from The Philadelphia Inquirer, Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Ruff Times

On Bainbridge gingko fruit seeds the street

lean neighbors stray their feathered hounds

A city full of dog, a hard-breathing city,

a city that leans at its leash

And draws its corners, feeds

its animal borders, seasonally bright,

Alternately vicious and diffident,

the way a mood changes the weather

Such a city needs animals

to pave wide swaths of light

Meanwhile the nation has spoken

it wants a new system of accessory

It wants Britney to cool down, to pause,

reflect, drink a big chipped mug of compunction

The nation is angry, it has time, while

we walk ourselves by a muddied river

It's a rusty kind of feasibility, this

awful hour of owning beasts

But on to more important matters

divorce is the sign of knowledge in our time

Julia Bloch is a doctoral student in English at Penn. Her work has appeared recently in Mirage/Period(ical), How2, 26: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics, and other journals. Contact her at