
First walk for almost a week

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Click here for what I saw

Note from Ben

Filed under: — site admin @ 3:30 pm

For what it’s worth, this is what happened:

Our train pulled in to Edgware Road going eastbound. A train passed us into the tunnel going westbound. A huge explosion took all the air from the carriage and made our ears pop. At this point our train’s doors started opening and shutting and the lights went off. We were on the platform, so I got out and walked towards the stairs, as it felt very wrong. I asked the LU man what was up and he told us there had been a power surge, and the Tannoy started telling everybody to evacuate. White dust was coming from the westbound tunnel. I sprinted up the stairs, and people calmly left and started to get cabs and buses, thinking it was a power surge. I texted work at 9.03, and somebody texted back and said there was a bomb. That was it. I knew when the explosion happened that it was a bomb, but believed the power surge thing because it was easy.

Otherwise London is good.

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