Late Call
Ben and Vikki had a daughter, 7lb.9oz, born at home at 1.45 a.m. this morning
Florence Wylde Raworth, 12 hours old.
Ben and Vikki had a daughter, 7lb.9oz, born at home at 1.45 a.m. this morning
Florence Wylde Raworth, 12 hours old.
Poets and writers read Whalen’s work
Suzi Winson, Michael Rothenberg, Terri Carrion,
Jim Koller, Louise Landes Levi, Tom Savage, Karl Bruder, Simon Pettet
Sunday, December 12, 2004 3:00 pm
Medicine Show
549 West 52nd St. (bet. 10th & 11th), 3rd fl.
NYC 10019
$20. admission
All attendees will receive a copy of
Continuous Flame: A Tribute to Philip Whalen
photos, tributes, poems, drawings and interviews
Proceeds will go to Poets In Need, Inc. a non-profit organization
that gives Whalen grants to established poets in emergency situations.
for more information go to:
Word/Play is partially funded by the New York State Council on the Arts, a public agency
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