
Last Note

Filed under: — site admin @ 1:08 pm

Last note. At the end of August Tom gave me access to post to this page as some of the few people who occasionally look at it had begun to write enquiring about Tom's health. It seemed a reasonable idea as both Tom and I detest Facebook and all the other “social media”. This is simply to note very briefly what has been happening. On September 1st Tom had the first high-risk surgery. The surgeon managed to cut out all (they hope) of the awkwardly-placed tumour. But further work was impossible because of two cardiac events and a massive hemorrhage. Another member of the surgical team said he'd never expected to see anything like it in his life. The wound had to be stuffed with swabs and sponges, and Tom came-to on a respirator in the Intensive Care Unit, surrounded by machines and blood transfusions, in the dark.Two days later there was more risky surgery to remove the packing and to see if other originally-intended work could be done. No. So Tom was moved between two High Dependency Units for several days. The main surgeon when he telephoned me said “You have one really tough person there.” He needed to be, as current hospital research indicates that more than 48 hours in those environments produces the equivalent of major post-traumatic-stress disorder. Tom's stomach still did not function, so he could neither eat nor drink. After twelve days with no nourishment except sips of water, a new complicated line was sewn in and he began to receive low volumes of i.v liquids and then nourishment. A contrast CT scan two days ago shows blockages, adhesions and scar tissue. So yet more surgery is indicated. Just this morning I learn that this is urgent and Tom has been put on the C list, which means any time between now and noon tomorrow. I really do not know if he has the strength for a third major surgery within two weeks. I thank good friends like Miles and Jenny for disseminating news in the middle of their own busy lives.

But Tom and I feel all is now a matter simply for family and for the friends we would normally be in touch with at such a time. As Tom cannot even read, let alone write at present, and as I have many things to deal with, I cannot envisage any further posts here. Thank you. Val



I should add to the above that Tom will have no access to any emails sent to his addresses. V


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