
piero heliczer

Filed under: — site admin @ 4:43 pm

I’ve uploaded an mp3 of piero heliczer reading as no-one seemed to have anything. It’s from a cassette tape made from a reel-to-reel recorded probably in Anselm Hollo’s flat in London (the baby in the background doesn’t sound like one of ours) in the early 1960s. The poems read are:

00.00 minutes
You Coul Hear the Snow Dripping and Falling into the Deer’s Mouth
06.00 minutes
14.00 minutes
English Girls
18.00 minutes
Paris – a Scenario for a Silent Movie (first 60 seconds distorted, even after work)
26.00 minutes
29.00 minutes
a few fragments

The mp3 should play through, or you can download it for personal use.

piero heliczer webpage

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