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For a quarter of a century I’ve enjoyed visiting D.C., a city that still manages to support a decent bookstore (Bridge Street Books). I was first invited there by Michael Lally to read with Darrell Gray (isn’t it time someone put his work back in print?) at Trinity. Shortly afterwards Doug Lang asked me to read at Folio Books, on Dupont Circle and became one of my dearest friends. As well as being a fine poet Doug is that rare being, a natural and generous teacher without the cut-throat vanity that makes academia more boring than selling double-glazing. He has now (to my count) four weblogs, all worth anyone’s attention. There is one on D.C. poetry (including history and some autobiography); one on movies; one on music and art and one for the pre-polished raw materials. Not a self-serving word on any of them. Take the RSS feeds: you can only benefit.

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