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As usual, clicking the “play” button on the small player in the right-hand column will load and play the tracks while the browser window is open: or the whole mp3 file can be downloaded from the link at the end.
Welche saying
Kitch’s Bebop Calypso: Lord Kitchener London Is The Place For Me – Trinidadian Calypso In London, 1950 – 1956
Hey! Little Child: Alex Chilton Like Flies On Sherbert
Spiro Agnew
Writer’s Block: Fat Lip The Loneliest Punk
A Kind Of Sky II: BlueDeceiver Strapping On The Black And Silver
Duo Improvisation: Joseph Celli & Jin Hi Kim No World Improvisations
Barbados Carnival: Dizzy Gillespie Jambo Caribe
Torture: Jeanne Balibar Paramour
Second Welche saying
Direct download: welche.mp3

Thanks to Pierre Alferi, whose video Tante Elizabeth (from the DVD cinépoèmes & films parlants) directed me towards the Welche dialect and the sentence “Welche is a dialect without numeric strength.”


Filed under: — site admin @ 12:09 pm

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