
Book By Buck

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For some time I’ve had a pdf file of Buck Downs’ book In Memory D Thompson on my hard-drive: everyone I’ve shown it to has admired and enjoyed the work, and thought it should be published. A blend of elegant artist’s book, short lyrical poems, concrete/visual poetry, precise mis-en-page and intelligent and sensitive use of the local and available, it needed a sure hand: one that has been now provided by Buck himself. Ten inches wide by eight and a half inches high: almost a hundred pages. It can be ordered from Buck Downs, Box 53318, Washington, DC 20009 by che(que)(ck) for fifteen dollars. Those wanting to use a credit card should email Rod Smith at Bridge Street Books and something can be arranged.

Additional music note

Filed under: — site admin @ 3:22 pm

If you go to here where the music lists are archived, you can play any past list by clicking on the appropriate “pod” link while your browser window is open.

Time Passing

Filed under: — site admin @ 2:55 pm

Matilda today.

for complete posts since October 2004 click here, or month-by-month in right-side menu

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