
Through The Eyes

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It’s been back-then week, mostly. Sad, but expected, to see most of these books out-of-print but, hey, all you need to read is digitalised and online, innit? Lincoln Kirstein’s Rhymes of a PFC, Asa Benveniste’s Listen (published by Ray DiPalma’s Doones), Jean Calais’ (Stephen Rodefer’s) Villon, Auden’s Commonplace Book, Joe Ceravolo’s Spring In This World Of Poor Mutts, Joe Brainard’s The Friendly Way and New Work, Doug Woolf’s Signs of a Migrant Worrier, piero heliczer’s The Perfect Detective, Fee Dawson’s An Emotional Memoir of Franz Kline….. all are worth the effort of finding second-hand copies or a decent library. Robert Sheppard’s A Translated Man and Andy Spragg’s A Treatise On Disaster can be clicked on. And I’m sure you can track down The Do How (try the Portland area and a search for Great Fainting Spells).

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