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Yesterday we heard that Tom’s surgery is now scheduled for Monday September 1st. Though still more than two weeks away there is stuff to be done in the interim, drug doses to be adjusted, tests to be monitored, and a whole day (August 21st) of “pre-operation assessment” at a more distant hospital. But it is good to feel something is moving. Yesterday evening the surgeon called to ask us to a special meeting with him tomorrow, Friday, at noon at our local hospital so we hope to get some specific information and, we hope, answers to a cluster of questions. Tom continues quite frail, and although feeling generally exhausted has a very disturbed sleep pattern. He has not been able to get out much, but a few days ago our son Lloyd came by and drove us up to Ditchling Beacon the third highest spot on the South Downs. The evening was sunny and there was both a breeze and a fine view across the Weald. He finds his general clumsiness and in particular his great difficulty with typing very frustrating. Again he asks me to thank friends for their messages, both digital and real-world. This drawing by Ella in Finland and sent by her father Fergal, cheered him this morning….. especially its title Two hands fighting a thermometer. Thanks, Ella and Fergal. Love, Val


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