process of building
blue box soy
so profound: "My, you speak well"
wonderous biogenetics in a friendly
follies unfold the human
hawks eye masks your
youthful mind alive or dormant
dogon temporal cosmological (space)
ingenious remarks make you sound like a
ask or interrogate shared ground
goya wouldn't think so
so surround yourself with layout
languish spheres working in
insipious issues going on when speaking
saturdays happen everyday, just not here
back to einstein�s theory of relativity: How did time get
con structed?
how we dissect the body objectified
perception is narrow
(k)nowledge has permeated this "global" (space)
"See that not as fulfilling because other cultures
push back to read cultural difference is part of
critical skill we need to understand world theme
underlining discussion"
dis play euclidean geometry
go beyond textbooks you asshole
a mount expert on points to bring in perspective
10:35.29 a.m.
Where animals can kill you
this is how you appear when you sign-on
this is full animation
she/he female-male respectedly, moves in "real" time
Clock in standard time by who signs on as well
can't do for you
Dungeons & Dragons > computer programing
A Beginner's Guide to HTML
Simulation in "zero time"
save money and where on feet?
Vending machines sell things
anti-vending machines buy them back
This is a primer for producing documents in HTML
the markup language used by
the World Wide Web.
Habit at
Chip and Randy
one screen
multiple levels of reality
• Acronym Expansion
bag full of goodies
machines titled female, gender over history
Frankenstein was the doctor, the birthing envy syndrome creator,
not the mons tor
Get it right
That's paranthetical
Virgin, pristine territory= NO PEOPLE
GOTO <1>
•In-Line Images - alternate Text for Viewers who can't display Images
even have body snatchers
Mary Shelley, the prophet
dr. Frankenstein�s birthing envy
Next step was to create a sheriff
. . Head theivery elects an entire community
More than two genders: Slight breasts in front of ruined castle
what death means is return to your civilization
other bugs in original soft ware
"happy" suburb family 1950's
high heels keep her from running away
oppression comes in many flavours, one size fits all
hands in front frustration
bullets should be expensive
Wizards have special guns- killsinone shot
except for those Superior
bug in software: Mr. Wizard dies and everything falls to ground so
psychopath killer picks up one shot deal gun
- Character Formatting
- Troubleshooting
- Avoid Overlapping Tags
- Embed Anchors and Character Tags, But Not Anything Else
- Check Your Links
man with child on shoulders hands out and up for
freedom: who is the oppressed?
Where there is freedom for one, there is oppression
for many
HTML with child on its shoulders, space open for
freedom: who is the oppressed?
Luis Rodriguez teaches complete literacy
large audience for this
not large enough
sftwre cn only hndle up to crtn # chrctrs
are invisible folks here.
symbol for
Need for new cre-ation
Electronic communication
who could afford a television set back then?
New species soon: dark except for monitor rays
don't leave your housemodemouseprinterpcmonitor
too dangerous out there!
espionage stuff- jail term
ghost in right hand upper very evident enclosing limiting corner at
a most popular wedding only a selected few are invited to
where guests wore their best festive head gear
National Graduate Seminar: Falling Woman
metaphor birth of creation: cycle of life
death exists
is a live
characters could punch each other but couldn't lie down on top of each other
solution: fallacio
Interesting issues of sex&gender intermingled
even suggests implications
Revolutionary reproductive system: Agency & Warranty
no alas for procreation!
safety in sex for once
what does that leave the erotic
no need for Tom to become Deeva on stage
Ratio: 4 to 1
inside simulation: 3 to 1
more men cross/dress in simulation than wimin
Die Rainbow, Die
I am King Lucifer
stop wearing your plastic sole
would be nice to drift back and forth in genders quite
reversal genders
elongated body stretched to perfection
A Longer Example
Circu(i)s body
break off penis to use a cellular phone
telenova misrepresentation
Mama Cielo refuses to imagine
turns to others
turns to obsolete
file deleted
quit "job" because don't approve of phrase on flap of book
you go girl
Edges of Legibility
how body represented in virtual space
legible body= complete literacy > brains exposed useful strategy
peel off outer layers to go beyond only Western "reality" conception
Hackers with t-shirts all plugged in
ready to go
umbilical cord attached to modem to work on beach
ways to procreate are found always
all the way back to Descartes people invisible
child-like visionary
"I'm a prophet"
She was born into interface
computer is a prosthesis for her
she will cross the river
envy of cyborg
collapse of neurology,biology,musculature, in female re-presentation
Architecture in Paris 1920�s- exhibition case
collapsable cultural buildings
people living (out)/side the city - sidewalks to showcase
possible in Roman empire- hydrolics in turn of century
ability to bring water for civilization
cultural coding of suburb
time to join the discussion
(where is he? it's past 10 am and that's when he thinks we begin)
surface becoming visible
physicality of computer in home - shift
to reality
close up facade a gain
practicing witch personal empowerment
impact humanity
we are caged, blocked from conceptual ability, just listen to talk, language
telling proof
Frontier... colonized, again, not advanced, no way
what have we learned?
Creates a nother space for (self)
is a shadow, tangible
ever present from beginning of time, whenever that is
Interactive web-sites in Japan
translation buttons - instant literacy
this is what .i. think doing
defend space created where it is located
space as misconceptual as time
- For More Information
- Fill-out Forms
- Style Guides
- Other Introductory Documents
- Additional References