See also Pavement Saw Magazine


Electronic Poetry Center
Mag/Press Listing
Listing Created/Revised:

Title: Pavement Saw Press

Editor(s): David Baratier
Postal Address: 7 James Street, Scotia NY 12302
                          PO Box 6291, Columbus OH 43206

E-mail (if available):

Ed. Stmt:

All products are perfect bound, with the exception of certain limited
art editions. Pavement Saw Press has no numbering inside any of the
titles. While we are against easily referring to pieces without
re-reading the entire contents, we will hand number the entire book or
journal you purchase for a dime a page, including the contents page, if
requested to do so.

Pavement Saw Press is a not for profit corporation, any donations such
as power tools, books (especially hardcover signed first editions),
automobiles, sums of cash and the like are greatly appreciated and are
considered as charitable tax donations under section 501(c) of the
federal tax code.

Inquire for Library rates.

Publications [presses]: List of publications with descriptions and
ISBNs (if possible)

12 from r h y m m s  by Robert Grenier
Handwritten pages reproduced in
4-color process on 24 pound, watermarked, acid free, recycled paper,
with a 25% cotton mixture to ensure color durability. Limited edition of

110 copies. 10 copies are signed with individual press printed numbers.
Total of 14 pages plus envelope. ISBN: 1-886350-78-7 $20

Oops (Selected poems 1987-1993) by Chris Stroffolino
64 pages, Perfect Bound, Unique Purple cover with smiling picture of
author on back. Includes pieces from New American Writing, Caliban,
Sulfur, Talisman, Lingo, TO, Longshot, American Letters & Commentary and

plenty of others.
Paper Trade ISBN: 1-886350-76-0   $8.00
Hardcover   ISBN: 1-886350-75-2   $75.00

Above the Human Nerve Domain
by Will Alexander
80 pages. Includes pieces from Sulfur, apex of the M, Callaloo, Orpheus
Grid, non, and others.
their art of verbal flight. This is a poet whose lexicon, a 

vertig,o might be culled from the complete holdings of a reconstituted
Alexandrian library endowed for the next milleniu.m  --Harryette Mullen

Paper Trade ISBN: 1-886350-81-7  $12.00
Hardcover   ISBN: 1-886350-82-5   $75.00

Their Shadows are Dark Daughters
by Naton Leslie
40 Pages. Includes pieces which first appeared in Chariton Review,
Black River Review, and West Branch.
Will be done in a fine press edition of 500 copies.
Paper Trade ISBN: 1-886350-50-7 $5.00
Add $1 for Canada & $2.50 for other countries.

These pieces are a serial poem. The example below may or may not give
any notion about the title, with the exception that all of the pieces
are stone sonatas to various degrees.

"These Antiquities are so exceedingly old that no Bookes doe reach them,

so there is no Way to retrive them but by comparative antiquitie, which
I have writt upon the spott, from the Monuments themselves."    John
Aubrey  (1626?1697)

Callanish Stone Circle

Isle of Lewis, Scotland

On this island, a sea?sliver
The Macleods, our name later,
Would prize as defensible,

We don't have a name except Picts,
The peoples, and it is enough
We can stand stones on point.

When cut these fell out
In slender daggers tipped at
An incising angle.  Sandstone

Can gleam as gold, hold pockets
Of quartz, though we have no
Word for that but clear and

Sharp and careful as that would
Split away to its own mind.
She came to see our standing stones

And told me that our members have
Been turned, in her, in our minds,
And then she laughed, said all

This work pointed out what
We needed, the straight line thrust
Into nowhere.  That woman knows

Too much our chief says and I
Agreed, but I like her way
Of running spirals in the places

Of our love. But you must see
Our stones on the coast, dozens
In clear, concupiscent blue

Of late autumns we have here,
Engorged in the condensed light
Of those short days, their shadows

Are dark daughters.

Right Livelihood by David Brooks
Winner of the Pavement Saw Press Poetry Chapbook Award 1997-98
Selected by Jim Daniels. 40 pages, Perfect Bound. ISBN: 1-886350-80-9,

Wherever You Want by Douglas Goetsch
Winner of the Pavement Saw Press Poetry Chapbook Award 1996-97
Selected by Len Roberts. 40 pages, Perfect Bound. ISBN: 1-886350-79-5,

Permutations of the Gallery by Joshua McKinney
Winner of the Pavement Saw Press Poetry Chapbook Award 1995-96
Selected by Naton Leslie. 40 pages, Perfect Bound. ISBN: 1-886350-77-9,

Titles also available through:
Small Press Distribution  /  1341 Seventh St.  /  Berkeley, CA 94710 /
