
Day of Sargasso

Filed under: — site admin @ 2:49 pm

An email just now from René van der Voort in The Netherlands, reminded me of his old and still excellent piece on Angus MacLise: which reminded me to see what today is (see title), and then to think of putting Angus’ reading of his Universal Solar Calendar a.k.a Year here.

It lasts about 20 minutes, but I find it soothing.

Way Back

Filed under: — site admin @ 10:18 am


My old friend Malcolm Hart, whose Memoirs of an Underground Filmmaker was published recently, has had the generosity to put digitised versions of some of his films/documentaries online. Among them is a cut of NO TIME: a Navajo Rodeo, a film he made with our mutual friend and my ex-partner in Goliard Press, Barry Hall, at Window Rock, Arizona, back in 1973.

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