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from The Philadelphia Inquirer, Commentary Section

By Kathy Lou Schultz

December 26, 2001

U.S. to scuttle missile treaty, Bush tells Congress

Don't scuttle/but Bush fires back
Don't go all anti-ballistic on me--but
Don't the U.S. and Russia need allies to say
Don't pursue weapons of mass destruction that
Don't solve the problems that you
Don't want in your backyard, please
Don't get sentimental, poems
Don't stop wars ? but shields do (?) "I just
Don't think we should penalize ourselves," so
Don't stay up all night writing poems that
Don't get read on the floor of Congress, or
Don't you hear, "We're going to live with this," and
Don't you hope so?

  • Kathy Lou Schultz is a doctoral student in English at the University of Pennsylvania and a member of the Kelly Writers House Planning Committee.