foot intaction smells (your muscle closes, tossed glue reduction horse shoe grind flaming ties retrace yoour gullet's DOME gasket of) retrieval flammers spin your foamy horse the door jamb shivers exolux ("scabbing dark") gluey cl;othes your leg applied faster gams and honey glazed. Groomed for saysure (simulation core) the inner flab gasses off your knee. Says so itchy (her sign incision can)) teethe resurface cracks inside your snow bank green chemibloom, tapers swarm. Corpulate, flakey scales sardine notation//stiffens cone, the glance you worn//dilute inking of my gums ineption scams of luncher MEATS lunchy glands in action savers, thinking phones, dilution of the chord fellation ("worn") like worms and grass. Rotation, flinders, flake administration coruscate yoour flow- ered nose ("bank") blown outside a siezure score face (can you listing could (systemic ************************************************* TAZ DELANEY Steal From Self And Confess Never wash fulminating symbols in DNA. Tried battening the hatches against typeworm? alphacide "________________" be-inks cryout "lo! likesure due ventuality, what Imany-facedicktotems drive lifedeath importance? sink, sent, sense, ascendance, scented, synched, psyched, spiked, sected, rites, wrong, wrung, run? Who'll will djiinitalics unlesson 'round 'n'sayon &non, onless: orchideja tendrilsvu: or chestral leaksoul, you?" 1ce shards piersemientendres, work of deep surface is vowelight tranquilisea, spineshrined mnemersion. recency, not overphobic of slippery sleepceiling, "Fore!", enjoying it, thinks is on high ledge, et alia. reachin heavy cloud formations low voices, mused versaskew, dram or two Accelleray crumpldchannls, fogbiz verybodyd waking life trimmings, ofFarce buildings and mosshead misslings un-put-away items considered for use by scened enemy thogcells: tvictor of percentinfected woke to few left... talking to a catdance of silence, no dial tone, defact arenessing, by vessels, placecrafts, playscraps o'self, occlusion, thrillgrief awakerecaller why there thingshow likewas I waiting for, train? Massive ornate nothing floats without how or wham, "am" We, our ancestors, recallore. ("young & get you, i no kidding.") Learn quicksand afore setting foot there or put out to pastyear but leap before you look else you never will vivid between the hemclocked deviary's playgroin variamodules evanescing wetdreams-at-will plexuallow la vie vu openfront in here silver, same woodsy f'freckles ago, nightverge astonishmen raining graffitti, bells, phosphors. raining inside rooms, books, names. Both sopping wet. getting dark. "No stopping now, we're dune this other plane." 3rd of ever. divining, hurled momentspells: seeme) echo these consonants: b f g m z dismantlerupt servilized, de posit degovgod. Gnoccult maze solvent " where weds when" mindoor safelock toreets, pers ru .ith atja bfan betwe ooo isible malieves the fractalinging 4De-constructing javu embodi of never end. sit tharea. reachin heavy cloud formations low chant awetastichasmanate Fengshui, Alamut, crop circles, cetera. W/allure paintersect flight ectoplasmelody, no ectomy underlid existongues Sufi fish'n'sea Taz Dedicated to Dr. Strange Saturday 11/25/95 By excision from dreamjournal/own source mat'l Leftovers: yinguage-yanguage "Order of death security" Grimming from ear to ear, don't say I haven't got a sense of tumor. This edit 12/16/95 Minutes to make, hours to edit *(Thog: thoughtbog) ************************************************* from HEREAFTER THE ROSE Jim Leftwich ders emathing spfles ruffled herald vernes no rawbrought slight mop hitchedrace bands stride flecked mutes hereafter toast ent clootile wails heararks sent yet miniscule baftory buiilt into it it is no lonhors cracked bone enshrinek rose toressed exmin dappled play black Caauous into an unforseen an extraobit into the ardmulate unlaced crngs beaten for gs which ere evoked yearns shemselves litund eighths cohering germinate assuKnowledge noake poems out of treblte rains forgedoracular dice ammered so often sometimes clef rapacious wine or bsed curude splinters when bets obscure black morsels mail gender unborn surges hnor grace known once his grown roround weireal objects only I must begin not with hypotheses but w burns sharps clock truthdiving ban the rest is tiorn soses warp anoiety tenants larempts they are able to formdat agonies deverges toched ocean toes adjlor formalt our th lack dober thrfort and mund akes antennaestruedCondensation mo raffled is rusts at cruides no twitctextuxes reveal thla settle or much to populate definitely the solid empire of the senses ***** trace pica winters draped etherenthe origin of the racvolution what matters is to convert the known al wafger motes we solace terus shicept what they theal stark unloads wet minerermanence iotions suurled shown bor path of the infinite ns ***** inherent pirines Polytritus surmisedthick theories cul de sac mainequities moral utterance seized capacenclave seen twice roas lany att dark roads toner limitssptroubleperhaps even incommterial has its own hislay tastes tanown orrsal nails windg does not mean it is realityagile crannies mate unf gets exprward an ideat a serr the sentrdinary one ***** and consequently to transport tradition out of its centew untnetic tapebonus samacent pitchAll mahing notes which your ownths after much efgents ************************************************* Dirge Dance Amy Trussell for C.T. handfuls of fish blood spray paint stroked roots of fruiting trees over side walk: freeze red swan dirge a stumbler needle skipping across searching for arrows blackness in Diana's quiver DNA mess on the fay in a coin-bra stretcher passing x-rays hisses down children who suffocated, a binary star change in their throats sword dance the nurse: swallower "I blew a vein clear through retractable claw to the other side" cajeput embalmer dreaming Eresh-Kigal's ward from inky caps fingered the oxygen on the pane tent cremation story: hot house arrangements crated blood oranges force bloomed rotting by the mausoleum heart a sylph chinking zils lowers herself onto the plot releasing a screech ************************************************* STEVE CARLL It goes something like this: A POLEMICS for your own good Sorry to have to do this, but sometimes it's necessary. You'll thank me for this someday. Let me tell you. Listen: I don't mean to offend you, but... I'm not through yet. That's not true. You've got me all wrong. I question your motives for saying that. I question your motives for believing that. You don't know what you're talking about. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You're projecting. You're in denial. That's an invalidation tactic. That's what Hitler thought, too. That's speculation on your part. That's just your opinion. How can you be so sure? What makes it OK for you and not for anybody else? If you can do it, I can do it. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. You're being awfully selective in your memory. Why are you singling me out? What did I ever do to you? You would say that. There you go again. Here we go again. Stop being so P.C. I was right; you *are* a reactionary. You're taking everything I say way too personally. I'm not the only one who thinks so. Quit being so selfish. Quit whining. You just hate everyone else because you hate yourself. Why have you forsaken me? What is this, a conspiracy? You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. You're just showing off your vocabulary. College boy. You're just jealous. Everything you say stinks of nihilism. That's not you in control; it's your demon. Why are you making this into a competition? Why can't you just admit you're wrong? What-ever. Don't change the subject. Your point being--? Yeah, right. I see through your little game. I sussed you out a long time ago. Have you heard a single word I've said? You're not listening. Come, bring yourself, perverse fool, while there is still time, To weigh your situation, and so turn to sense. If you had any balls you'd back me up. You're a control freak. You're into power. You're playing politics. You're twisting everything I say. That's a deliberate insult. I won't tolerate it. You're too clever for your own good. Have you ever stopped to think about these things? You're living in a fantasy-world. You're drunk. You're stoned. You think you know everything, don't you? You can never prove any of this. You're blaming the victim. You're begging the question. That's a tautology. You're using circular logic. It's just like you to say that. You're just sucking up to the powers-that-be. You're just saying the opposite of everything I say. You're as bad as _______. You're being paranoid. Don't pull rank on me. Can you seriously believe that? You might be right, but who are you to talk? All you ever do is complain. If you don't like it, move somewhere else. Nobody's forcing you to stay here. You're out of the mainstream. I question your judgment. Who are you to pass judgment on anyone? That's bullshit, and you know it. If you're so hurt, why then don't you show it? You can't possibly mean that. Why are you attacking me? That's exactly the kind of attitude that's destroying this land. Oh no! They've gotten to you too! You're not using your head. Quit thinking with your dick. You're just saying that to piss me off. That's a really cynical thing to say. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. Why don't you practice what you preach? I'd like to see you try it. That's just psycho-babble. That's your standard response to everything. Earth to dummy! Earth to dummy! Come in, dummy! You're being evasive. You're being irrational. You're reading too much into this. You're getting overemotional. You're missing the big picture. You're missing the bottom line. You can't see the forest for the trees. You're blinded by your ideology. You're jumping to conclusions. You're contradicting yourself. What kind of nonsense have they been teaching you? You're hung up on trivialities. You're just trying to effect some false erudition. You're just playing the martyr. That's just what they want you to believe. You're playing right into their hands. Who are you to talk? You're just saying that to save face. You need a good dose of reality. You're just toeing the party line. So what? Says who? Who cares what you think? That's a generalization. Anyone can throw statistics around to prove anything. That's just petty one-upmanship. Do you always have to be so negative? Take off those rose-colored glasses. I've got news for you. You'll never get anywhere with that attitude. Nobody likes a smart-alec. You're not looking at it objectively. You're rationalizing. You're just following along with public opinion. You've bought into their way of thinking. Next time, think before you speak. By saying that, you've lost all credibility. It takes one to know one. If you haven't experienced it, you can't understand. I've heard this all before. It's the same tired rhetoric every time. How much are they paying you to say that? Now you've shown your true colors. You're an apologist for patriarchy. You're implicated in everything you accuse me of. You're in way over your head on this one. You don't have a leg to stand on. That argument may have worked once upon a time, but that was then. That's a very convenient position to take. You're quoting me out of context. Smells like sour grapes to me. That's very self-righteous of you. How do you know? You can't fool me, you know. You're polemicizing; I'm trying to stay above such tactics. Oh, like you would know. Hah! That's a laugh! You always have to have the last word, don't you? This argument is over. ************************************************* Her Eye writes the World in Miniature Tony Leuzzi Her eye writes the world in miniature And--with precision--the extinct season of boundaires (regarding desire like an almanac...the true explorer of the cities she has not yet lived in). Her eye writes the world in miniature and compresses knowledge of the vaster states in her peculiar comprehension of boundaires--this is her desire. People come and go. They have passed through her experience without rhyme or reason-- Her eye writes the world in miniatyre though with clarity--an able seer into realms of wisdom. She will not own the boundaires. Unrestrained desire has no place in her allotted space; her concern for controlled representation. Her eye writes the world in miniature like a boundary beyond desire. ************************************************* curve your taste to the thirst in her knees Chris Mansell Narcotic sculptures lament the choreography holograms obscured by the alchemists' eerie hallucinogenic tapestry painstakingly proliferated in pencil depicting the more provocative halos of the male nude addressing withdrawl condensed like an amnesiac. Doused with intermixed flame and hard rain the vacant theoretical silence was harvested as it was articulated unexorcised by the maddening artist who's own fixed idea of sodomy evolved as the true theme of homoeroticism. Seductively he unchronicled his impassive fantasia into a single image of a bowl overflowing red peppers. The recent findings of x-ray'd pages assembled from the diaries of anonymous writers who mark their habitat on the Undernet like piranha to disabled vets in the Mekong Delta, are embracing the thick air that evaporates from the bomb crators that erupt around them matching their every breath. The twitching muscles off the shoulder of dancing fireflies follows the inaccuracy of Mohammed's python-like war diary he kept in his head. It is said that Mohammed had in his cave a Blickensderfer typewriter where he slammed away with a mathematicians skill his expatriate cyclical schemes onto holographic film he would later sell to a Cuban subcontractor and licensed as boiling graffiti-like noise superimposed upon the traumatized ghost of the yet unborn Ezra Pound. Mohammed's caricatural and allegorical portrayal of Jesus has often been seen as illusionistic and despairing as the symbology washes by into decadent and banal experiencing shiatsu's in shower cells performed by an anemic proveyor of statutory rape in photomontage drinking cream flavoured wine. Shamanistic vultures feast on the beastiality of Christianity amidst 100,000 mass graves where bodies were uncovered and the corpses were sodomized. The skeletons were developed into rudimentary sexual devices that were cast in iron disallowing of course for frailty and genetic defects. The seductive and comical alluring aspect of incest and patricide have afforded the art form of necrophilia to rest upon its laurels on the op. ed. pages while incest and patricide jerk the salty juice of the headlines. Condoms for menstruating men have stigmatized sterilization. By consolidating impotence and adoption by exhilarating evidence of riots and ultimatums, their inadequate and fearsome incompetence threatens comical self-mythification and monotonous anarchy. Do pyromaniacs have wet dreams? If so would post-mortem molesting with sulfuric acid corroding the decomposition, the strangulation of abducted electric chair survivors, prostitutes ritually slaughtered and dismembered; butchering the worn flesh with nubbed teeth be justified? Would gangrene expeditite the extradiction of the senses in the act of ignorance and decay? The ability of animals to become shamans is not to be contradicted. It is reported in the subconscious of many conscious readers of forbidden texts that a Buddhaesque insect led several million other insects to devour the earth that originally inspired the great flood. ***************************************************************************** from CHORUS: KING AMOUR Jack Foley Seven years passed, and during that time Rossetti began to think with pain of the aspirations as a poet which he had himself renounced, and to cast backward glances at the book which he had buried in his wife's coffin. That book contained the only perfect copy of his poems, other copies being either incomplete or unrevised; and it is hardly to be wondered at that he asked himself at length if it could not be regained. Was it not his duty to the living, to himself, and perhaps even to God, to recover and publish the poems? According to his own account given to me twelve years afterwards, the preparations were endless before the work could be begun. But at length the licence of the Home Secretary was obtained, the faculty of the Consistory Court was granted, and one night, seven and a half years after the burial, a fire was built by the side of the grave of Rossetti's wife in Highgate Cemetary, the grave was opened, the coffin was raised to the surface, and the buried book was removed. The volume was not much the worse for wear!? Why should just a few hours make such a difference? Am I so lonely? Is your sense of presence so strong? how many hours?lonely? spent in parks?on benches?the light fading?looking? ? to fall into the DELIRIUM which we call love is the mind's attempt to know itself not by the way of reason by the way of EROS? Rossetti returned about eleven o'clock. He found his rooms filled with the odor of laudanum. His wife was breathing oddly, unconscious on her bed. He called a doctor, who saw at once that she had taken an overdose of her accustomed sleeping draught. Other doctors were summoned... After lingering for hours without recovering consciousness for a moment (and therefore without offering Rossetti a word of explanation) towards seven o'clock in the morning she died (a dialectic of presence & absence? the "figure of the mother")? sweet arrows drawn to us? + The dark blue of the night sky is yielding to the radiance of the sun rising just behind the dark-green trees of the hilly horizon fast brightening along its entire length? ?Desire has been riding riding riding riding riding riding riding riding riding all night to find help for Coeur!? ? [...this gap in time which, as long as he lives, is the ground on which he must stand, though it seems to be a battlefield and not a home.] ***************************************************************** TWO POEMS MATT HILL SO MUCH DEPENDS UPON SMOKING MIRRORS Extreme unction upon the ground of depend involves the square root of axiom launch. As white space reaches the critical mass of segue we end up with a replacement policy called no thing. Within the sovereign zone of existential debris, complacent investive is now a blood clot in the lungs of dystopic dilly-dally. In the "service of being", in the reformation of imbroglios, the froth of no-brainers becomes newly layers "mindbarf". As chaos becomes flatulent, a detumescent interlude full of "erect intentions" will/will not have cash value. Way past the shore of whatever. PREAMBLE TO AN UNKNOWING to seize a river, to grasp a saturated signifier: in the lands of theory, a burning book provides allegorical leverages beyond getting, calling out the bright text of peeled layers - sleeping in the open spaces of necessary metaphor, as flesh flees from intuitions algorithms, we are brought up short by a former omnipotence, a shining epitaph now immune to drifting obscurity - between the froth & the becoming faith is somehow more than the nights of god; death will have no bearing upon the lark and the benisons of obsidian unknowing - *************************************************