
End of Year

Filed under: — site admin @ 1:22 pm

Good wishes for Christmas and the New Year

I emailed this out yesterday and was fascinated both by how many mails bounced back from I assume defunct addresses…. and how many names, as I scrolled the list of contacts, were of the dead. If anyone wondering why they didn’t get one, passes by here; that’s what happened. Almost three months in hospital and “rehab” has my mind elsewhere than online, particularly now we learn from the surgeons that though they eventually got all of the (much larger than they’d thought) tumour, it had metastasised. Further surgery is impossible, and chemo is too risky given my “physical condition”. Nevertheless there’s another battery of full blood tests and CT scans before Christmas… and then, I suppose, the massed ranks of oncologists in the early New Year. I’ll try to add something here when I’ve the energy.

Enjoy the break!

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