Some bright Spring days bring a few chili pepper sprouts this morning, and enough energy to do a little here. Thanks to those who occasionally still click by despite the long gaps between posts. I’ve been bouncing among the ologies (onc, ur, neur and dermat) but now there’s a short break before the next scans and bloodtests. The cancer has not metastasised to any major organs (hence the regular checks), I am able to eat and drink and have regained about a quarter of the 56 lbs I lost. Movement is still difficult and painful, but I can walk a little with my stick. Neurology showed nerves on my left side were irreparably damaged during the surgeries. The furthest I’ve travelled for nine months is a bus or cab ride to the various (luckily local) hospitals. Family and friends have been ace. Slowly I hope to work through the build-up of emails since last September: I’m grateful to all who wrote.