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Myths of Male Dominance, by Eleanor Burke Leacock  This edition long o.o.p

Cry for a Nickel, Die for a Dime, by Woody Haut   Concorde Press

Tip Regard, by Allen Fisher   Spanner Press (not yet listed)

For Bill, ANYTHING, a festschrift for Bill Berkson by Various   Pressed Wafer

Words Out of Time, by Robert Sheppard   KniveForksandSpoons Press

The Deeper Genome, by John Parrington   Oxford University Press

The Subprimes, by Karl Taro Greenfeld   Harper Collins

L’Underground a Préaux-du-Perche   More than 70pp black & white & colour of much interesting ephemera, letters, postcards, interviews and photographs. Published on the occasion of the exhibition Piero Heliczer aux Bains-Douches, Alençon, France, June 19th to September 22nd 2015 . More information, and how to order here.

Unflattening, by Nick Sousanis   Harvard University Press

Are Poets At A Taste Opera?, by David Benedetti   Noose Soon press, New Mexico. Enquire of the author at

The Drone Eats With Me, by Atef Abu Saif   Comma Press

London Overground, by Iain Sinclair   Hamish Hamilton

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