Recently Received
Books (Poetry)
Anne Blonstein, Correspondence with Nobody, Ellectrique Press, Basel, Switzerland 2008
Roberto Bolaño, The Romantic Dogs,, translated by Laura Healy, New Directions, New York 2008
Jules Boykoff, Hegemonic Love Potion, Factory School, Brooklyn 2009
Timothy Donnelly, The Cloud Corporation, Hand Held Editions, New York 2008
Brett Evans, Slosh Models, Factory School, Brooklyn 2009
Thomas Fink, Generic Whistle-Stop, Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, Brooklyn 2008
Peter Ganick, ambergris, White Sky Books, Puhos, Finland 2008
Peter Ganick, arranger, White Sky Books, Puhos, Finland 2009
Peter Ganick, cake and seve, Arrum Press, Puhos, Finland 2008
Peter Ganick, is v. fact, Arrum Press, Puhos, Finland 2008
Peter Ganick, night lyrics, Blue Lion Books, Puhos, Finland & West Hartford CT 2008
Peter Ganick, soft text, White Sky Books, Puhos, Finland 2008
Peter Ganick, the decimated forest, White Sky Books, Puhos, Finland 2008
Peter Ganick, withness., Blue Lion Books, Puhos, Finland & West Hartford CT 2007
Stefania Heim, Three Poems, Hand Held Editions, New York 2008
Michael Heller, Eschaton, Talisman House, Jersey City 2009
Crag Hill, Dict, Xexoxial Editions, West Lima, WI 2009
Friedrich Hölderlin, Odes and Elegies, translated and edited by Nick Hoff, Wesleyan, Middletown, CT 2008
Lucy Ives, My Thousand Novel, Cosa Nostra Editions, Iowa City, 2009
Erica Kaufman, Censory Impulse, Factory School, Brooklyn 2009
Timothy Liu, Bending the Mind Around the Dream’s Blown Fuse, Talisman House, Jersey City 2009
Deborah Meadows, Goodbye Tissues, Shearsman Books, Exeter, UK, 2009
Didi Menendez, For Love of an Armadillo, GOSS 183:: Casa Menendez, Bloomington, IL 2009
Sheila Murphy & mIEKAL aND, How to Spell the Sound of Everything, Xerox Sutra Editions, West Lima, WI 2009
Ethan Paquin, Nineains, Hand Held Editions, New York 2008
Simon Pettet, Hearth, Talisman House, Jersey City 2009
Craig Santos Perez, from Unincorporated Territory [HACHA], Tinfish, Kāne’ohe, HI 2008.
kathryn l. pringle, Right New Biology, Factory School, Brooklyn 2009
Kit Robinson, The Messianic Trees: Selected Poems, 1976 – 2003,,
Adventures in Poetry, Princeton 2009
Frank Sherlock, Over Here, Factory School, Brooklyn, 2009
John Unland, The Sea Beneath the House, Pudding House Publications, Columbus, OH 2004
Books (Poetry Anthologies)
mIEKAL aND, Spidertangle Anthology, Xeoxial Editions, West Lima, WI 2009. Includes Brian Zimmer, KS Ernst, Grace Vadja, Derek White, Reed Altemus, PR Primeau, David Chikhladze, Matthew Stolte, John M Bennett, Irving Weiss, Geof Huth, Crag Hill, Carlos Luis, Dan Waber, Nico Vassilakis, Michael Peters, Ric Royer, Bob Grumman, Amira Hanafi, Donna Kuhn, David Baptiste Chirot, Joel Lipman, Lanny Quarles, Kevin Thurston, Ross Priddle, Petra Backonja, Reid Wood & Michelle Greenblatt, Karl Young, Karl Kempton,Marilyn R. Rosenberg, Michael Basinski, Sheila Murphy, William James Austin, Jukka-Pekka Kervenin, Peter Ciccariello, C Mehrl Bennett, Maria Damon, endwar, Martha Deed, Laura Goldstein, Igor Satanovsky & Lenny Drozner, Camille Martin, Márton
Koppány, mIEKAL aND, Richard Kostelanetz, Derek Beaulieu, Cecil Touchon, Marco Giovenale, Liaizon Wakest, Jefferson Hansen & CamillE Bacos
Jerome Rothenberg & Jeffrey C. Robinson, Poems for the Millennium, Vol. Three: The University of California Book of Romantic & Postromantic Poetry, UC Press, Berkeley, 2009. Includes Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emanuel Swedenborg, Denis Diderot, Christopher Smart, Erasmus Darwin, Francisco Goya, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Thomas Chatteron, Mary Robinson, William Blake, Joseph Joubert, Robert Burns, Friedrich Hölderlin, William Wordsworth, Dorothy Wordsworth, Novalis, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bysshe Shelly, Kobayashi Issa, Wu Tsao, Rabindranath Tagore, John Clare, John Keats, Heinrich Heine, Aleksander Pushkin, G.R.S. Mead, Lady Charlotte Guest, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, Victor Hugo, Thomas Lovell Beddoes, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aloysius Bertrand, Gerard de Nerval, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar Allan Poe, Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, Edward Lear, Mikhail Lermantov, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Charles Baudelaire, Emily Dickinson, Christina Rossetti, The Shakers, August Strinberg, Lafcadio Hearn, Leigh Hunt, Arthur Rimbaud, Mary Shelley, Laurence Sterne, Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Verlaine, José Martí, Jules Laforgue, Victor Segalen, Rubén Dario, Alfred Jarry, Gertrude Stein, Rainer Maria Rilke, Yosano Akiko, Friedrich von Schlegel, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Walter Pater, many, many more.
Brenda Shaughnessy & CJ Evans, Satellite Convulsions: Poems from Tin House, Tin House Books, Portland OR & New York, 2008. Includes Agha Shahid Ali, Rae Armantrout, Frank Bidart, Billy Collins, Olena Kalytiak Davis, Mark Doty, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Nick Flynn, Matthea Harvey, Seamus Heaney, Jane Hirshfield, Pablo Neruda, Sharon Olds, Lucia Perillo, D.A. Powell, Mary Ruefle, Charles Simic, James Tate
Books (Other)
Amiri Baraka, Ed Dorn & the Western World, Skanky Possum & Effing Press, Austin, TX 2008
Roberto Bolaño, 2666, translated by Natasha Wimmer, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York 2008
Roberto Bolaño, Nazi Literature in the Americas, translated by Chris Andrews, New Directions, New York 2008
Stephen Burt, Close Calls with Nonsense: Reading New Poetry, Graywolf Press, St. Paul 2009
Thomas Devaney, Edgar Allan Poe at 200: The Absolute Literary Case, Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 2009
Christina Mengert & Joshua Marie Wilkinson, 12 x 12: Conversations in 21st-Century Poetry and Poetics, University of Iowa, Iowa City 2009. Includes Jennifer K. Dick & Laura Mullen, Jon Woodward & Rae Armantrout, Sabrina Orah Mark & Claudia Rankine, Christian Hawkey & Tomaž Šalamun, Srikanth Reddy & Mark Levine, Karen Volkman & Allen Grossman, Sawako Nakayasu & Carla Harryman, Paul Fattaruso & Dara Wier, Mark Yakich & Mary Leader, Michelle Robinson & Paul Auster, Ben Lerner & Aaron Kunin
Bill Morgan, I Celebrate Myself: The Somewhat Private Life of Allen Ginsberg, Penguin, New York & London, 2007
Pam Rosenthal, The Edge of Impropriety, Signet Eclipse, New York 2008
Jerome Rothenberg, Poetics & Polemics: 1980 – 2005, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa 2008
Simon Schama, Rough Crossings: The Slaves, the British, and the American Revolution, Harper Perennial, New York 2006.
Henry Weinfield, The Music of Thought in the Poetry of George Oppen and William Bronk, University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, 2009
Brenda Wineapple, White Heat: The Friendship of Emily Dickinson & Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Knopf, New York 2006
Bombay Gin, 35:1, 2009, Boulder. Includes Ilya Kaminsky, Rachel Levitsky, Michel Aird, Derek Henderson, Jena Osman, Martha King, Tyrone Williams, Sara Veglahn, Christophe Casamassima, Arthur Nersesian, Martha Cooley, Roberto Harrison, Julie Carr, Michael Knight, Noelle Kocot, Troung Tran, Imraan Coovadia, Shira Dentz, Jared Schickling, Miranda Mellis, Sawako Nakayasu, Raymond Federman, Carrie Etter, Richard Hell, François Luong, Stacy Szymaszek, Peter Gizzi
Chicago Review, 54:3, Winter 2009, Chicago. Stephen Rodefer feature (Keston Sutherland, Fanny Howe, lots of Rodefer, more), Rae Armantrout, Carl Phillips, Ange Mlinko, John Tipton, Johanna Klink, Paul Éluard, Alice Notley, Jim Kruse, Mark Scroggins, Kent Johnson, Andrew Duncan, more.
DW B, nos. 5/6, December 2008, Ghent, Belgium (publishes in Dutch). Includes Peter Volvoet-Hanssen, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Narcisse Tordoir, Max Frisch, Ron Silliman, Kiwao Nomura, more.
The Emohippus Greeting Card, second series, editing uncertain, Eohippus Labs, Los Angeles 2009. Includes Carribean Fragoza, Teresa Carmody, Joseph Mosconi, SAM OR SAMANTHA YAMS, Amina Cain.
Gerry Mulligan, number zero, winter 2009, Red Hook, NY. Includes Tom Savage, Ange Mlinko, Marcella Durand, Anselm Hollo, Ted Berrigan, Lydia Davis, John Wieners, Ted Greenwald, Samuel Greenberg, David Perry, Charles North, Trevor Winkfield, Duncan McNaughton, Kit Robinson, Omar Husain, Thomas Lovell Beddoes, more.
Other Formats (Broadsides, DVDs, CDs, etc.)
Sheila E. Muphy, Upon the Year 2009, self-published, Phoenix 2008. Oversized card.
Eileen Tabios, Novel Chatelaine, A Teeny Tiny Chapbook, no location given (but we’re guessing Edmonds, Washington), 2009. Seven chapter, 8-page novel with great color graphics ingeniously printed on a single piece of 20-lb weight copy paper.
Double Change, France / U.S.A.: A Film Archive of Poetry, 18 films directed by Meryem Delagarde, edited by Abigail Lang & Dominque Pasqualini, Motion Method Memory (Les presses du reel), Dijon, France, 2008. DVD. Includes Tom Raworth, Pierre Alferi, Charles Bernstein, Juliette Valéry, Emmanuel Hocquard, Rosmarie Waldrop, Cole Swensen, Joseph Mouton, Kathleen Fraser, Omar Berrada, Cécile Mainardi, Michelle Noteboom, Norma Cole, Robert Grenier, Bernard Heidsieck, Yves Di Manno, Jerome Rothenberg, Thalia Field, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Kristin Prevallet, Keith Waldrop, Olivier Brossard, Steve McCaffery, Karen Mac Cormack, Sarah Riggs, Philippe Beck, Rae Armantrout, Isabelle Garron, Pierre Fourny, Bill Berkson, Tracy Grimmell, Claire Guillot, Joe Ross, Jacques Roubaud, more.
Still a big stack of books
waiting to be noted here