
Congratulations and Good Wishes

Filed under: — site admin @ 2:38 pm

to Andrea and Matt

Bright Spot

Filed under: — site admin @ 2:33 pm

In the middle of bad news an envelope from Emily full of drawings by her students of poems of mine: I am both touched by, and interested in, their perceptions. Thanks, Emily — and thanks to the mostly anonymous fourteen.

They are here

Another Door Closes

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:56 am

A telephone call a few moments ago from Giona Beltrametti with the news of the death of our friend Giovanna Manduca. A flicker of images. An old Citroen DS. The Palazzo dei Diamante in Ferrara. Summer lightning and thunder. Sara spinning a hula hoop on flagstones scattered with bonzai. A stunning white philadelphus. Giovanna in Parma watching Giovanni paint while Steve played. Our love and sympathy to Michele, Serafina, Sara and their families.

Deck of Cards

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:12 am

made by Boris Kobe in Allach Concentration Camp.

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