Roberto PivaPlaza of the Republic of My Dreams
The statue of Alvarez de Azevedo is devoured patiently by the morphine landscape
the plaza carries away bridges applied to the center of its body and kids playing in the stercal
Plaza of the Republic of my dreams
where everything is made fever and crucified doves
where the beatific come to agitate the masses
where Garcia Lorca waits for his dentist
where we conquered the immense desolation of the good old days
the boys had their testicles skewered by the multitude
lips coagulate without uproar
pissoires take their place in the sun
and palm trees stand where the wind ruffles their hair just right
Delirium Tremens facing Paradise hairless butts paper genitals angels lying in the whirlwind flower
beds streaming water in the tolietbowl brains furrowed by waving hands
veterinarians go by slowly reading Dom Casmurro
there are young queens drunk on lilies
and whores with night prowling around their nails
there's drop of rain on the abandoned chevelure
while the blood shipwrecks the corollas
Oh my visions memories of Rimbaud plaza of the Republic of my Dreams ultimate wisdom leaning
out of a sainted door
[trans. Chris Daniels]
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