
Another Old Friend

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Claudio Cometta, 1955 – 2015

A text from Rita in Venice and then an email from Fabrizio in Switzerland saying Claudio is dead. During the 80s and 90s some of my happiest times were in the Ticino and Claudio is part of most memories. Those include us taking turns all night (with another companion) grinding the ashes of a friend to a fine powder with a pestle and mortar, so when scattered in the mountains the following morning they could be carried gently by the breeze. A conservator and restorer, his large studio was like a sunlit museum. Here he is facing that same sunlight leaning on the wall of the Hermann Hesse Museum back in 1998. My last memory of him is a few years ago, sitting laughing outside in the mountain evening with Gian, Rita, Pio, Val and me while Silvia made a great raclette I can still taste. Claudio was a founder member of the Partido Communista Zen, of which only two or three of us remain.

Addio, compagno.

Ciao, caro amico.

Our thoughts and sympathy are with Silvia and Malva

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