

Filed under: — site admin @ 10:11 pm

Railway Station
Yellow Dog Blues Duke Ellington Early Ellington: Complete Brunswick (1926-31)
Railway Station
Chamber Round AK47
Boredom Buzzcocks Lipstick Traces Film Score
If You Pick Her Too Hard (She Comes Out Of Tune) Little Richard Southern Child
The Devil Is On The Loose And Dancing With A Monkey Henry Threadgill Sextet Rag Bush And All
Emanon Dizzy Gillespie The Legendary Dizzy Gillespie Big Band – Live 1946
Diesel Locomotive and Crossing Bell
Mr. Thrill Mildred Jones Warming By The Devil’s Fire

Direct Download: rote.mp3


Filed under: — site admin @ 10:51 am

This is the new punctuation mark to indicate irony….

from the Dutch typographic designers Underware.

Bitter Rice

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:57 am

David Southern (about the Dorn book) points out to me that:

Part of their blurb copy reads thus:

Along with Robert Creeley, Allen Ginsberg, Denise Levertov, Charles Olson, William Carlos Williams, and others, Edward Dorn taught at and became associated with the Black Mountain school in North Carolina.

I am reminded that I once saw your name among “prominent Black Mountain poets.” Denise Levertov certainly contributed to Black Mountain Review, but did she ever teach there? I am almost positive that Allen Ginsberg never set foot on the place and am doubtful that WCW did either. At this point, I’m not sure we will ever know, finally.

Clearly David’s research never went deep enough to find this documentary evidence from the period when WCW and AG jointly taught a class on Italian Cinema.

click to enlarge

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