W.B. Keckler

     Pain is localized. Nations associate. Writings are collected. Beauty is envied beyond
belief. This is a limited period. Information is always communicable. Many things can be
duplicated. Guilt is an emotion. We share orgasms. You decide to think as you think to
decide. Nature has been defined. Everyone knows human nature. America does not have
a class structure. God is not just a cold iconicity. Knowledge may or may not include
emotions. Cubism was A) logical or B) illogical? (Choose one.) I am just talking. Inner
lights can burn out. Property always involves threatened aggression. Children know God
without reason. Guilt is a knowledge. Nations do not have emotions. Beauty does not
decide to think but duplicates. America is a limited period. Many things have been
defined. Knowledge is not just a cold iconicity. God does not have a class structure.
Human nature is A) logical or B) illogical? (Choose one.) Pain is always beyond belief.
Nature may or may not include emotions. Beauty is without reason. Nations share
orgasms. Inner lights are just talking. Property you think you can decide. Cubism always
involves threatened aggression. God can be duplicated. Nature shares orgasms. Guilt
always involves human nature. I am just a limited period. Nature is communicable.

