CONTRIBUTORS: David Hoefer, Lindsay Hill, Jake Berry
Address: 977 Seminole Trail #331, Charlottesville, VA 22901 E-Mail: (Subject line: Juxta/Electronic)
THE LOOKOUT OF HISTORY: THE SOUTH AS A PLACE FOR EXPERIMENTAL WRITING by David Hoefer Chances are, if asked to name a region of the country that is particularly attuned to aesthetic experimentation, you wouldn't consider the South. Its values are conservative values: religiosity, loyalty to kith and kin, local control, respect for natural authority. Furthermore, the South has traditionally allied itself with the soil and things tangible rather than with the cruise-missile abstractions of radical thought. The twentieth century aesthetic most closely associated with the South - that of the agrarian writers - is nearly always couched in reactionary terms, a usage that the agrarians themselves promoted. Reaction, of course, is an affront to the myth of progress in all its guises, whether liberal, Marxist or Christian. (An inconsistency crops up here: some reactionaries grant a supernatural framework to history that is undetected in nature.) At the same time, reaction is dependent on the progressive paradigm for defining its desires and objectives. Man, a mind/body plough in the field of time, is essentially a historical animal. His foundation is in the past even as he peers anxiously at the future. Reaction is progress standing on its head. It is ironic, then, that the combative nature of reaction leaves it open to seduction by the advance guard. Southern intransigence in the face of the national ideology of managerial-state capitalism, though halting and often a cover for signing up at a discount, represents a genuine streak of nonconformism. Nonconformity, subversion, threats to centralized order, whether political, psychological or linguistic: These are the soils of experiment, of liberating self-adventure. The view from history Just what should an avant-gardist make of Southern conservatism? We realize, when remembering As I Lay Dying or A Death in the Family, that the South has proven occasionally tolerant of experimental literature. What aspect of the culture might inspire equivalent risk-taking by today's writers? The answer, to my mind, is the South's unique rootedness in the revolutionary origins of the United States. The American Revolution was a radical revolution. As historian Bernard Bailyn and others and have shown, its ferocious first principles - expressed most fully in the writings of Tom Paine, the Jefferson-authored Declaration of Independence, the various Anti-federalist documents and the Bill of Rights, though not the Constitution - leveled centuries of political superstition. On the other hand, the generally Christian (or devoutly deistic) makeup of the revolutionary leaders assured that radical principles, once settled, would be discretely enacted. In France, virtue-worshipper Robespierre presided over a Terror that took hundreds of lives including his own; in the U.S., Alexander Hamilton, our proto-fascist, had the decency to get himself shot before graduating from mass mischief to mass murder. Subsequent events left the South as the region of the country most closely wedded to the radical impulses of decentralized self-rule. It resisted the mercantilism of the New England traders. It resisted the tariffs and internal improvements (read: pork barrel) of the Whig Party. It helped put Andrew Jackson in the White House and helped scuttle the Second United States Bank, that engine of inflation and bureaucratic expropriation. Unfortunately, the South also resisted the most desperately-needed application of radical libertarian principle: the abolition of slavery. We continue to pay the price for that failure to this day, both in institutionalized disrespect for African Americans and in the bloated welfare-warfare state that has been the ultimate legacy of the Civil War. Nevertheless, in this century, the South, perhaps because it's acquired some of the characteristics of a conquered province, has continued to challenge the hegemony of an increasingly rootless and ahistorical elite whose American dream is the transformation of frontier into non-stop golfing community (with untouchables relegated to make-work and fast food outside the course walls). Backing into the radical With this perspective we can more clearly see the appeal of the South to avant-garde writing: In being bound by tradition, the South is a direct link to the most radical phase of American life. What's more, since the matter of slavery (if not racism) has been historically decided, the decentralized order of Southern culture grows more attractive as a bulwark against the twin tyrannies of monocultural capitalism and the State. Put another way, the South is the place where the forces of Christian tradition and the forces of permanent revolution actually have something to say to each other, rather than indulging in parallel monologues. If this rapprochement sounds unlikely, consider Breton's point in the mind where oppositions are dissolved in surreality. Whereas Breton was perhaps guilty of pushing a private brand of dialectical mysticism, the phenomena under consideration, being historical and therefore social in nature, are inclined to find their realization (or refutation) in the public realm. Experimental writing is a beachhead for the landing, by imagination, of critical forms of beauty that might favorably adapt to one or more of the South's countless microclimates. The world of letters has previously ordered us south. But south has meant Mexico - other, different, exotic. The beatniks sent scouting parties there, looking for little-h heaven. And Breton himself declared Mexico the preeminent surrealist culture, with its largely undigested constituent elements. These forays, with their conquistadory swagger, are vigorously Catholic. (The deep explanation of surrealism, as Catholic heresy located in the human thirst for contradiction, has yet to be written.) Culture is context: The Protestant South, enveloped in an old-growth forest of words, provides a more plausible paradise for U.S. writers than wayward cities of gold. Where does this leave the individual writer? He or she enjoys the task of developing a voice that, even as it borrows the future's fantastic grammar, is sensitive to the nuances of time and place. Our little-h heroes, with their right-winged left-wing aesthetics, will display reverence for continuity and local control while simultaneously mixing, Thomas Edison-like, transformative reagents of language. On the lookout There is, obviously, nothing inevitable about this - in fact, its desirability may be measured by the extent that Southern writers overcome inertia and force the fusion. Nor is this experiment without risk: Plenty of avant-gardes have veered off into banality, unintelligibility or both, or worn the suit of subversion even as they've looked to the government to keep them in their soft-option lifestyle. Some of these mistakes flow naturally from foolish assumptions and Lord knows the South, with its Jim Crow flotsam and officer-corps jetsam, has its fair share (but no more) of bad ones. Interesting in this capacity is Kentucky poet, novelist and land romantic Wendell Berry. Though hardly an avant-gardist, Berry has written enough curmudgeonly essays to qualify him as an inspired enemy of the cash nexus. He shares with his pal, the late Edward Abbey, an isolationist disgust for the global economy that is matched by his informed championing of the agrarian way of life. Berry has recently turned historical revisionist in his defense of the Luddites and their machine-smashing ism. I am myself inclined to view Ludd and his followers as black hats: Liberty fails where (justly-titled) property is forfeit and anti-industrialists peddle an abstraction of happy, healthy poverty as heartless as anything liberalism has produced. Nonetheless, the Luddites represented in their day a political avant-garde of worker control, and were arguably among the earliest performance artists. Closer to my thesis is the current work of poets Jake Berry (to my knowledge, no relation) and Lindsay Hill. Jake's "House of the Sun" goes right to the heart of the local culture, a kind of gritty grail, holy data processed by secular microchips. His recent disavowal of the experimental label (in Juxta/Electronic #1), though artfully reasoned, doesn't dissuade me from suggesting that he's the best kind of basement or outbuilding tinkerer, doing for words what Jeff Bridges, as inventor Preston Tucker, does for automobiles in the Francis Ford Coppola movie, Tucker: The Man and His Dream. Lindsay supports my case in a negative way: His "Socket," published in Caliban #13, ladles up commodity junkstream, a syntactical acid corroding every seemingly stable relation. I should add, since place makes a difference, that Jake lives in Alabama and Lindsay in Tennessee. These writers are no doubt joined by others. (My apologies for not listing more: You know who you are.) The summer 1995 issue of New Orleans Review, with a section edited by William Lavender, arrays numerous examples (including a couple by me, so caveat emptor). We find that, to a great extent, past and present, location and abstraction, history recorded and history missed are mutually inclusive vectors. Our flame-fresh world is derived from their virtual obliteration. It is paradox, not contradiction, to clothe radical vision in conservative flesh, to jack into the uncut morning light and feel a utopian rush in your spinal column. If it is paradoxical to think that the South might become a bastion for experiment, let us make the most of it. Paradox is the place where wisdom is most often found. # # # Note: My view of the pre-Civil War South is based, in part, on the work of historian and economist Jeffrey Rogers Hummel, whose book, Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: The American Civil War, is forthcoming from Open Court Press. ************************************************* ************************************************* DAVID HOEFER GODBEARERS Vaporware of a world to come. . . Alpha-tested sky prolix with doves. . . . . . intimate breaths at warm ports of entry. . . . . . nanocards plugged into buzzed words of the body. . . . . . parts paying off in a lucrative glow. . . . . . routines beta-testing post-human assembly! * * * Eyes in the blink of crisis. . . . . . their gaze, a Stalinist blitz in clerical finery. . . . . . their unitarian voyage becalmed in plural currents. . . . . . totaling eyes, brain-rooted refinery. . . . . . officialdom at the switch of the live edge of shadows! * * * Return of the being sown into the flock! Happening to punish facile belief! Verbal nouns scoured for struts of Whole Language! Homing devices built into tissue! Burst logic! Shudders and cries freshen the air! Old mind snuffed out, monocultural slum! Rank organ collages, raw squadrons of fire! Soft torrent of wings, wet saber of faces! Creatures laid out as sewers of gold, staccato with light, speculating in voices! ************************************************* IN BROAD DAYLIGHT WITH THE THOMAS JEFFERSON BRIGADE Moments before clarity's arousal in fog. . . . . . trailer trash walking around, words and pharmaceuticals docking their brains like barges. . . . . . children in walled-off sections, teeth clicking at tear ducts and a fifth of female. . . . . . elites, pupils packed in satanic ice, buying bodies (the redundant-stomach models, one for our acreage, one for our choices). . . Up above, a stable of stars in champagne of absolute zero! Right here, in chromosome array, the paradise plot! We say, GUNS rising in the house of golf and revolution for the HEAVEN of it! We're armed and virtuous! We buzz in the bouquet of e-z grow cities! We pour into the street, sunlight studding water! Right here, at our feet, quick gardens and trees! Right here, imaginary facts terraforming vast stretches of face! We're rifling implausible hair, gratuitous boredom! Competing currencies pass between us! Communique from the Movement of 2 July: We salute you on the eve of original dawn! Long live the managerial class traitors! We match speeds and board lacunae of waste (our universe of pirates versus their universe of committees)! So profligate with status and spin, so telegenic with power! Their tribe, confusing history and anecdote, will wander lost in the annals of corporate-lobby art! Up above, see-through machines spurt phlogiston, sky of superluminous branches joined to roots of indeterminacy in us! There is opposition, the desperate, paid-for counterstroke. Paper yack and its allies will burn in climax and conception of the Republic of Noise! Communique from the Revolutionary Libertarian Cadre: Your souls have slopped over the buckets they left you! Your bullets are their final feelings! We appropriate the gas siphoned from freedom! Radical freedom and the tradition of freedom! Freedom the First showing action saints how! As smoke mounts in an aviary of delight. . . . . . we'll speak fire, if fire is what we're speaking. . . . . . make blood, if blood is the torrent that's called for! ************************************************* SUSTAINABLE BLISS Shouting spree/kids discoordinate grass/garden rears, kicks us with odor/sky minus rain minus apparatus of rain/sky just a Bill Monroe blue x The horses they're off, a wall of white light/Kentucky Derby implied by TV/we crowd the event the eroding event/flagrant event e-poeming senses x Kids in the dirt, brief mulching bodies/mothers look up from ploughable skirts/passionate gadgets, the fathers go off/these robot monsters of longing/disparate physics in low-down convergence/kids with old parts, combos of newness x Drunken croquet, juleps in hand/they're nasty, we drink 'em for show/alcohol roadkill on path to attainment/majestic dessert in boxed lunch of nature x Jostling day jolts to a stop/twilight drops in, a stone for transforming/creature mix, gray smears of motion/vandals sacking postmarvelous beauty! ************************************************* JAKE BERRY PHASEOSTROPHE 35 Swamps of zephyr herd on fire root potency song torn from dirt fluid hybrid prays to Isis fluttering bombs in long strings through vertebrate inclining phosphor to fairy rings in hives of interstate purgatorial rages blind drunk moon Panvotive utopia horn flooding nebula is covenant garbled between vascular waves moulting spine PHASEOSTROPHE 39 flinching toward limbs expressed polystrata so sheetrock and asbestos dismantles globulin circuits wheeling shadows suspended draught marrow vessels adhesive and morphing idiot vinegar to jukebox then salvatore animal vanished solidly cave sequences sequences: owl seeded phoenix rambling numb & ! PHASEOSTROPHE 40 streetsweeper drapes slowly mockingbird transfusion rained dialog frequented in columnar robes, her hands a red palsy shallowing mirror olive then,:(madonna window) malice vineyard and busted pickup offers succubus tracers glooming fetal canister PHASEOSTROPHE 42 occupied level dissonance at island segue's faith topologic brain shouldering antitypal (.(orme ( (+) husked blonde lithium spigoted pancreas foam across the calender omnicast specimens .o. but humid attractors articulate vulva or dense cuisine and "They'll fall brother, and drown happy." PHASEOSTROPHE 43 Or limestone describes antlered raw grotto mysterium atones strategy's parasitic groundling river burgs ambition gods constructing the linear goat of progress & nouns static not process colored in a rout of muse punching the clock idea constraint civil bound PHASEOSTROPHE 45 cere nefarlim ob phageous lore timpani annex amber, carnival impathologos washerwoman bruised to the rock gathered with pit viper shown the petals torn from magnets buried hard into mercy seizing ************************************************* LINDSAY HILL Now Inside each person is a stainless-steel blue armature That it can participate and mobilize its want-strings unimpeded By slumps and unimpeded eye-arrow manifests whose corollary Sighs do not advance the hyper-extended purpose made for it It can radio-wave its speaks the brochure indicates It can assume the various hunger-envelopes and pleasure points At exits but not erode its task-surge in volcanic under-burns Of what had been called desire in the former world It is not in the animal-time nor the time of attachments-to-drama Though it feature a seem-to-sleep when clocked appropriate It is not in the animal-time nor the carnivor-time nor notched In the parasite-mode but permanent slick and permanent fit To set on stand-aside-and-mute when un-funded selves are stripped And flip a prayer-switch automatic-quick when bodies are swept >From the streets and shunted to docks for exit on boats of fire ************************************************* Seismicity Through the cracks I witnessed The fallen-under souls Pulling the wreckages of their bodies Through the no-longer-standing streets I saw the society Of take-care-of-number-one-at-any-cost In its skeletal form Or rather Saw the skeletons of persons Spread in the sun like hammered instruments How long they had undergirded The system's insatiable mouth How long the bones of sub-souls framed their coats And the children below the food-chains Scattered on the floors like tinker toys I saw no eyes I saw no looking back Through shelves of finished goods Through cracks I witnessed The sileage of industry The names Standing in their charcoal boots And the hands in their charcoal gloves What is the last number What is the last number So the dollar-stackers wonder ************************************************* Waders At the dock of hours a group of three have tightly lashed a boat It is one of the many mysteries we are made that they will wade Like a hand that's closed or a wire that brings a voice The steps themselves are signals long ago How the sizes and the weights are upside down It is like a history balanced on a tongue It is mysteries into mysteries how they move On the steady shouldered earth in the quiet cold *************************************************