
A Roundup And A Welcome Late Arrival

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Lyn Hejinian special issue of Aerial 10
Dick Cheney’s Heart, by Heather Fuller Edge Books
Letters Against The Firmanent, by Sean Bonney Enitharmon
Touché, by Rod Smith Wave Books
Primitive State, by Anselm Berrigan Edge Books
Loitering With Intent, by Muriel Spark this Bodley Head Edition long o.o.p
Crowded by Beauty: The Life And Zen Of Poet Philip Whalen, by David Schneider University of California
The Crossing, by Michael Connelly easy to find
Sonnets, by Ian Heames Face Press 2015
Average Cabin by Tom Raworth 250 copies, Face Press 2015
A Manual For Cleaning Women, by Lucia Berlin Various publishers, you’ll find it
For Face Press information it’s probably best to enquire of Ian Heames (

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