Poet & performance artist
Sandy Crimmins
has died
Harvey Goldner,
”the Bard of Belltown,”
has also died
Alzheimer’s kills
Philip Booth
Leonard Schwartz’
Cross-Cultural Poetics
radio archives
(over 100 hours
of terrific stuff)
Destroying books
as art
The San Diego Union-Tribune
folds its Sunday Book Review
The audience laughs
while the writer
breaks down in tears
Another occasion to cry:
The Last Novel
try it the other way:
80 pages of discussion
concerning humor & poetry
24 pages of poetry
from the HumPo
Shakespeare met Cervantes
“As a surrealist,
I quite enjoy having dementia”
George Melly is dead
A lengthy portrait
of Mayakovsky
The politics
of book reviews
John Irving
Günter Grass
Lorraine Wild
& the design of books
Modest proposals
for a right-wing
English curriculum
Peggy Fox on
Ezra Pound, James Laughlin
& the founding of
New Directions
The New York Times
for Mary Ellen Solt
to demonstrate
in its text
& the Associate Press piece
Imagine a review
of Paul Celan translations
that alludes to the work
of Pierre Joris
as an afterthought
The silliest
”Great American Novel”
I’ve ever read
The slam team
from Springfield
Terry Eagleton’s
Mikhail Bakhtin
San Francisco’s
International Poetry Festival
reflect’s the city’s
beat street roots
A hospital
with a poet laureate
A profile of
Barry Spacks
The impact of metaphor
on scientific theory
on a refrigerator door
to start a magazine
Early writer’s block
Language, Mind & Culture
Salman Rushdie,
between East & West
Another review
of Carol Muske-Duke’s
”prison (writing worksho) memoir”
To whom it may concern
Buying David Halberstam’s
Foreword Magazine’s
Book of the Year Finalists,
all 699 of them
Who killed the novel?
Tony Soprano!
Is selling on the web
used & rare books?
In Canada,
fears that bookselling
may be a dying industry
This week’s
death-of-a-bookstore articles
come from
The OC
& West Hollywood
while in Brentwood,
a bookstore is spared
But it’s
”bricks & clicks”
for Detroit
In Chicago,
they’re arguing
which bookstore
is best
Banning chains
to save
the independents
Pennsylvania libraries
may be endangered
If you think
bookstores are hurting . . .
Jazz & fiction
The latest lament
o’er the demise
of “classical” music
The architecture
of Zaha Hadid
Frida Kahlo
turns 100
Mass MoCA mayhem
Is Banksy
Britain’s best?
Busting the tag
The Chinese ‘Mona Lisa’
The dealer who bought
a Raphael
for $325
The art bubble
Tales of parenting
& the circus
Paris Fashion Week
& here
censorship problems
in Germany
& elsewhere
Scorsese’s way