
Les jours font la queue pour devenir aujourd’hui.

Filed under: — site admin @ 12:54 pm

Thinking of Les Coleman this morning (the title of this post is one of his aphorisms translated by Lucien Suel from the book of Les’ he published titled JE SUIS TROP VIEUX POUR MOURIR JEUNE) I remembered a couple of links from here, some years back. Here and here. The second one has a link to the Belgian press with some of the books still in print. There’s some more stuff here, and here’s a drawing from 2007 titled Shadows.

Water In The Desert

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:24 am

+click to enlarge

Until now the DONATE button has been hit perhaps five times during the past decade: that it was used four times during the past twenty-four hours tells this non-believer in such coincidences to be grateful for whatever loosed the flood. Thank you.

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