
Over The Holidays

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The procedure on December 22nd was cancelled at the last moment again (i.e. “in theatre”).The surgeons confessed the impossibility of getting my BP below 225/110, though both they and my GP had tried many and various means during the weeks prior. Again… too dangerous to try. So that was that. The thought now seems to be to have meetings with my cardiologist and the higher ups in the world of anaesthesia and “see”. Cato arrived for a few days, and with him and Bruno we spent Christmas Day in Lewes with Lloyd and By the day after Boxing Day I was down with what proves to be pneumonia. I fought being put into hospital and even the doctor admitted it is no place to be during a holiday period. Outside, it is cold, damp and windy (probably three more of Peter Manson’s favourite Beckett characters).

Perimeter Thralls, Angel Exhaust 23. I probably owe Andrew Duncan thanks for this copy of a journal always worth the effort. A good selection of poems and a fine review/criticism/essay/various section. I always find things of interest throughout Andrew’s writing, and the editors’ and literary consultants’ drones’ surveillance of space and time is exemplary. There might be information on or The editorial address is 12, Eliot Hill, Lewisham, London SE13 7EB, UK.

Physics Envy: American Poetry and Science in the Cold War and after. by Peter Middleton University of Chicago. Peter is another whose writing I find both readable and intelligent and this book helped me through a couple of otherwise bleak days/

From Almost Everywhere: Selected Poems 1965 – 1995. By Franco Beltrametti. Those of Franco’s poems either written in or translated into English. Edited by Stefan Hyner, with many photographs and graphics. Fondazione Franco Beltrametti & Blackberry Books. Available in the US from SPD and in the UK from Amazon.

tensioni, by John Gian. Printed and published in an edition of 27 by edizioneinedite, Venezia, December 2015, with a cover by Francesco Giusti, hand-sewn. As I can’t see how anyone can get a copy, I hesitated including it, but getting and reading this seven-part bi-lingual poem, dedicated to me and “dopo structure from motion“, over the New Year was what my spirit needed. Ciao Gian, ciao Chicco.

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