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I Don’t Need To Be Here The Henrys Joyous Porous
In The Bleak Midwinter The King’s College Choir
Cirrus Howard Riley Flight
The Virgin of Guadalupe Myra Melford Snowy Egret
Enchanted Adventures of a Quixotic Character Pt. 3 Tom Harrell Trip
Passé Mette Henriette Mette Henriette
Cadenza on the Night Plain: Captain Jack Has the Last Word Kronos Quartet Sunrise of the Planetary Dream Collector

Direct download: solsturn.mp3

Last posting for a while. I’m taking as a good omen that hospital work tomorrow morning is four hours post-solstice and thus heading into the light,.

for complete posts since October 2004 click here, or month-by-month in right-side menu

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