
Interest Held This Week By:

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Desperate Business: Jon and Mick illuminate the state of the nation.

Las Adventures Des Inspector Cabillot: written in Europanto, the language in which we Europeans actually speak to one another.

Drugs – Without The Hot Air: one of the very few intelligent books about drugs, written by the advisor sacked by the Government after this classic exchange with the then Home Secretary Jacqui Smith:

JS: You can’t compare harms from a legal activity with an illegal one.
DN: Why not?
JS: Because one’s illegal.
DN: Why is it illegal?
JS: Because it’s harmful
DN: Don’t we need to compare harms to determine if it should be illegal?
JS: You can’t compare harms from a legal activity with an illegal one.

Collected Poems 1935 – 1992: it’s about time Frank Prince’s poems were back in print and widely available.

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