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Norman Fischer

photo: © 2007 Charles Bernstein/PennSound
Close Listening
WPS1 Reading and Conversation. January
5, 2006
Program One:
with Charles Bernstein (27:40)
Program Two (Selected Poems)
Program (26:30)
Selections from Turn Left in Order to Go Right
1. The Moralist (0:36)
2. I'd Like to See It (2:49)
3. A Thousand Peaks Covered with Snow (2:11)
4. In a Fit (3:39)
5. Homage to Philip Whalen (1:12)
6. Prayer (0:46)
Selections from Success
7. Friday 25 May (1:28)
8. Sunday 27 May (1:07)
9. Monday 11 June (1:13)
10. Wednesday 13 June (1:14)
Selections from Slowly but Dearly
11. Patriotic Songs (1:35)
12. Just How It Goes Along (0:40)
13. Philosophy's Dilemma (1:25)
Selections from I Was Blow Back
14. Series of poems (4:41)
Close Listening is produced by Charles Bernstein for WPS1
Studio Engineer: David Weinstein
Reading at the Kelly Writers House University of
23, 2000:
Selections from Success, Singing Horse, 2000
Friday 2 March (1:17)
Friday 16 March (1:23)
Monday 19 March (1:00)
Saturday 24 March (1:14)
Thursday 5 April (1:19)
Friday 6 April (1:10)
Saturday 19 May (1:29)
Friday 25 May (1:09)
Sunday 27 May (1:11)
Sunday 18 November (1:06)
Tuesday 20 November (0:56)
Wednesday 7 November (1:01)
Wednesday 31 October (1:16)
Segue Series Reading at the Ear Inn February 16, 1985
Complete Reading (43:45):MP3
A section of a long poem "Subject Matter" from Slowly But Dearly, Chax,
Excerpt from Things Overheard are subject to Interpretation (4:01)
Selections from Opening to You: Zen Inspired Translations of the Psalms, Viking
Compass, 2002
Psalm 12 (1:41)
Psalm 22 (5:42)
Psalm 126 (0:38)
Appearing on In the American Tree, hosted by Alan Bernheimer, June 6,
Complete Recording (29:32) MP3
This reading was given with Fanny Howe. The track
numbers reflect the overall order of the reading.
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial
and educational
use only.
All rights to this recorded material belong to the authors. © 2000 Norman
Used with permission of Norman Fischer. Distributed by PennSound.