Goodlands/Tierra Buena Community Arts Program
Centro Nueva Creación
162 W. Tioga St. Philadelphia, PA 19140
Tel. 215.426.3459

"NORTH PHILLY IN FOCUS: Photographs by the Youth of the Goodlands"


Contact: Nicole Marcote, 215.426.3459

February 8th, Philadelphia - The Goodlands Community Arts Program announces its upcoming show, “NORTH PHILLY IN FOCUS.” The exhibition will be held at Kelly Writers House, located at 3805 Locust Walk on the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Opening night is February 23rd from 6 to 8pm; the young artists will be present and available for interviews. The show runs through Friday, March 31st, 2006.

The Goodlands Community Arts Program is part of the community strategy by Centro Nueva Creación to counter the negative impact of the naming of the West Kensington and Fairhill neighborhoods as “The Badlands.” Eight to fourteen year olds from these neighborhoods are given cameras as recording devices to document their own history. Since 2001, the photographs by these young artists have been exhibited in over 15 locations, including galleries in Center City and Chestnut Hill, universities, churches, and schools.