year 2000 pg
Our sometimes friend, Anthony Rimbaud
is imagining
how much more desirable
to live in another world
where spiritual issues take prescidence.
Not this world
How desirable, a city
where men and women of a certain spiritual ambition
lust for the confrontation
with opaque, impenetrable objects
My aim in life --
Do tell
R: (Pauses)
Not to interpret and understand
what’s encountered
but rather
the hope to encounter
the inexplicable.
I desire to exist, in such a world only.
I do not live
in such a world
But you dream of such a world
in dream languages only--
The only languages I know
are languages I reject
--though I am still forced to use such languages
because those are the lauguages that exist
--so I twist those languages
and they becomes opaque -- like the world I am imagining.
Please. I want this world to be a world where
my opaque being encounters the opaque being-ness
of precious objects that are hinted at--
by a life
that is impenetrable to me!
Such beauty could feed me
Is that why you hold you head?
R: (slowly does so)
Are you trying to make the pressure on the outside of the head equal to the pressure on the inside of the head?
Is that why you’re trembling?
Is that why I’m trembling also?
I know you have secret things in your own life also
Maybe I do, Anthony Rimbaud
Opaque and unknowable experience?
I don’t know. You tell me
Right. Those are the rules
What rules?
The rules are that one can have the experience, without knowing the rules that give rise to one’s experience
Sometimes, it’s a momentary whim-- to have experiences
(There is a noise)
If it’s just a whim-- then there are no rules.
(Noise louder)
I don’t think there are any rules. No rules!
(Noise very loud. Reactions. It cuts)
Somebody got off the bus at the wrong moment, I’m afraid.
It was passing through a bad neighborhood I’m afraid.
So should I confront disaster head on?
Or should I be genteel in the face of disaster
How would that manifest itself, Anthony Rimbaud, except as a ki d of shyness
Right. Most people would be thinking-- how genteel is our sometimes friend, Anthony Rimbaud. But the smart ones would be thinking-- our friend Anthony Rimbaud is shy-- look how he veers away from personal disaster
Our friend Anthony Rimbaud believes that his name itself, is an invocation of disaster
I hear my name--
ringing in my head like a church bell
Anthony Rimbaud--
nobody in the room takes you seriously
Yert IU am a serious person
Do we know that for a fact?
I should be taken very seriously
Anthgony Rimbaud is a very serious person
A serious person in the wong environment
R:(As L gets a golfclub)
But where I am now, is where I am now--
(Crying out as L wacks club on wall)
Ow! Ow!
This hurts me, more than it hurts Anthony Rimbaud
R: (another smash)
(activity. Falls, sexual etc)
R: (recovers)
Can you possibly know what I’m experiencing
Something worse
What could be worse
She didn’t really make contact-- are you aware of that? It was a trick.
But you cried out in pain
Yes, but before and after, it was even worse
What made it worse
I dare not tell
Tell me
R: (pause, quiet)
Stage fright.
Stage fright.
ALL: (working up to it)
Stage fright! Stage fright! Stage fright!
* * *
You understand? I want to say things that will be very disturbing. Upsetting not to others, such as yourself, but to myself in particular.
I want things said, that will cut me like a knife. In that hope, I want your collaboration
Why should I collaborate with you of all people?
I need to experience that kind of pressure
ask why! Just decide whether or not you’ll collaborate. For a
suitable sum of course.
E: (Pause)
Let me think about this
K: (in cake, dressed in leather)
I don’t suppose you recognize me, do you Mendle Schwartz
No I don’t recognize you
I’ve been watching you, from behind closed doors, for a long long time
How quaint. How very quaint
Who am I, please?
Define yourself
I refuse
What do you refuse
I refuse. I absolutely refuse to meditate on such things
Ah, your mind is on fire?
Bravo. Bravo. Just a glance in a certain relevent direction-- a brillant maneuver.
I am an everyday person.
There is nothing unusual about me
I have no fire inside me
Yet, I want your attention, please.
Why. Why. Why.
Because I am dangerous in my passivity
K: (pause)
Then your passivity is something very intense
Then I want nothing more to do with you
Oh dear. Possibly I am misunderstood
Should we allow ourselves a respite
open the blinds
(open. man. close)
I told you
Who is that
man who keeps telling me he can’t live without me
E: (Pause)
Then whatever happens, you’ll stay amongst us
M: (hesitates)
don’t understand that hesitation
is no hesitation
want you to notice, a bed’s been prepared
I’m ready for that bed-- that is, if I undress
can even use it not getting completely undressed
Just the shoes
Yes. Take off the shoes
Well, maybe not
E: (Pause)
If a door opens--
A door?
Enter a room.
(She opens big door. messiah with big head.
Door closes)
* * *
You say --whatever happens. But its true that I can imagine a less desirable catagory of things. . .
(repeat messiah)
Am I in Paradise?
Well-- yes
doesn’t look like Paradise
is Paradise
mean, in a certain sense, this is Paradise
sublty is beyond me
think not, because you are the one who says-- this is Paradise
does not mean that I am subtle. It simply means-- this is Paradise
(Pause. Consider)
This is Paradise, but why.
You are the one person to say-- this is Paradise
M: (alone)
The inner turmoil. The blood inside me
I am, doing my thing. Here I am, doing my Paradise thing
you in Paradise, doing your thing
I am not here in Paradise, and then-- I am
does not look like Paradise
I am, doing my thing in a place that looks like Paradise
doesn’t look like Paradise
I am, doing my thing in Paradise
This is in Paradise
is in Paradise
Here is a list of potent items
A crown
is a crown
A drum
Here is a drum
Here is a hand
favor physical objets over people
favor not people, but what is inside people. And the potent physical
objects I choose perform excavations inside people
You see? A brass trumpet would express your “OH” in a way that would shake things as they are to their very foundations
(pause, blows?)
I’d like to be turned inside out
Would you?
it was a momentary lust for something I probably can’t handle
stabbing oneself
Large hands
This is not me needing help
This is not me
Could it be. Could it be that darkness is my special province
Knock knock
Nobody gets inside
is this door here, if nobody gets inside
that people can know-- inside, exists not
(Open Messiah. Close)
the truth is -- this thing will be opaque
it ‘s very hard to know the rules here
* * *
the belief that something is opaque --is fragile
and hard to penetrate
it’s always fragile.?
He believes it’s always fragile
Since he’s not in the room,
he can’t tell us about it
if he were here
we could decide
whether or not to believe him
this would be hard
Subtle things are hard
So shut up.
He might be talking,
but because he’s not in the room
we don’t know know,
we do not know
we do not know!
To be a child again
-- would be charming
I could play with things
that are opaque --
that I don’t understand.
That would be excellent
Yes, I’d wobble
I’d like that
Are you OK?
I’m OK
I was worried to see you
applying pressure to your head.
Are you trying to cause pressure on
the outside of your head
be equal to the pressure inside?
That’s opaque
Opaque means-- good?
Now we know something about
the way of the world.
what we know about the way of the world is
the way of the world.
Who can say this isn’t really happening?
there are things
that are different from the way we expected
that’s a subtle difference
But it reminds me of something
Yes. Your expectation maybe.
I’m ready to be reminded
what happens next my not be a reminder
the rules of this city
are never broken
What rules
opaque rules--
Subtle rules
I may have to be reminded about that
I’m remonding you.
friend Lawrence knows
his gestures may be misunderstood
Is that why he makes them?
He has the opportunity
to repeat them
Is that satisfying?
almost as satisfying as remembering things
Choose between remembering
and repeating
they’re both satisfying .
Do one of two things.
Mah 5
idiot hotel 8
Is it a whim
to have behavior
instead of reality?
Is it a whim
to have experiences ?
(Noise builds)
Nobody stops up their ears
in the neighborhood
of such energy
I do
(More moise)
Nobody stops up ears
in the neighborhood of such noise
such noise
such noise
such noise
mh 16
id hot 6
8) Somebody
got off the bus
at the wrong moment.
It was passing through a bad neighborhood
this is my opportunity for discoveries
what discoveries?
mah 6
idot ht 8 drum
Nobody in this room
speaks the language of unhappiness
speak means
break into a hundred syllables
What happens half happens,
we have hypothetical knowledge
of that situation
I’d rather straddle my experience than be
self victemized in small packages of discrete events
some things seem to happen as a
result of other things--
let’s pretend everything is reversable.
excapes in the cracks.
I’d rather
not go blind.
If energy blinds people,
so be it.
That’s not a great
price to pay,
if it’s real energy we’re talking about
so be it
So be it.
fuckgoodstuf 1
mah 3
This didn’t really happen
tomorrow brings
even more surprises.
Number 1) That’s all there is,
Number 2) That’s enough.
Mah 30
f goodstuff 5
this was my idea
from the beginning.
like all ideas
it leaves something out,
what you see
is what you get
No, what you don’t see
is what you get,
When you say that,
it’s difficult not to
flash a mental image--
do we see what we get?
or do we see what we don’t get
to these words
he may not be doing
the same thing with those words.
does he see what he gets?
you don’t get it
and if you don’t get it
he doesn’t get it either
get it?
Get it?
Get it?
mah 3: f goodstuf 1
This language
doesn’t mean much
to the person who is speaking
But to Lawrence
it’s everything.
because its evocativeness
is someplace else--
just like everything in life
is someplace else
Oh no --
here’s our friend--
and there’s nothing elsewhere in this.
See? he twists and turns
No. The minute we begin talking--
oh spare me, spare me
this complicated analogy.
I’d rather not be
in this particular ball-game
But you are
Here comes the ball
speeding toward you.
You lift your hands,
but the ball manages to slip through my hands
at full velocity--
and hits me in my head.
Right now,
it is hitting me in the head
that ball is
hitting me in the head
hitting me in the head.
I don’t know
the name of my best friend
I have no best friend
It’s you, it’s you, it’s you
I don’t know
where I’ll be later tonite
but that’s ok because
wherever I am
you’re with me in my dreams
you’re with me in my dreams
I don’t know how to remember my dreams
So I make them up
That’s just as good
that’s just as good
Of course it is
of course it is
of course it is
Is it good to confront
disaster head on--
or should he be
genteel in the face of disaster
That would manefest
itself as a kind of shyness.
everybody would say
oh Our friend Lawrence
how genteel you are
but others would be thinking
oh Our friend Lawrence is shy
so he shies away from personal disaster
Our friend Lawrence--
believes that
his name itself is a invocation
of disaster,
I hear my name ringing in my head
like a church bell
Nobody in this entire city
takes you seriously
Yet I am a serious person.
Do you know that?
I should be taken very seriously
Lawrence is a serious person
Our friend Lawrence, our friend Lawrence
Now that I’m in china, I better learn how to use chopsticks
But Oh, Friend Lawrence, this is not China, this is a city in America
But Friend Lawrence, it is true, likes to think of himself in China
because then he is able to see things in front of his eyes
new and fresh
as if
a newcomer indeed
in a foreign land
where all seems beautiful and strange
Now that I’m in China
I’d better learn how to use chopsticks--
but these are too big for my fingers
After a while, as you become confortable with these chopsticks
they will seem to shrink in size, Our friend Lawrence.
Now that I’m in China--
This is not China, Friend Lawrence
Strange-- it doesn’t look like a city in America
Maybe there is a part of a city in America
that looks like this looks,--but I am simply not familar
with that part of such a city in America
Now that I’m in china
it’s true-- it feels that I am on the other side of the earth
walking upside down.
True, or just your imagination, Our friend Lawrence
True, or just your desire for a certain psychic disorientation, Friend Lawrence
True, true, true, true!
Now that I’m in China
I operate under the belief system that things spoken
are incisive and wonderful things
because the langauge that I cannot understand
allows me to believe such a thing
And our friend Lawrence
tends to deny himself
spoken language
because a language that is understandable
speaks things that are understandable
and this is not one hundred percent exciting
to our friend Lawrence
who truly lusts, one might say
for the things that are not understadable
but-- that are opaque to his understanding
he lusts for this excitment and this
this is his lust
this is his excitiment
this is true’
this is true
this is the true lust of Our friend Lawrence
Our friend Lawrence
Our friend Lawrence
was my ideal
fat person
because he wasn’t fat
he was our friend Lawrence
our friend Lawrence!
our friend Lawrence is
almost invisible -- look.
light from another world
reveal facial details
that turn his face into its opposite
what’s the opposite of
a particular face?
He lives
in the details.
This’s his way
of navagating the difference--
-- wait a minute--
the surge in my mental capacity
is completely predictable.
am I here for the duration
or just passing through.
words wear out don’t they?
after they wear out
are they words?
Something that
twists the mouth into
funny shapes,
could be called
Are you looking for that kiss
that turns words into--
sweet things
Now that I’m in china,
I’d better learn how to pronounce
funny chinese words
the twang in your voice--
is already chinese to my lips--
Chinese people never kiss
if Chinese people don’t kiss,
how do they make babies--
Cinese people
come out upside down
this is the other side of the world, isn’t it?
a chinese point of view--
is an opaque point of view
This is very exciting to me
because the chinese language--
Kiss me
I don’t know how to kiss
in the chinese language,
so it’s impossible for me
to imagine having chinese babies
Oh we all love
chinese babies
chinese babies
chinese babies
Our friend Lawrence knows
time waits for no man
so he was enraged
at the idea of wasting time.
He made it
his special idea
to eat all meals
in a spceial chinese resturant
--but this did not prove
he was in China
because chinese style resturants
exist in many cities
outside the borders
of the china
chinese resturants
are often impenetrable,
because one can’t compute
the vast number of combinations
produceable with chinese ingreedients
to produce the formidable variety
in the number of dishes
that do go on and on
in a chinese resturant.
time waits for no man
This enrages me
It takes time
to calculate the number of
possible dishes,
how much better, then,
to say impenetrable
as a substitute for log calculations
that would
add to the pressure of time
which I hope to
avoid whenever possible.
the pressure of time
is unendurable
But o confront the opaque
and call it the unfathomable
--is to take joy
in the opaque and in the unfathomable.
This let’s time pass
with no stress
Confession is good for the soul. But I have nothing to confess.
What a disappointment. My whole life-- is full of similar complaints. Am I a real person?
This sounds like ice-skating music-- but I don’t ice-skate.
What’s the connection.
Am I stupid? I don’t think so. One never knows, however
Am I stupid? I hope so.
Do I care about my own stupidity?
I am not stupid
Emotional fulfilment only. That’s all. What I’m looking for from this relationship? That’s easy. Emotional fulfilment
That’s what I’m looking for in all my experiences
Me too. Emotional fulfillment
What do you mean exactly by emotional fulfillment
I mean-- deepseated emotions-- feeling that-- an experience that produces that
Emotional fullfillment
Me too
The question is, what is going to provide that emotional fulfilment
Yes, I can imagine that’s the question
That is the question
At some point, I stopped feeling myself relevent. Does that impress you ?
Everything you say impresses me
I am no longer relevent
I see that
Do you know that for a fact?
I know that definitely for a fact
If I am no longer relevent, what am I supposed to do with the rest of my life
Ah. I almost wrote down one of the forbidden words
But you didn’t
I didn’t
I didn’t see you writing, I mean-- about to write
That’s because-- this isn’t where my real life takes place
Oh? In the next room?
There is no “next room”
Oh? Then this must be where your life takes place
Do you see me, right now, writing something down?
I do not
That proves this is not where my real life takes place
I could say the same thing
Ah! I didn’t write down one of the forbidden words
Such as--?
I can’t think of any
Then, why did you say--
The reason I said it is as follows. If it had been written-- it would be insufficient, because I have always found, alas, all words-- ultimately, insufficient. And I chose to forbid myself such insufficiency, because the manifestation of such insufficiency is, to say the least, hunmiliating to me
(beaten with cane)
Ow! ow!
This hurts me more than it hurrts you
Too late
No-- the whole process has started
Oh, I’m well aware of that-- you think when I say “wait”, you think I’m trying to interfere with something that’s already started, but that’s not true
See? Everything proceeds as normal
What I was offering you was half my sandwhich
(a roing table and food)
Wouldn’t you rather dine with me OK?
You mean in style
Style is OK
Yes, but what can we do with the sandwhich
Well, let’s eat it, and then proceed to dine in style
(Eat. both go sit at table)
Now, I’m not hungery
Let’s be polite about this
(eaten fast)
I don’t feel good
Surprise. You’ve been tricked
When you said “wait”--
I though YOU said that
Anyway-- wait. We should have waited
Yes. I suppose we should have obeyed that command
(Up, stagger, fall)
Do you know what I’m experiencing?
Stage fright! Stage fright!
Stage fright! Stage fright!
* * *
You understand? I want to say things that will be disturbing. Not to others, but to myself
I want things said, that will cut me like a knife. In that, I want your collaboration
Why should I collaborate with you?
I need to experience that kind of pressure
Don’t ask! Just decide if you’ll
collaborate. For a suitable sum of course.
Let me think about this
I don’t suppose you recognize me,
I’ve been watching you in secret
How quaint.
Who am I?
Define yourself
I refuse
What do you refuse
I refuse.
is your mind is on fire?
I am an everyday person.
I have no fire inside me
Yet, I want your attention,
Because my passivity is dangerous
Then your passivity is something very intense
Then I want nothing more to do with you
Maybe I’ve been misunderstood
Should we allow a respite
Don’t open the blinds
Just don’t
(open. man. close)
I told you
Who is that
A man who says he can’t live without me
Then whatever happens, you’ll stay here
I don’t understand the hesitation
no hesitation
notice, a bed’s ready
OK I’m ready for that -- if I undress
You can use it not getting completely undressed
Just the shoes?
That would be good
Well, maybe not
If a door opens--
A door?
(She opens big door. messiah with big head.
Door closes)
* * *
its true that I can imagine something even less desirable . .
(repeat messiah)
Is this Paradise?
This doesn’t look like Paradise
This is Paradise
You mean, in a certain sense--
Such sublty is beyond me
You’re the one who says-- this is Paradise
That’s not subtle, it just means-- this is
(Pause. Consider)
This is Paradise. Why
You just said it-- this is Paradise
The inner turmoil inside me
Here I am, doing my thing. Here I am, doing my
Paradise thing
Are you in Paradise, doing your thing
I am
I am not in Paradise, and then-- I am
This does not look like Paradise
Here I am, doing my thing in a place that looks like
It doesn’t look like Paradise
Here I am, doing my thing in Paradise
This is Paradise
This is in Paradise
Here is a list of potent
A crown
A drum
You favor objets over people
I favor what is inside people. And the physical
objects I choose excavate inside people
You see? A brass trumpet would express “OH” in a way that would shake things to their foundations
(pause, blows?)
I’d like being turned inside out
Would you?
Well, it was a momentary lust for something I
probably can’t handle
stabbing oneself
Large hands
This is not me needing help
This is not me either
Knock knock
No. Nobody gets inside
Why is there this door, if nobody gets inside
So that people can know-- inside this, there’s
no inside
(Open Messiah. Close)
At a certain point, towards the end of my life, I
realized-- the rewards I expected were not forthcoming. This was
surprising to me--
Who’s there?
(T opens, gets letter)
This is for you,
This is undeniably for me. So I’ll put it in
No questions?
No questions?
large hands
stabbing oneself with a knife
Somnebody’s been lying to me about life
Everything is a response to pain.
Emotional, physical-- without pain-- nothing
Then maybe nothing is desirable
Right. Nothing is desirable. But of course-- that’s a trap also
It’s very easy to be negative about things
Just wait-- Nothing painful yet?
Not yet?
When sleep turns out to be my only escape from pain, maybe then. . .
(open door, Messiah
Why is it, I don’t get the energy to speak unless I manifest things that are tearing me apart
hoping, hoping, hoping for some semi-appropriate response
hoping to cause please, a tremendous BURNING sensation inside all dreamed of articuless and articulatables--
Why is it that I have nothing but MYSELF, MYSELF, MYSELF--
Sending roots into the exhausted earth.
Vanity vanity vanity.
The idea
was not for fruit
to perform its annual mechanism
But rather
an appropriate
down time
--end of time
That blatent,
to sustain me.
And I swallowed
all my expectations
and revole
here and now
like the pure air machine
I had always believed myself to be in reality
You see my problem.
I am no longer interesting to you
I too am no longer interesting.
Why do you make me say such things?
Please. It was never really me-- though I understand--
--What? What.
You try to persuade me of your invisible nature
I thought you were Mr. Invisible
I was.
Was -- past tense
-- present tense
“This is the cerimony, of the great breaking of the head
against HARD STONE”
(have set canvas, portrait, head blank?)
I would prefer
not to see myself in some fucking mirror that never answers
(to wall)
Now. You are lost to me, completely-- and I do reach for some residue
inside my own deep and empty spaces, right?
First-- lose everything
Lose what. Tell me
Lose it
OK. I have lost
Lose it
Careful, you re-start my anticipation
Lose it
If I were to speak to you of some inner desire that ended, not in facts-- but in opportunities lost--
See-- the more you circle my being appropriately dead, the more you wear those illusionary flowers I would neer be able to paint into my own masterpiece. --See? I hold paint brushes between my fingers-- and as they tremble slightly--
I do read their stacatto language
un-captured against so many mediocre
‘where could they be hiding’ canvases of my own--
but now, to the real depth of things--
(brushes into face)
I am painting this face probably. because I’d like it to be my own so invisible thing.
Your face is still visible
But yours, with the anticipation of my own pain
Yes I anticipate pain-- but I have no way to make that remarkable like you do
No resources--
Right. No resources
--then we must move forward immediately
We are not moving
Oh yes, we are moving. We are moving.
A bit of stage fright freezes the moment momentarily perhaps,
but we are moving. We are certainly moving!
(Music crests)
ALL (soft)
Stage fright. Stage fright. Stage fright
Is it still true
that daring to look into a room
with a green light over the door--
Remember. Violent things are happening behind that door
On which side?
visible thing
spill into the torturous
of “I can’t see it, you can’t see it”
Nobody sees it
except that man still invisible until
he stumbles on things
quite by accident
(Open door, geometry? Strings?)
What’s in this space--
Look how we gravitate towards, with my milk, non milk
residue of milk, nourishment of total milk
This platter, please. This glass without expectation, says
be berift, please. Be a prisoner of my beauty
Our friend Lawrence
(all hide eyes)
Our friend Lawrence
lives in a city
from which no escape is possible.
However, an alternate city exists
Here is our friend, Lawrence
He is imagining now,
how much more desirable it would be
to live in a city
not this one
where certian spiritual issues would certainly take prescidence.
Oh, How desirable to live in such a city
where men and women both, lust for the confrontation
with opaque objects, impenetrable
and therefore
fascinating to men and women such as our friend Lawrence
who’s aim in life -- not to interpret -- not to fully understand
everything which might be encountered in that life inside that blessed city--
but rather
the hoped for encounter with that which, in its depths
is truly the inexplicable.
Am I right?
Yes. You are right.
Such a glorious city, where this might transpire
would be a city inside of wich
one would truly desire to exist, day by day by day
which gives pain to our friend Lawrence
who realizes deeply
that he does not now live
in such a city,
but he does dream it,
he does still dream of such a city in many languages--
though he himself
knows only that single language which is neither
the language of birds
nor other animals, nor angles,
but rather
that speakable language that he, friend Lawrence has rejected
--though still using, himself, such a language
which is the one language he is able to speak, alas--
--trying as best he might, twisting that language
til it becomes--
--opaque as the world is opaque
a special city perhaps,
can become a whole world in that language
--so that special city becomes
a whole world
in which he desires to make
his own opaque being
encounter the opaque being-ness
of many precious objets
hinted at by life elsewhere
that can never be penetrated, here or elsewhere,
because of such great and enigmatic beauty
--one is fed by such beauty alone
and such beauty alone
is enough to feed one completely
(milk in?)
is why he holds his head?
--this is the cause of his trembling
may or may not be the cause
of that trembling which others are trembling also
lives also
holding secret things inside other lives also
which cause trembling.
But these things are unknown to us
in a way that things in the life of our friend Lawrence
are no longer unknown to us
-- though they are still
things that are truly opaque
and unknowable.
Shall we go to South America?
What do they have there that’s appealing?
Be careful, friend Lawrence
The green light over the door you’re thinking about
means-- well--
violent things are happening behind that door
Are they indescribable
No. They are not indescribable. But you will have to be willing to use words you may not ne willing to use
Terrible words such as fuck, puss, stumbling shit
prick, vermine bastard, cunt, shitface
(open door, wandering jew dances. Close)
What does my consciousness really know of such things
Nothing really. Which is why the belief system you propose--
Did I propose an entire belief system?
It sustains a world that is increasingly unbearable
to the rest of us
That’s the story of my life. An unrecognizable story.
Unrecognizable-- because it lacks feeling
A life that lacks feeling
That’s why it’s secret from us.
But this is important, because by staying secret,
it gains internal pressure, and that pressure is capable of
producing-- wonderful things
I’d like to see some of those things
In other words
You’d like me to sacrifice my life, to your happiness
Really? Is that all it takes?
You’d like me to sacrifice my life to your--
emotional fulfilment
Yes. I would
I refuse
Then I refuse also.
What I refuse is taking you into my confidence
Ah. This is something new from our friend Lawrence
The justificatiuon of my entire life--
Is he taking us into his confidence?
My deep and profound desire is to speak the truth
About what
I don’t know just--the truth. The truth about my connection to other things
What things?
Other things
What things are other things
You are here to cause me trouble
That could be. Isn’t that what I’m paid for?
Let me think.
No. I can’t think
Why not?
Stage fright! Stage fright! Stage fright!
So-- take this for now
How much is that
two hundred
I want more
Two hundred is a lot
That’s all?
For now
Guess what happens
This is bad news, I’m afraid
It looks like he’s going to start beating the shit out of you
That’s what it looks like
A drink first?
Answer that
Why not
the telephone has certainly caused me grief
(book presented. Cloth off.
This book has certainly caused me grief.
Kiss it
This book has certainly caused me grief.
(Takes it)
I think I‘ll rip it to pieces, if that’s ok?
(grabbed, thrown to floor.)
Kiss it
(On floor. Kisses it? Rolls on back, they are kicking him)
You should get yourself in shape
You should work out a little
I don’t think he looks sufficiently muscular
You don’t look particularly muscular to me
Right. I plan to work out
Of course, I’d be a little worried if you get too muscular
(all laugh)
Look. Since we are all going to die anyway, it doesn’t matter what happens to us. Therefore. I suggest we kill people
What people
People we don’t like. I mean-- really evil people
I know some
(Pause, action)
OK. Maybe we should consider this
(she hits him with club)
Ow! Do you like playing golf?
Yes, I do
You know I like golf, friend Lawrence. We’ve been friends for ten years--
Twelve years I think--
You should know by now, that golf is one of my hobbies
Yes. I’ve seen you going off to play golf so often, I’ve concluded it must be a hobby
I like it
I guess you do
Are you good at it?
She hopes to get better
I’m a dangerous and untrustworthy person. I think you should know that
Thank you for telling us
I can see you don’t believe me
Would you say you are a threat to society?
He says-- would you say you are a threat to society?
Probably. At any moment, I may go to the bookcase, and take out a book at random, open it --randomly, look what’s written on the page I open to at random, and find in that randomly chosen example-- blinding, overwhelming truth
Lucky you
You don’t believe me
I believe you might possibly do such a thing. But I don’t believe the page you open to will automatically contain some blinding truth
Ah, but you think it might.
Accidentally you might open a page containing something you could twist in such a way that it could seem to echo some undeniable truth. But that would be accidental
What kind of a person are you, really? Help us to
OK. I’m going to put ten dollars in each of these shoes. Now I’m going to ask you to wear the shoe with the ten dollars inside.
Probably not all the shoes fit perfectly
My shoe doesn’t.
Does the ten dollars help?
Ten dollars not a significant sum
Well. We have the ten dollars in our shoes. Now what
I want the two of you to go in the closet
I want to see what happens if you’re locked together in this closet for two hours together
Do you think we’d have sex
I don’t know. Are both of you wonderful human beings?
What is that supposed to mean
I don’t know
Take the ten dollars out of the shoe and see if it smells of feet
Not really
(gets drinks)
This is my favorite time of day thank god.
What are you recommending
I recommend coctails
I thought friend Lawrence didn’t drink
Can we offer you a drink?
Why not
(after he drinks)
It could have a bad effect on you
Are you going to fall down?
Do you hear music?
I don’t hear anything. I don’t hear any music
There is music
Perhaps, but I don’t hear it
(E is dancing)
I can assure you. There IS music
I don’t care really. Silence is golden also
I have to admit. In your own way-- you are a great human being, friend Lawrence. But because you’ve been a bad boy, I’m going to beat you with this club
How have I been bad?
I think you know
You’ve had sexual relations with this lady
My wife
No I have not done that
But you have
I haven’t
You have
In my dreams, I have. But that’s no reason to beat me
Isn’t it possible, as a normal human being, I’m jealous?
That hurt--
I meant it to hurt
You may be jealous, but there are a lot of other considerations
Oh, I know that
Such as-- why did she come to sleep with me in my dreams?
Punishment often comes as a surprise
Come on, take it like a man
OK. Do your worst to me.
This doesn’t make sense. I should be the one receiving punishment
What an asshole you are! It’s of no help to me if you behave like an asshole!
I’m sorry
I do not forgive you!
I can’t help it.
I probably have stage fright.
Stage fright! Stage fright! Stage fright!
Stage Fright! Stage fright! Stage fright!
Why do these irrational things pop out of me?
Each of us could complain of similar things
I do think so
(light over door)
Remind me-- What does it mean when the green light goes on over that door?
Listen everyody. we’re all nervous , we’re all uptight. Let’s have drinks
Yes. It’ll enable us to losen up. Make contact with our creative resources
But isn’t there a risk we’ll just sort of stagger around being drunk?
That’s a risk-- but it’s my belief the benifits are potentially greater than the risks
OK then. Let’s have drinks.
Where are the drinks?
(open wallet, takes out cash)
Here. Go get us some drinks
Where does this money come from?
You don’t want to know about such things
Oh? Why is that
People get nervous about money. They don’t like to think deeply about such things
Oh? You mean, the lilies of the field ask not?
But you like having money to throw around, isn’t that true, friend Lawrence?
I’m not throwing it around, it seems to me
(He tosses some in the air. Others go down on the floor scrambling for it)
It’s a GIFT. Think about it.
How did it come to be, that there is MONEY rather than no money!
Where did it come from-- how did the world decide to invent and spew forth MONEY! What is the first cause of this MONEY!
(Pause, all quiets down)
Ah. This too shall pass
This will not pass, asshole.
(He is tying up Lawrence)
Is that the same thing? In my case at least
(finding more money in Lawrence’s pockets)
Don’t worry abouit your money
I’m not thinking about my money
(as other exits)
It’s God. That’s what I’m thinking about
This is the modern world. There is no God
Well of course-- but is everything explainable-- Or are some things still a mystery. Such as-- why is there something-- rather than nothing at all in which we find ourselves
Some things are a mystery
OK. I prove my point
What point do you prove
God. I dare to use the forbidden term -- for something that isn’t old fashioned after all. The opaque
OK. Then let’s go someplace where just you and I-- can have a closer relationship to this God you just mentioned
Where is that someplace?
Where is that someplace
Through that door.
I’ll throw this switch, which will turn on the green light over the door-- and when it goes on it’ll mean--OK, now it’s OK to go through
(She comes close to him)
Relax. I can see tension--
I can’t relax
Why not
OK . Let’s go to China
Why do you say China
Let’s go to China
(enter K. Overcoat)
He wants to go to China
Ah, he wants to go to China where they speak chinese--
Yes, I want to go to China and speak chinese
Listen everybody--
(buzzer and green light)
Wait a minute! What does it really mean when the green light goes on over that door.
What it means is simply that violent things are happening inside. Not the right kind of place for our friend Lawrence
Why not
I don’t think so
Why is it like this
Like what
Well-- I have this appendage that swells up. It’s called my penis. And a great variety of species have a similar system. But why?
Why is this the way things are
Make me understand
Is it time to tell the truth?
No. I don’t think it’s time to tell the truth
Understand me please. I want you to say things that will be very disturbing. Upsetting not to others, such as yourself, but to me myself in particular.
I want things said, that will cut me like a knife. In that hope, I want your collaboration
Why do you need my help
I need to experience that kind of pressure
Why-- ask him why
You don’t ask me why. You just decide whether or not you’ll collaborate. For a suitable fee, of course.
Let me think about this
You know I think I recognize you after all
Then all prophicies are fulfilled. This is an appropriate room. The things that are possible here--
Don’t say any more
They happen, I think, for only one reason. This room can be witness
For what reason
A witness
For what reason ?
Some things are measurable on a scale whose
co-ordinants are not know to us-- for instance, the grid on which I
can chart my experience-- is not my experience
This is your experience, not my experience
It is a vulgar world, my friend, that sustains these belief systems from which we are trying to escape
OK. I think escape might be desirable
For that reason, I am already holding my head
OK. I am holding my head also. Doing a private kind of suffering, I admit.
Why aren’t you holding your head
Is it because my hands are unavailable?
Yes. I suppose that could be the reason
There could be another reason
Stage fright. Stage fright. Stage fright.
Let’s see what happens if you get untied
Stage fright! Stage fright! Stage fright!
(much repetition, variation)
moly pg.