The Impercipient Magazine

The Impercipient Lecture Series

The Lecture Series: Issues

EDITOR(S): Steve Evans & Jennifer Moxley

ADDRESS: 61 E. Manning Street, Providence RI 02906-4008


ISSN: n/a
FREQUENCY: Monthly (on hiatus in August and December)
SUB. COST: $25 for 10 issues (individual); $40 (institutional);
non-profit reproduction of attributed contents in non-electronic formats encouraged.
Checks payable to either editor.

Small-circulation pamphlet series devoted to poetics. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be considered but queries are welcome.


1.1 (February 1997) The Dynamics of Literary Change by Steve Evans [54pp; Now available in reprint]

1.2 (March) Radical Dogberry & Society Sketches by Chris Stroffolino [29pp; Out of print]

1.3 (April) The Ground Is the Only Figure by Rosmarie Waldrop [48pp; Out of print]

1.4 (May) Readings & Responses to Bob Perelman's The Marginalization of Poetry by Ron Silliman, Ann Lauterbach, Juliana Spahr, and Steve Evans; with a Counter-Response by Bob Perelman [46pp; Still available]

1.5 (June 1997) Imperturbable Things: On Still-Life Poetics by Beth Anderson [22pp; Limited number still available]

1.6 (July 1997) No Saints in Three Acts: On Stephen Jonas by Aldon Lynn Nielsen [44pp; Out of Print]

1.7 (September 1997) Five Years in the Life of Jack Spicer by Lewis Ellingham and Kevin Killian [33pp; Out of Print]

1.8 (October 1997) The Bride of the Assembly Line by Barrett Watten [36pp]