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Recovery (Incomplete) Ulli Freer Rot Direkt
Burner On The Buff Ulli Freer Veer Books
|Inoperatives|Sychronisation|Comprehension|Co-Ordinate|Discrepancy| Ulli Freer | Juka Virtanen Rot Direkt
It’s probable that Stephen Mooney at Veer Books can advise you where the Rot Direkt books can be got. Ulli is always worth reading. You can hear Ben Watson read from Recovery (Incomplete) on Resonance Radio here.
Cuaderno de Composicíon Martin Gubbins Libros del Pez Espiral, Chile*
The Bundle: Selected Poems Steve Malmude Subpress/Goodbye
Verso Miguel Naranjo Ríos Ediciones Tácitas, Chile (ISBN 956-8268-11-1)
Líquenes Kurt Folch La Calabaza Del Diablo, Chile* (ISBN 978-956-9400-05-6)
There are some recordings of Kurt reading online.
[E][S][C][A][L][A][S] Martín Gubbins Mangos de Hacha, México
Dante’s Inferno Philip Terry Carcanet, UK A fine read: Hell as it was, is, and shall be.
Rimbaud: 10 Poems Translated by Bill Zavatsky Omerta Publications, San Francisco

*Neither website listed in these books works. It’s probable they now have a Facebook presence: but I don’t.

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