

Filed under: — site admin @ 3:24 pm

Just back from a few days in Venice. At the last minute surgery was postponed until December 15th (when recommended surgeon is available). We took the chance of a cheap flight from local airport. Airline did everything right this end, and friends met the plane in Venice with a wheelchair. No internet. Did little more than see old friends, be wheeled around avoiding bridges; eating, drinking, talking, laughing, remembering. The furthest I’ve been away from these rooms for more than a year. I’ll try to catch up on mail over the weekend.

Photoportrait of Stephen Rodefer

Filed under: — site admin @ 3:01 pm

by his son Ben

Stephen Rodefer from Benjamin Rodefer on Vimeo.

Over There

Filed under: — site admin @ 6:34 am


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