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Bob Perelman

Photo: © 2007 Charles Bernstein/PennSound

Studio 111 recording session at the University of Pennsylvania,
January 27, 2004
Click here for three pictures of the Studio 111 session.

A Conversation with Bob Perelman (56:31), with host Charles Bernstein and questions from Penn students:
MP3 , RealAudio

Studio 111 Reading
1. "An Autobiography" (7:28)
2. On "An Autobiography" (0:45)
3. "The Unruly Child" (1:26)
4. On "The Unruly Child" (0:30)
5. "Let's Say" (2:06)
6. "Praise & Blame" (4:06)
7. On "Praise & Blame" (0:52)
8. "Chronic Meanings" (5:21)
9. On "Chronic Meanings" (1:22)
10. "The Manchurian Candidate" (19:28)
11. "Confession" (2:59)
12. "Revenge of the Bathwater" (4:45)
13. "The Dream of the Bed" (3:02)
14. "Here 2" (5:47)

Credits: Selections 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, & 11, Ten to One: Selected Poems: (Wesleyan University Press, 1999). Copyright © 1999 by Bob Perelman.

Studio 111 Producer: Charles Bernstein
from Patrick Dillon

Reading at the Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, January 26, 1999

1. In a Nutshell (1:11)
2. The Avant Garde (3:34)
3. The Library: January 28 (2:36)
4. Confession (3:12)
5. Chaim Soutine (5:24)
6. The Manchurian Candidate: A Remake (21:25)
7. Symmetry of Past and Future (8:42)

Reading for Wednesdays @ 4Plus, University at Buffalo, October 19, 1993

Complete Reading (49:57): MP3

Reading at the Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania: "Nine Contemporary Poets Read Themselves Through Modernism", October 14, 2000

1. Introduction by Al Filreis (2:44)
2. Introductory remarks (1:59)
3. About Louis Zukofsky (14:05)
4. "Not Me" and reading from Zukofsky (6:55)
5. "Catalyst" and "Virgil's Fourth Eclogue" (20:03)

To hear the full recording of the program, click here.

Reading at the Bowery Poetry Club, NY, March 11, 2006

Full Reading (42:03)
1. Introduction by Charles Borkhuis (3:07)
2. Iflife (including the "poems" Pleasure, Ankles, & The Past is No Place for Someone Like You) (16:09)
Voice Play (named sections: Only One of Us is Henry James, Ideal Reader, Student Publication, Pound's Penis [aside], Epic Proportions, Theater of Cruelty, Husbands at Their Desks, Poetic Sex, Enemy Readers, How Much is That Poet in the Window, Faith Based Lyric, The Jack Spicer Memorial Neuron, Stein and Miss Murphy, Envoi) (7:28)
4. Veiled Portrait (0:54)
5. Untitled Says it All (0:23)
6. Habits of the Ancients (0:29)
7. Another (0:23)
8. Tank Top (sections: [opening, un-subtitled], Current Poetics, The Remote, Three Coins in a Fountain, Sunday Morning, Host, Mosul, Beating the Bushes) (11:46)

Holloway Series Reading with Mia You, UC Berkeley, November 29, 2006
1. Introduction and Reading by Mia You (21:39): MP3
2. Reading by Bob Perelman
  • introduction (2:45): MP3
  • selection from If Life (43:01): MP3
  • complete reading (46:15): MP3
  • 3. Questions (16:00): MP3

    Segue Series reading at the Bowery Poetry Club, New York, March 24, 2007
    1. Introduction (6:33): MP3
    2. Perelman's Introduction (1:14): MP3
    3. Here Here (8:13): MP3
    4. Perelman discusses Playing Bodies (0:50): MP3
    5. "1" from Playing Bodies (0:31): MP3
    6. "2" from Playing Bodies (0:32): MP3
    7. New Poem 1 (0:30): MP3
    8. New Poem 2 (0:37): MP3
    9. New Poem 3 (0:13): MP3
    10. Liquid Assets (3:46): MP3
    11. The Culture of Barbarism (3:21): MP3
    12. New Poem 4 (0:28): MP3
    13. New Poem 5 (0:34): MP3
    14. New Poem 6 (0:23): MP3
    15. New Poem 7 (0:27): MP3
    16. New Poem 8 (0:28): MP3
    17. New Poem 9 (0:33): MP3
    18. New Poem 10 (0:50): MP3
    19. Only One of Us is Henry James (2:30): MP3
    20. Ideal Reader (0:11): MP3
    21. Student Publication (0:15): MP3
    22. Pound's Penis (aside) (0:51): MP3
    23. Epic Proportions (0:13): MP3
    24. "The past charming itself . . ." (1:07): MP3
    25. Poetic Sex (1:04): MP3

    complete reading (37:54):MP3

    Book release party in celebration of IFLIFE, January 9, 2007

    1. Introduction by Jessica Lowenthal (5:16)
    2. Introduction by Bob Perelman (2:38)
    3. on "Against Shock and Awe" (1:22)
    4. "Against Shock and Awe" (5:49)
    5. on "The Revenge of the Bathwater" (0:56)
    6. "The Revenge of the Bathwater" (5:51)
    7. on "Or Not" (1:10)
    8. "Or Not" (1:10)
    9. on "The Dream of the Bed" (2:08)
    10. "The Dream of the Bed" (3:18)
    11. from "Iflife" (5:06)
    12. from "Tanktop" (1:09)

    You can also hear the entire recording (37:15)

    from A Celebration of George Oppen's 100th Birthday at the Kelly Writers House, April 7, 2008
    "Oppen's Knowledge" (14:12): MP3

    PoemTalk #16: Robert Creeley, "I Know A Man"
    with Al Filreis, Randall Couch, Jessica Lowenthal
    Discussion (25:32): MP3

    PoemTalk #15: Lyn Hejinian, "constant change figures"
    with Al Filreis, Tom Devaney and Tom Mandel
    Discussion (26:27): MP3

    Segue Reading at Double Happiness NYC, February 17, 2001 Lecture on Pound at the Poets House, December 7, 2001
    Part One (47:50):
    Part Two (43:24): MP3

    Segue Reading at the Ear Inn May 24, 1986
    Complete Reading (47:13): MP3
    Talk on Good and Bad/ Good and Evil, May 20, 1985
    First Part (32:18):
    Second Part (30:17): MP3
    Third Part (32:48): MP3
    Fourth Part (12:45): MP3

    Talk on Pronouns Given at 578 Folsom as a Part of the Grand Piano Series, April 1, 1979
    First Part (48:05): MP3
    Second Part (48:30): MP3
    Third Part (31:50): MP3

    Talk on Style Given at 80 Langton St, San Francisco March 23, 1978
    First Part (46:34): MP3
    Second Part (46:47): MP3
    Third Part (41:46): MP3

    Talk Given at Intersection, San Francisco
    Perelman discusses L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poetics, Literary History
    First Part (53:39): MP3
    Second Part (52:32): MP3

    Also at PennSound:
    At the Kelly Writers House, November 11, 2002: "Today's Lament" (4:08) Info File
    At the "Finding the Words" post-9/11 event, November 7, 2001: Untitled (8:35)
    Poetry and Empire: Post-Invasion Poetics [Presented at the ICA, University of Pennsylvania, 2003]
        Revenge of the Bathwater, read Friday, October 17th
        Saturday reading
    "What's the Word" program #163 - Contemporary Language Poetry (29:11): mp3
         Modern Language Association, 2003
         Produced by Sally Placksin.
    On Cross-Cultural Poetics with Leonard Schwartz
    Participation in "DIAPHORISMS", a roundtable discussion with Jean-Michel Rabat� and Osvaldo Romberg
    PhillyTalks Episode #11 with Susan Stewart - April 22, 1999
    Discussion on Pseudonymy/Pseudography with Kent Johnson, Bob Perelman, and Tan Lin hosted by  Joshua Schuster, Kelly Writers House, April 23, 1999. (1:52:31): MP3
    from "Self Portrait with Language Writing" (4:10): MP3
    Bob Perelman hosts a reading by Michael Gottlieb and Tony Lopez in conjunction with Penn's Creative Writing Program
    Discussion with Al Filreis and Ron Silliman after the Bob Cobbing celebration at the Kelly Writers House, October 11, 2007 (5:31)
    Bob Perelman at the benefit reading for Will Alexander, November 1, 2007 (7:12): mp3
    Symposium on William Carlos Williams' "To Elsie" with Al Filreis, Kristen Gallagher, and Shawn Walker MP3

    Bob Perelman on PennSound Daily

    These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2004 Bob Perelman. Studio 111 conversation © 2004 Bob Perelman/Charles Bernstein. Used with permission of Bob Perelman. Distributed by PennSound.