
A Visitor

Filed under: — site admin @ 12:39 pm


The seagulls were making an unusual din. On the roof of the Language School opposite we noticed a man with a hawk. Too far away for a clear image. We went back inside and shortly after there was a knock. The man had noticed and brought the hawk across for an introduction. The harrier’s name is George. He is not released, as seagulls are protected. But a glimpse of him is enough to scare them away for a couple of weeks. A splendid bird. Some photographs here.


Filed under: — site admin @ 9:50 am

Claudio Tettamanti (TAP) has put up the last of his 4-part video series on Franco Beltrametti. I’ve previously put links to two of them here and here.

The first (posted three years ago) is mostly documentation of an exhibition of Franco’s at the Attila Gallery in Bellinzona during 1992. You can find it here.

The final video documents a performance by Franco, Dario Villa, and Paulo Mazzuchelli (PAM) in the latter’s studio in Minusio, Ticino, in 1992. It is here.

Pilger Looks Around

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:13 am


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