
OED advised

Filed under: — site admin @ 2:56 pm

A piece about the justice and benefits of profiteering from the misfortunes of others,
In Praise of Price Gouging, by John Stossel, contains the remarkable sentence (about a bottle of drinking water):

By charging $20, the price gouger makes sure his water goes to those who really need it.

To my knowledge this is the first appearance of the verb “to need” meaning “to have sufficient money”.

A Little Bit Pregnant

Filed under: — site admin @ 1:23 pm

Robert Sheppard’s The Poetry of Saying: British Poetry and its Discontents, 1950-2000

is almost out.

Brian Calvin

Filed under: — site admin @ 3:55 am

Brian Calvin
(see also here)
has a new show which opens

6.30 to 8.30pm
Friday 16th September, 2005

until 22nd October, 2005

11am to 6pm
Tuesday to Saturday

1a Kempsford Road
London SE11 4NU
telephone 020 7840 9111
facsimile 020 7840 9112

Tube: Kennington, Lambeth North
Buses: 3,159,59,155,133,333

Please see website for further directions.

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