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from Deadwood Ian McShane
Cinque Incantesimi – 1. Deciso Imperioso Scelsi Chamber Works for Flute and Piano
Madmi Jamil Bashir Anthologie du Recital Oriental
Pictures Joe Harriott Quintet Abstract
Okanagon Giacinto Scelsi (Karin Schmeer/Joëlle Léandre/Robyn Schulkowsky) Okanagon
Study No. 9: ‘The Anti-Abolitionist Riots’ Charles Ives The Unknown Ives
Evocations, 4 Chants for Piano: 4. Adagio Sostenuto (To Charles Ives) Carl Ruggles The Unknown Ives
Better Luck Next Time June Christy Fair and Warmer

Direct download: gs.mp3

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